Diaz seems gassed now, keeps ass flopping. Missed the transition out of the guard due to phone call.

Diaz shoots again, after very little stand up, works Geraghty to near far corner and works a ground and pound strategy to little effect.

10 seconds, Diaz tries to turn it on, Geraghty works high guard. Round Ends.

Round 1

(hot ring card girl, the ring girls are looking fineeee tonight) Diaz shoots in immediatley. Diaz gets the takedown. Diaz landing an occasional punch but nothing too exciting. Geraghty going for an arm! 1 minute gone. Kimura attempt now by Geraghty. Diaz escapes. Diaz back in Geragthy's guard. not much happening. halfway through the round. still not much, diaz just throwing the occasional punch. back on their feet now. Geraghty prevents a takedown. Gearghty now on top of Diaz. Back out and lets Diaz back up. 1:15 left in the round. Diaz with a takedown. round ends with Diaz in Gerarghty's guard.

I'm going to give the round to Geraghty based on him trying to finish the fight. Diaz wasn't trying to finish. 10-9 Geraghty IMO.

LOL, ref pulling em off.......

ring girls

*walks around room with cardboard toilet roll*

Round 2 Starts

Geraghty taking the center of the ring, stalking Diaz. Diaz misses a takedown shot and eats a few vitor like punches and is backed into the corner, then works back into guard.

Geraghty working high guard while Diaz works a pass, gets to half-guard, but is just clinging right now. Diaz Passes guard fully, is trying to work to mount.

My media player won't connect, damnit.

They get back to their feet, Diaz gets a few strikes in and works Geraghty into the ropes, then they clinch into the corner, Diaz working knees, then Geraghty responds with his own. Both have a hips back clinch like the Viagra Commercial.

round 2:

geraghty with some small shots. Diaz with the take down. Diaz once again not doing anything from the top position. 1 minute gone. Diaz gets side mount but not doing anything with it. geraghty back up. nothing happening in the clinch. Halfway through the round. bnoth guys doing a little dirty boxing but nothing exciting. pretty boring second round so far. crowd booing. 1 minute left in the round. still no action. zzzzz. Sorry, dozed off there. Ref finally breaks em. Geraght landing leg kicks. Geraghty pressing the action. Round ends though.

Boring round and I'm going to score it 10-10. I have geraghty winning 20-19

Decision to come....

Diaz spends some time laying on Geraghty, trying to dig him out of the corner, then the booing starts. Diaz laying down some body punches, and occasional knees, Geraghty with knees.

Ref seperates, Diaz goes for a fast shot, but misses and ass flops.

I think Diaz lost.

yeah this live feed, is the shit.
and the fights are better than the k1 last night.

TTT for AFC and ATT

I give it to Brian as well (slightly). Let's see what the judges say .

Judges results:

Split Decision

20-18 Geraghty, 20-18 Diaz (WHAT???), and 20-18 for the winner Raphael Diaz

Ummm, NO. Geraghty won that fight. a bad decision.

Split Decision? How the fuck? Diaz wins? I mean, he was maintaining top position, but wasn't doing much at all.

Horrible Decision.

Is anyone else having problems connecting to the feed?

I thought the Brazilian lost that last match.

dodgy decision for mini-arona

Now there's some B.S.

BOOOOOOOOLSHIIIIIIIIIT! Gharrety won both rounds!

LOL @ 'Sexual Healing' ala Reggae.

hey, I like that song............