Against Instant Rematches

There is a debate going on over whether Max v. Volk was a robbery or a close call. Regardless, I don’t think anyone would disagree that Max showed he closed the gap between him and Volk and that a third fight would be a toss up.

Unfortunately, Max was hurt by this being an instant rematch. It is doubtful that he can get another immediate rematch.

This is like when Frankie lost to Bendo, then beat him on most people’s scorecards, but lost according to the judges. It was an immediate rematch and it put Frankie so far from another title shot that he dropped weightclasses.

Instant rematches should be rare and should mostly be reserved for fights that might have been flukey or controversial.

That decision was as fluky and controversial as it gets.

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TwentyNineTwentyEight - That decision was as fluky and controversial as it gets.

My point is that THIS FIGHT calls for an instant rematch, just like Frankie v. Bendo 2. But, it’s far less likely because it itself is a rematch of a not-too-controversial fight.

wiggum - 
TwentyNineTwentyEight - That decision was as fluky and controversial as it gets.

My point is that THIS FIGHT calls for an instant rematch, just like Frankie v. Bendo 2. But, it’s far less likely because it itself is a rematch of a not-too-controversial fight.


Instant rematches are warranted imo when the first fight is razor close and depending on the rest of the division. I think there were enough contenders such as TKZ, Zabit, Yair to let Max get his shot later. And yes this puts Max in a weird spot now

Does the fighter that loses ever win an instant rematch, especially in title fights?

wiggum - 
TwentyNineTwentyEight - That decision was as fluky and controversial as it gets.

My point is that THIS FIGHT calls for an instant rematch, just like Frankie v. Bendo 2. But, it’s far less likely because it itself is a rematch of a not-too-controversial fight.

And I agree. Alex had clearly won the first bout, and Max was pouting like a sore loser. His long reign did give him a reason for the instant rematch.

This time, he was ROBBED. But yep, he blew his instant rematch perk by having this one. Just a couple of wins and he’s back in the mix for sure though.

Non N00B - 

Does the fighter that loses ever win an instant rematch, especially in title fights?

Shogun. Stipe.

TwentyNineTwentyEight - That decision was as fluky and controversial as it gets.

Agreed! It wasn't close! 

It was close.

Max beat him twice now. Over 10 rounds of fighting, Volk never once had Max hurt, dropped, almost finished..... Not even remotely close. Yet Volk was hurt multiple times. Volk's "title reign" has been a complete joke.

RKing85 - It was close.

I agree with what another poster said before. It wasn’t a robbery in the traditional sense that the judging was unreal horrible. The 3rd round was close round, but the majority of people I’ve read, more then 90% did give Max the first 3, even though the 3rd was close, so I do think that kind of makes it in fact a robbery?

Jason - 
RKing85 - It was close.

I agree with what another poster said before. It wasn’t a robbery in the traditional sense that the judging was unreal horrible. The 3rd round was close round, but the majority of people I’ve read, more then 90% did give Max the first 3, even though the 3rd was close, so I do think that kind of makes it in fact a robbery?

That’s how I feel.

Volk won rounds 3, 4, and 5. All 3 judges gave round 3 to Volk. Max won the first two rounds and then couldn’t win one of the next three in order to secure the belt.

Canooke - Volk won rounds 3, 4, and 5. All 3 judges gave round 3 to Volk. Max won the first two rounds and then couldn't win one of the next three in order to secure the belt.

I dont see how people can get upset if a judge saw it this way. I scored it this exact way, 3,4 and 5 for Volk. I would not feel like someone got it wrong though if they scored 3 or 5 for Max. It was a close fight. If I am scoring the fight in its entirety I would give the fight to Volk though. The five round fight was close but Max came out of the 5 rounds worse off imo. I dont think that leg would have lasted another round or two.

Wiggums- As for your point, I agree. I think it would be good if rematches were reserved for fights that have been fluky or controversial.

P.S. I have been giving some thought to your idea that Frankie would be a good matchup for Khabib. You are certainly onto something. I think his skill along with his speed and agility would be a real threat.

Jason - 
RKing85 - It was close.

I agree with what another poster said before. It wasn’t a robbery in the traditional sense that the judging was unreal horrible. The 3rd round was close round, but the majority of people I’ve read, more then 90% did give Max the first 3, even though the 3rd was close, so I do think that kind of makes it in fact a robbery?

10/28 writers polled scored the fight for Volk. So 18/28 scored it for Max, that’s about 2/3s but still means 1/3 of 28 scored it for the other guy.

That is legit evidence imo that it was that debatable and no one won it convincingly.

Calhoon - 
Canooke - Volk won rounds 3, 4, and 5. All 3 judges gave round 3 to Volk. Max won the first two rounds and then couldn't win one of the next three in order to secure the belt.

I dont see how people can get upset if a judge saw it this way. I scored it this exact way, 3,4 and 5 for Volk. I would not feel like someone got it wrong though if they scored 3 or 5 for Max. It was a close fight. If I am scoring the fight in its entirety I would give the fight to Volk though. The five round fight was close but Max came out of the 5 rounds worse off imo. I dont think that leg would have lasted another round or two.

Wiggums- As for your point, I agree. I think it would be good if rematches were reserved for fights that have been fluky or controversial.

P.S. I have been giving some thought to your idea that Frankie would be a good matchup for Khabib. You are certainly onto something. I think his skill along with his speed and agility would be a real threat.

I agree with Luke Thomas when he said it could have been 4-1 Max or 3-2 Volk. R3-4 were close enough to have gone either way imo. I think people’s opinions are also being clouded by the fact that Max won R1-2 by the clearest margins but I don’t think there 10-8s and under the 10 point must, again, I think 4-1 Max or 3-2 Volk are conceivable.

The UFC used to do instant rematches all the time and clogged up divisions for years. Recently though I don't remember them doing it a lot anymore. Doesn't bother me much. 

It all depends on the division. Zabit for example has been the best guy at featherweight for years they have to move guys like that up faster. I don't want a 3rd fight between Max and Volk, then have the winner fight Zombie/Ortega and so on...

They're talking away years from Zabits reign.

Wasa-B - 
Calhoon - 
Canooke - Volk won rounds 3, 4, and 5. All 3 judges gave round 3 to Volk. Max won the first two rounds and then couldn't win one of the next three in order to secure the belt.

I dont see how people can get upset if a judge saw it this way. I scored it this exact way, 3,4 and 5 for Volk. I would not feel like someone got it wrong though if they scored 3 or 5 for Max. It was a close fight. If I am scoring the fight in its entirety I would give the fight to Volk though. The five round fight was close but Max came out of the 5 rounds worse off imo. I dont think that leg would have lasted another round or two.

Wiggums- As for your point, I agree. I think it would be good if rematches were reserved for fights that have been fluky or controversial.

P.S. I have been giving some thought to your idea that Frankie would be a good matchup for Khabib. You are certainly onto something. I think his skill along with his speed and agility would be a real threat.

I agree with Luke Thomas when he said it could have been 4-1 Max or 3-2 Volk. R3-4 were close enough to have gone either way imo. I think people’s opinions are also being clouded by the fact that Max won R1-2 by the clearest margins but I don’t think there 10-8s and under the 10 point must, again, I think 4-1 Max or 3-2 Volk are conceivable.

I think the issue has to do with probability.

If rounds 3-4 were coin flips, then something feels wrong about Volk winning four of four. (Max only needed to win one of those coin flips to get the nod).

wiggum -
Non N00B - 

Does the fighter that loses ever win an instant rematch, especially in title fights?

Shogun. Stipe.

Shogun doesnt count because he didnt really lose the first fight :wink: