Aldo admits selling wolf tickets

Hmm even though I expected it was just to build hype I'm not sure how I feel about this, make your mind up.

UFC featherweight champion Jose Aldo is not a pay-per-view king, so he decided to spice things up heading to his rematch with Chad Mendes at UFC 179 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, on Oct. 25.

The Nova Uniao fighter shoved Mendes during a media day at Maracana stadium in Rio de Janeiro on Tuesday. But when they had to face off again in Sao Paulo on Wednesday, nothing happened.

Speaking to the local media during a media day in Sao Paulo on Wednesday, Aldo explained that his actions were a way to promote his upcoming fight.

"We were talking to Andre (Pederneiras) in a meeting about how we could improve our fight promotions. It’s part of the show. But I told Andre after (the staredown) that it’s not my style," Aldo said. "It was not staged, we were talking (trash) to each other and it happened. … We (Aldo and Pederneiras) tried to spice things up, but that’s it."

Aldo is not the type of fighter who promotes his fights with trash talk and pre-fight melees, and don’t expect him to ever shove another fighter again.

"I’ve never pushed anyone during a staredown before," he said. "I should behave better. I'm not saying I regret it. We did it, it was good. There was a good thing about it that people are now talking about it, but it’s not who I am. It won’t happen again."

Aldo and Mendes are set to headline the UFC 179 pay-per-view fight card in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, on Oct. 25. In their first bout, Aldo defeated Mendes via first-round KO.

Weak... Chael would be furious. Phone Post 3.0

Pedneiras came out and told the ENTIRE mma world that his team was going to talk fake shit now.


Pedneiras at the poker table:

"I like to bluff, man bluffing is so much fun, bluffy bluffy bluff, ok deal the cards"

These Brazilians dude Phone Post 3.0

ChaosOverkill - 

Pedneiras came out and told the ENTIRE mma world that his team was going to talk fake shit now.


Pedneiras at the poker table:

"I like to bluff, man bluffing is so much fun, bluffy bluffy bluff, ok deal the cards"

I understand your metaphor, and I could reply with something like "yeah and now he's got aces" but you don't get delt the same cards every hand.

He has some Aces in the hole for sure.


OP is right, Aldo got dem wolf tix

Aldo broke kayfabe, Vince would FIIIRRRRRRRRRE his ass for that

And he clearly didn't learn how to promote...... Phone Post 3.0

I had my suspicions when he didn't throw his shoe after being separated.

ChaosOverkill -

Pedneiras came out and told the ENTIRE mma world that his team was going to talk fake shit now.


Pedneiras at the poker table:

"I like to bluff, man bluffing is so much fun, bluffy bluffy bluff, ok deal the cards"


The Brazilians need a pro wrestling hype coach to teach them the finer points of working the mic such as the importance of staying in character, not breaking kayfabe, etc. Phone Post 3.0

Not sure if he's referring to the push at the press conference or the twitter tirade.

Maybe he feels stupid that he accused Mendes of using PED's.

Lol you're not supposed to fucking tell everyone. Phone Post 3.0

Oh, good Lord, Aldo shouldn't talk. Just fight.



Rudi - Lol you're not supposed to fucking tell everyone. Phone Post 3.0
This, and even if you are at least do it after the fight! Phone Post 3.0

"We thought of how we could stir things up to generate some buzz.

Then when we did wasn't staged."


ausgepicht - "We thought of how we could stir things up to generate some buzz.

Then when we did wasn't staged."

I think you're too retarded to realize he meant it wasn't staged or planned between him and mendes.

that's none of my business though.

#aBrazilianFuckedAusgepichtsMom Phone Post 3.0

theoutsiders - 
ausgepicht - "We thought of how we could stir things up to generate some buzz.

Then when we did wasn't staged."

I think you're too retarded to realize he meant it wasn't staged or planned between him and mendes.

that's none of my business though.

#aBrazilianFuckedAusgepichtsMom Phone Post 3.0

Member Since: 1/17/TRO11

ausgepicht -
theoutsiders - 
ausgepicht - "We thought of how we could stir things up to generate some buzz.

Then when we did wasn't staged."

I think you're too retarded to realize he meant it wasn't staged or planned between him and mendes.

that's none of my business though.

#aBrazilianFuckedAusgepichtsMom Phone Post 3.0

Member Since: 1/17/TRO11
easily the worst poster on this forum. Phone Post 3.0

Silverball - I had my suspicions when he didn't throw his shoe after being separated.

Very good! :)

Silverball - I had my suspicions when he didn't throw his shoe after being separated.

Haha nice Phone Post

time traveling 12er -
ausgepicht - 
theoutsiders - 
ausgepicht - "We thought of how we could stir things up to generate some buzz.

Then when we did wasn't staged."

I think you're too retarded to realize he meant it wasn't staged or planned between him and mendes.

that's none of my business though.

#aBrazilianFuckedAusgepichtsMom Phone Post 3.0

Member Since: 1/17/TRO11

He's right though. You misread what Aldo was saying.
. Phone Post 3.0