Aldo = all hype

One of the P4P best? Not in a million years.

Why is this guy so hyped? Just like Urijah.

Chad Mendez would beat him with his wrestling and agression

He is also a cheater, grabs the fence any chance he can get.

he's good,but has been the least impressive current champ since winning the title

 Completely disagree with most of you.  Florian was wall and stalling him and cosntantly dropping down to a leg.  Aldo did fantastic in defending and still getting his offense off.  The fight was basically shortened by Florian's tactics.  How much do you expect Aldo to do in what was basically a 1/2 of the fight since the stalling used up the other half.  

hes hyped because hes a champ and hasnt lost in 5 years....

quit hating

SinCityHustler -  Completely disagree with most of you.  Florian was wall and stalling him and cosntantly dropping down to a leg.  Aldo did fantastic in defending and still getting his offense off.  The fight was basically shortened by Florian's tactics.  How much do you expect Aldo to do in what was basically a 1/2 of the fight since the stalling used up the other half.  

10er gonna try and 11er it up

Doesn't belong anywhere near a PFP list. He gets more boring with each passing fight. I thought I was watching a point sparring match. No combos at all. Terrible.

SinCityHustler -  Completely disagree with most of you.  Florian was wall and stalling him and cosntantly dropping down to a leg.  Aldo did fantastic in defending and still getting his offense off.  The fight was basically shortened by Florian's tactics.  How much do you expect Aldo to do in what was basically a 1/2 of the fight since the stalling used up the other half.  

. Phone Post

money mendez to fuck him up

SinCityHustler -  Completely disagree with most of you.  Florian was wall and stalling him and cosntantly dropping down to a leg.  Aldo did fantastic in defending and still getting his offense off.  The fight was basically shortened by Florian's tactics.  How much do you expect Aldo to do in what was basically a 1/2 of the fight since the stalling used up the other half.  

Ask rampage how hard it is to look good against a wall n staller. I dont fault aldo Phone Post

Barry Soetoro Jr - One of the P4P best? Not in a million years.

Why is this guy so hyped? Just like Urijah.

Kenny is a tough fight for anybody. It was a good match up for Jose. He does get a little too much hype. Phone Post

Well, he was a beast. Not sure whats going on with his last 2 fights. I blame his team and corner. Theyre ruining a great fighter.

LOL he passed Kenny's "world class jiu jitsu" like he was in class.

SinCityHustler -  Completely disagree with most of you.  Florian was wall and stalling him and cosntantly dropping down to a leg.  Aldo did fantastic in defending and still getting his offense off.  The fight was basically shortened by Florian's tactics.  How much do you expect Aldo to do in what was basically a 1/2 of the fight since the stalling used up the other half.  


SinCityHustler -  Completely disagree with most of you.  Florian was wall and stalling him and cosntantly dropping down to a leg.  Aldo did fantastic in defending and still getting his offense off.  The fight was basically shortened by Florian's tactics.  How much do you expect Aldo to do in what was basically a 1/2 of the fight since the stalling used up the other half.  
Too bad Aldo disagrees with you. However, I am sure you know more than Aldo about himself.

He apologized for not beign aggressive and only throwing one punch at a time and note throwing kicks. He was worried about getting taken down. He had little to no offense beyond a point sparring one punch. Since you are new to the sport, you'll be excited to know there was actually 2 people in the ring. The other person that Kenny was fighting has this thin we call takedown defense. He used it to stop Kenny from taking it down. Noobies use the blanket statement wall and stall because takedown defense is something they are unfamiliar with.

Keep watching fights and you'll learn more.


ausgepicht - 
SinCityHustler -  Completely disagree with most of you.  Florian was wall and stalling him and cosntantly dropping down to a leg.  Aldo did fantastic in defending and still getting his offense off.  The fight was basically shortened by Florian's tactics.  How much do you expect Aldo to do in what was basically a 1/2 of the fight since the stalling used up the other half.  
Too bad Aldo disagrees with you. However, I am sure you know more than Aldo about himself.

He apologized for not beign aggressive and only throwing one punch at a time and note throwing kicks. He was worried about getting taken down. He had little to no offense beyond a point sparring one punch. Since you are new to the sport, you'll be excited to know there was actually 2 people in the ring. The other person that Kenny was fighting has this thin we call takedown defense. He used it to stop Kenny from taking it down. Noobies use the blanket statement wall and stall because takedown defense is something they are unfamiliar with.

Keep watching fights and you'll learn more.


 Yes exactly.  He wasn't able to get off due to Florian's game plan of relentless takedown and clinching attempts.  As a result we were subjected to only watching about 1/2 of the actual fight, as the other half was spent up against the cage defending.  Of course he could have upped the aggression and likely been taken down and perhaps even lost, but who would that apease, uninformed fans like you?  Aldo's too smart for that, even if his offensive game suffered tremendously for it.  But don't take my word or Aldo's for it, have your parents read it to you this time and explain the parts that you simply can't comprehend.        And if they wont do it for you, PM me and I'll be happy to dumb it way down for you so that it makes more sense.   

SinCityHustler - 
ausgepicht - 
SinCityHustler -  Completely disagree with most of you.  Florian was wall and stalling him and cosntantly dropping down to a leg.  Aldo did fantastic in defending and still getting his offense off.  The fight was basically shortened by Florian's tactics.  How much do you expect Aldo to do in what was basically a 1/2 of the fight since the stalling used up the other half.  
Too bad Aldo disagrees with you. However, I am sure you know more than Aldo about himself.

He apologized for not beign aggressive and only throwing one punch at a time and note throwing kicks. He was worried about getting taken down. He had little to no offense beyond a point sparring one punch. Since you are new to the sport, you'll be excited to know there was actually 2 people in the ring. The other person that Kenny was fighting has this thin we call takedown defense. He used it to stop Kenny from taking it down. Noobies use the blanket statement wall and stall because takedown defense is something they are unfamiliar with.

Keep watching fights and you'll learn more.


 Yes exactly.  He wasn't able to get off due to Florian's game plan of relentless takedown and clinching attempts.  As a result we were subjected to only watching about 1/2 of the actual fight, as the other half was spent up against the cage defending.  Of course he could have upped the aggression and likely been taken down and perhaps even lost, but who would that apease, uninformed fans like you?  Aldo's too smart for that, even if his offensive game suffered tremendously for it.  But don't take my word or Aldo's for it, have your parents read it to you this time and explain the parts that you simply can't comprehend.        And if they wont do it for you, PM me and I'll be happy to dumb it way down for you so that it makes more sense.   
Clinch attempts? LOL..that's asinine. They were takedown attempts. Aldo has excellent defense and he stopped the takedowns. Stop being a noob. Kenny was trying to get it to the ground, and because you don't recognize wrestling doesn't mean he wasn't trying to do that.

You are one giant sucker if you believe Aldo, who is Brazilian and has a BJJ black belt was scared to the go to the ground. It's a LAME excuse for a shitty performance where ironically enough, Aldo not Florian chokes.

That fact that you are so worked up and upset, is the response of someone who knows they are wrong and is trying to save face by deflection. When you are in the sport longer you'll learn recognize takedowns and takedown attempts. Best of luck, KKM. Clearly your screen name was sold to a NOOB for $50. Is this the new trend now? 11ers buying '01 names? We're fucked.


ausgepicht - Doesn't belong anywhere near a PFP list. He gets more boring with each passing fight. I thought I was watching a point sparring match. No combos at all. Terrible.

 Spamming mis information in every thread eh?

Go ahead and list your top 10 P4P that doesn't include Aldo so we can all laugh at you.....PLEASE.