Aldo = all hype

ausgepicht - 
SinCityHustler -  Completely disagree with most of you.  Florian was wall and stalling him and cosntantly dropping down to a leg.  Aldo did fantastic in defending and still getting his offense off.  The fight was basically shortened by Florian's tactics.  How much do you expect Aldo to do in what was basically a 1/2 of the fight since the stalling used up the other half.  
Too bad Aldo disagrees with you. However, I am sure you know more than Aldo about himself.

He apologized for not beign aggressive and only throwing one punch at a time and note throwing kicks. He was worried about getting taken down. He had little to no offense beyond a point sparring one punch. Since you are new to the sport, you'll be excited to know there was actually 2 people in the ring. The other person that Kenny was fighting has this thin we call takedown defense. He used it to stop Kenny from taking it down. Noobies use the blanket statement wall and stall because takedown defense is something they are unfamiliar with.

Keep watching fights and you'll learn more.


 Shocking, more eleitist Douchebaggery....

Your East Coast hero FAILED miserably. He got handled by Aldo, and Aldo did what he had to to ensure he wasn't put on his back and blanketed by Kenny. He also landed combos in every round, and had your boy MOUNTED a couple times.

Keep pointing to join dates and calling people n00bs though, it really helps people see your point and want to take you seriously. Dick.

ausgepicht - 

Clinch attempts? LOL..that's asinine. They were takedown attempts. Aldo has excellent defense and he stopped the takedowns. Stop being a noob. Kenny was trying to get it to the ground, and because you don't recognize wrestling doesn't mean he wasn't trying to do that.

You are one giant sucker if you believe Aldo, who is Brazilian and has a BJJ black belt was scared to the go to the ground. It's a LAME excuse for a shitty performance where ironically enough, Aldo not Florian chokes.

That fact that you are so worked up and upset, is the response of someone who knows they are wrong and is trying to save face by deflection. When you are in the sport longer you'll learn recognize takedowns and takedown attempts. Best of luck, KKM. Clearly your screen name was sold to a NOOB for $50. Is this the new trend now? 11ers buying '01 names? We're fucked.


 Wait so if your a BJJ black belt, and your nationality is Brasillian, you should WANT to be on your back in the Ultimate Top Conrol Championships? 

Man this shit is pathetically idiotic on your part. You are seriously trying to argue that Aldo should have given Kenny more opportunities to take him down and be on top?

If anyone needs to learn MMA it is YOU. That or you're just SO biased that it causes you to say very stupid things.

Kenny CHOKED yet again in a title fight. He did NOTHING to try and beat Aldo. He tried to win rounds by attempting TDs and failed miserably.

LayNprayNINJA - 
ausgepicht - 
SinCityHustler -  Completely disagree with most of you.  Florian was wall and stalling him and cosntantly dropping down to a leg.  Aldo did fantastic in defending and still getting his offense off.  The fight was basically shortened by Florian's tactics.  How much do you expect Aldo to do in what was basically a 1/2 of the fight since the stalling used up the other half.  
Too bad Aldo disagrees with you. However, I am sure you know more than Aldo about himself.

He apologized for not beign aggressive and only throwing one punch at a time and note throwing kicks. He was worried about getting taken down. He had little to no offense beyond a point sparring one punch. Since you are new to the sport, you'll be excited to know there was actually 2 people in the ring. The other person that Kenny was fighting has this thin we call takedown defense. He used it to stop Kenny from taking it down. Noobies use the blanket statement wall and stall because takedown defense is something they are unfamiliar with.

Keep watching fights and you'll learn more.


 Shocking, more eleitist Douchebaggery....

Your East Coast hero FAILED miserably. He got handled by Aldo, and Aldo did what he had to to ensure he wasn't put on his back and blanketed by Kenny. He also landed combos in every round, and had your boy MOUNTED a couple times.

Keep pointing to join dates and calling people n00bs though, it really helps people see your point and want to take you seriously. Dick.

Kenny failed badly not sure what your point is. Apparently you are imagining a lot of stuff.

Aldo was boring, plain and simple. You are a cry baby, plain and simple. Nothing worse than effeminate men posting here. It's ruining the forum.


 Ha Ha that guy's a joke and claims anyone other than him is getting mad.  He can't recognize the clinching up against the cage and although already stated that Florian was relelntless with his take  down attmepts, feels the need to drive it home that Florian was actually trying to take Aldo down.  Ha Ha, well no shit Sherlock.  Is this kid retarded or something?  I was only half joking when I said that his parents should explain it to him but now im convinced he really doens't have reading comprehension.  Question Augie, is english your second language?  

uh... he won the fight dummies. like he always does...

you can't be overhyped when you keep beating all comers.

LayNprayNINJA - 
ausgepicht - 

Clinch attempts? LOL..that's asinine. They were takedown attempts. Aldo has excellent defense and he stopped the takedowns. Stop being a noob. Kenny was trying to get it to the ground, and because you don't recognize wrestling doesn't mean he wasn't trying to do that.

You are one giant sucker if you believe Aldo, who is Brazilian and has a BJJ black belt was scared to the go to the ground. It's a LAME excuse for a shitty performance where ironically enough, Aldo not Florian chokes.

That fact that you are so worked up and upset, is the response of someone who knows they are wrong and is trying to save face by deflection. When you are in the sport longer you'll learn recognize takedowns and takedown attempts. Best of luck, KKM. Clearly your screen name was sold to a NOOB for $50. Is this the new trend now? 11ers buying '01 names? We're fucked.


 Wait so if your a BJJ black belt, and your nationality is Brasillian, you should WANT to be on your back in the Ultimate Top Conrol Championships? 

Man this shit is pathetically idiotic on your part. You are seriously trying to argue that Aldo should have given Kenny more opportunities to take him down and be on top?

If anyone needs to learn MMA it is YOU. That or you're just SO biased that it causes you to say very stupid things.

Kenny CHOKED yet again in a title fight. He did NOTHING to try and beat Aldo. He tried to win rounds by attempting TDs and failed miserably.

 Agreed.  Augie's post has ot be a joke.  No one is that dumb, are they?  He wnats us to actually believe that Aldo should have allowed the take downs?       I htin someone bypassed the parental control on their computer and is logged in while his parents are gone.        I will give the little fella that watching his melt downs are rather entertaining.        

Aldo outclassed Florian everywhere. He mounted him several times, and landed every significant strike in the fight

was it his most dominant performance? Not by a long shot

was it his most entertaining performance? Nope

Not every performance is going to be like his fights against Brown and Faber

ausgepicht - 

Kenny failed badly not sure what your point is. Apparently you are imagining a lot of stuff.

Aldo was boring, plain and simple. You are a cry baby, plain and simple. Nothing worse than effeminate men posting here. It's ruining the forum.


 Hahahaha. Now you have to insinuate I am gay because I am discussing this fight and you cannot respond with any facts. 

Your bias and immaturity are shinning through. 

Still waiting for your 10 fighters that belong over Aldo in the p4p btw....


ausgepicht - Doesn't belong anywhere near a PFP list. He gets more boring with each passing fight. I thought I was watching a point sparring match. No combos at all. Terrible.

 Name 10 fighters that belong above him currently....

SinCityHustler -  Ha Ha that guy's a joke and claims anyone other than him is getting mad.  He can't recognize the clinching up against the cage and although already stated that Florian was relelntless with his take  down attmepts, feels the need to drive it home that Florian was actually trying to take Aldo down.  Ha Ha, well no shit Sherlock.  Is this kid retarded or something?  I was only half joking when I said that his parents should explain it to him but now im convinced he really doens't have reading comprehension.  Question Augie, is english your second language?  

Yes, it's my second language. I speak 3 languages fluently, 4 dialects and can read and write Sanskrit and currently learning Sumerian cuneiform. How many do you speak? Curious.

Funny that you should mention reading comprehension, because LayAndPray has stated that Kenny wasn't trying for takedowns, but just clinching for no other reason. How did you miss that?

You've really only shown yourself to be the idiot so far, and I don't even have to do much to prove it as you do such a smash up job yourself.

LayNprayNINJA - 
ausgepicht - Doesn't belong anywhere near a PFP list. He gets more boring with each passing fight. I thought I was watching a point sparring match. No combos at all. Terrible.

 Name 10 fighters that belong above him currently....
In no particular order:

1. Anderson

2. GSP

3. Frankie Edgar

4. Jon Jones

5. Cain Velasquez

6. Dominick Cruz

7. Shogun

8. Gilbert Melendez

9. Dan Henderson

10. Mark Coleman


Like it or not, the UFC can't keep selling Aldo as a one hitter quitter, killer when all they have seen is distance point fighting.

No one but US watched him in the WEC.

So telling the fans he wrecked shop there was like saying some kid was the best quarterback in high school history.

Ron Powlus. Notre Dame.

How many Heismans did he win?

Aldo is in the big time, fans never saw him on Versus and it just isn't "sick", "scary striking" or a "killer". Phone Post

LayNprayNINJA - 
ausgepicht - 

Kenny failed badly not sure what your point is. Apparently you are imagining a lot of stuff.

Aldo was boring, plain and simple. You are a cry baby, plain and simple. Nothing worse than effeminate men posting here. It's ruining the forum.


 Hahahaha. Now you have to insinuate I am gay because I am discussing this fight and you cannot respond with any facts. 

Your bias and immaturity are shinning through. 

Still waiting for your 10 fighters that belong over Aldo in the p4p btw....


I wasn't insinuating you were gay at all. I've seen macho gays. I was insinuating that you are either a eunech or a tranny. 


THE CACTUS KID - Chad Mendez would beat him with his wrestling and agression

This. I'm definitely laying down some cash on him when they fight. Mendez wins that fight easily. Phone Post

JeffersonDArcyChoke -  Like it or not, the UFC can't keep selling Aldo as a one hitter quitter, killer when all they have seen is distance point fighting.

No one but US watched him in the WEC.

So telling the fans he wrecked shop there was like saying some kid was the best quarterback in high school history.

Ron Powlus. Notre Dame.

How many Heismans did he win?

Aldo is in the big time, fans never saw him on Versus and it just isn't "sick", "scary striking" or a "killer". Phone Post
Bingo. There goes any attempts by those other 2 noobs trying to imply I was imagining it.



Was BJ Penn overhyped? Kenny Florian pretty much pulled the same gameplan against BJ for 4 rounds. It's hard to fight someone who fights so cautiously.

JeffersonDArcyChoke -  Like it or not, the UFC can't keep selling Aldo as a one hitter quitter, killer when all they have seen is distance point fighting.

No one but US watched him in the WEC.

So telling the fans he wrecked shop there was like saying some kid was the best quarterback in high school history.

Ron Powlus. Notre Dame.

How many Heismans did he win?

Aldo is in the big time, fans never saw him on Versus and it just isn't "sick", "scary striking" or a "killer". Phone Post
I completely agree with what you are saying that most UFC fans were not watching WEC when he made his name

but don't you think it's a little different considering his entire weight class was moved to the UFC?

The entire lineage of the UFC FW and BW divisions occured in the WEC, are they supposed to just act like these things didn't happen because he has had decisions in his past two fights?

ausgepicht - 
SinCityHustler -  Ha Ha that guy's a joke and claims anyone other than him is getting mad.  He can't recognize the clinching up against the cage and although already stated that Florian was relelntless with his take  down attmepts, feels the need to drive it home that Florian was actually trying to take Aldo down.  Ha Ha, well no shit Sherlock.  Is this kid retarded or something?  I was only half joking when I said that his parents should explain it to him but now im convinced he really doens't have reading comprehension.  Question Augie, is english your second language?  

Yes, it's my second language. I speak 3 languages fluently, 4 dialects and can read and write Sanskrit and currently learning Sumerian cuneiform. How many do you speak? Curious.

Funny that you should mention reading comprehension, because LayAndPray has stated that Kenny wasn't trying for takedowns, but just clinching for no other reason. How did you miss that?

You've really only shown yourself to be the idiot so far, and I don't even have to do much to prove it as you do such a smash up job yourself.

 Yeah um NO. I never said anything like that.

Do you get to just make shit up now?

ausgepicht - 
LayNprayNINJA - 
ausgepicht - Doesn't belong anywhere near a PFP list. He gets more boring with each passing fight. I thought I was watching a point sparring match. No combos at all. Terrible.

 Name 10 fighters that belong above him currently....
In no particular order:

1. Anderson

2. GSP

3. Frankie Edgar

4. Jon Jones

5. Cain Velasquez

6. Dominick Cruz

7. Shogun

8. Gilbert Melendez

9. Dan Henderson

10. Mark Coleman


 DId you miss the word "CURRENTLY" or are you just trolling? I know you're not that stupid.....?

Since when does being boring mean you go down in P4P ranking anyway? Look at GSP, he's the boring of boring yet you all have them at #1 or #2.