Aldo = all hype

ausgepicht - 
SinCityHustler -  Ha Ha that guy's a joke and claims anyone other than him is getting mad.  He can't recognize the clinching up against the cage and although already stated that Florian was relelntless with his take  down attmepts, feels the need to drive it home that Florian was actually trying to take Aldo down.  Ha Ha, well no shit Sherlock.  Is this kid retarded or something?  I was only half joking when I said that his parents should explain it to him but now im convinced he really doens't have reading comprehension.  Question Augie, is english your second language?  

Yes, it's my second language. I speak 3 languages fluently, 4 dialects and can read and write Sanskrit and currently learning Sumerian cuneiform. How many do you speak? Curious.

Funny that you should mention reading comprehension, because LayAndPray has stated that Kenny wasn't trying for takedowns, but just clinching for no other reason. How did you miss that?

You've really only shown yourself to be the idiot so far, and I don't even have to do much to prove it as you do such a smash up job yourself.

 I see, so you're a jack of all trades and a master of none.  Kudos, your reading comprehension can be worked on and knowing multiple languages is admirable.  I'd say it's a wash and you do show potential.  As for me, I only speak 2 languages fluently but I can also read and write.  And Lay and Pray is correct, Kenny was trying to win a points fight with take downs, both from the clinch and from leg attacks.   Question Augie, have you ever trianed or competed in any type of combat sport at all?  It's OK if you haven't, just trying to see if a complete lack of first hand experience is responsible for you just not getting this.       This really isn't that complicated, although we agree you're reading comprehension isn't up to par at all.  

 Jose "NO COMBOS" Aldo:



He was tentative because Florian is a GREAT fighter and equally skilled, just not as physical, he fought perfectly.

ShaqNoob - Since when does being boring mean you go down in P4P ranking anyway? Look at GSP, he's the boring of boring yet you all have them at #1 or #2.

 I wanted to ask the MMA guru mr german d-bag how he has GSP up at #1 or 2 despite TRULY being a point fighter and going to decision MANY MANY more times than Aldo recently...

I don't expect a sound response though. He is getting laid down in this thread and has nothing factual left.

He will likely try and talk about reading comprehension and how he is SO smart and we are all stupid for disagreeing and providing facts/GIFs to show him how wrong he is.

In 3......2......1....


LayNprayNINJA - 
ausgepicht - 
LayNprayNINJA - 
ausgepicht - Doesn't belong anywhere near a PFP list. He gets more boring with each passing fight. I thought I was watching a point sparring match. No combos at all. Terrible.

 Name 10 fighters that belong above him currently....
In no particular order:

1. Anderson

2. GSP

3. Frankie Edgar

4. Jon Jones

5. Cain Velasquez

6. Dominick Cruz

7. Shogun

8. Gilbert Melendez

9. Dan Henderson

10. Mark Coleman


 DId you miss the word "CURRENTLY" or are you just trolling? I know you're not that stupid.....?
Who isn't a current guy?


ausgepicht - 
LayNprayNINJA - 
ausgepicht - 
LayNprayNINJA - 
ausgepicht - Doesn't belong anywhere near a PFP list. He gets more boring with each passing fight. I thought I was watching a point sparring match. No combos at all. Terrible.

 Name 10 fighters that belong above him currently....
In no particular order:

1. Anderson

2. GSP

3. Frankie Edgar

4. Jon Jones

5. Cain Velasquez

6. Dominick Cruz

7. Shogun

8. Gilbert Melendez

9. Dan Henderson

10. Mark Coleman


 DId you miss the word "CURRENTLY" or are you just trolling? I know you're not that stupid.....?
Who isn't a current guy?


 So you're being serious? Mark Coleman > Aldo p4p right now?

Shogun who just got wrescked by Jones and has no kness left?

This isn't 2005/ know that right?

LayNprayNINJA -  Jose "NO COMBOS" Aldo:
Not sure what your point is. So Aldo threw 7 combos in 25 minutes? It just confirms what I'm saying. He threw mostly one punch at a time and rarely threw combos and it's something that Aldo himself apologized for and explained. I'm simply in agreement with him and you trying to prove me wrong is the same as trying to prove Aldo wrong. Don't you get that?

Listen, I know you aren't going to budge, but you have to ask yourself why did Aldo apologize, and why are there multiple threads and posts about it? Are we ALL imagining it?

LayNprayNINJA - 
ausgepicht - 
LayNprayNINJA - 
ausgepicht - 
LayNprayNINJA - 
ausgepicht - Doesn't belong anywhere near a PFP list. He gets more boring with each passing fight. I thought I was watching a point sparring match. No combos at all. Terrible.

 Name 10 fighters that belong above him currently....
In no particular order:

1. Anderson

2. GSP

3. Frankie Edgar

4. Jon Jones

5. Cain Velasquez

6. Dominick Cruz

7. Shogun

8. Gilbert Melendez

9. Dan Henderson

10. Mark Coleman


 DId you miss the word "CURRENTLY" or are you just trolling? I know you're not that stupid.....?
Who isn't a current guy?


 So you're being serious? Mark Coleman > Aldo p4p right now?

Shogun who just got wrescked by Jones and has no kness left?

This isn't 2005/ know that right?

The Hammer is timeless. Show some respect you dirty monkey. Shogun didn't just get wrecked by Jones, Jones. Jones just beat Rampage and Shogun just TKOed Forrest. Just because Shogun lost to Jones doesn't mean he doesn't beat everyone else in the division and belongs on a PFP list.


ausgepicht - 
LayNprayNINJA -  Jose "NO COMBOS" Aldo:
Not sure what your point is. So Aldo threw 7 combos in 25 minutes? It just confirms what I'm saying. He threw mostly one punch at a time and rarely threw combos and it's something that Aldo himself apologized for and explained. I'm simply in agreement with him and you trying to prove me wrong is the same as trying to prove Aldo wrong. Don't you get that?


Listen, I know you aren't going to budge, but you have to ask yourself why did Aldo apologize, and why are there multiple threads and posts about it? Are we ALL imagining it?

No, you clearly said "Aldo threw NO combos"...then back pedaled.

He didn't only throw 7 combos either...that's just all the Gifs I could fins in a short time frame.

You made false statements and tried to pass them off as facts. I am just here to correct you, and point out your hypocrisy. You JUST defended Cruz for not finishing....and go on to call Aldo a "point fighter"...the irony in that alone is laughable.

Aldo always apologizes when he doesn't finish. Just like GSP, who is on a much longer run of decisions, and is CLEALY much more of a "point fighter" than Aldo. Same goes for Cruz.


ausgepicht - 

The Hammer is timeless. Show some respect you dirty monkey. Shogun didn't just get wrecked by Jones, Jones. Jones just beat Rampage and Shogun just TKOed Forrest. Just because Shogun lost to Jones doesn't mean he doesn't beat everyone else in the division and belongs on a PFP list.


 Translation: There is no way Aldo shouldn't be top 10 p4p, I just needed to fill in a blank.

Shogun is 2-2 in his last 4 fights. Shogun got FINISHED by Jones and beat a barely still relevant Forrest (love you Forrest, but your heart isn't in it anymore). The same Forrest who talks about not caring about fighting anymore, and sounds depressed.

Sorry, but there is ZERO argument for Shogun > Aldo in current P4P rankings. If they were the same weight class Aldo would wreck Shogun (current Shogun) all over the place. 2005 Shogun  vs Aldo would be EPIC though.  Stop living in the past. 

LayNprayNINJA - 
ausgepicht - 

The Hammer is timeless. Show some respect you dirty monkey. Shogun didn't just get wrecked by Jones, Jones. Jones just beat Rampage and Shogun just TKOed Forrest. Just because Shogun lost to Jones doesn't mean he doesn't beat everyone else in the division and belongs on a PFP list.


 Translation: There is no way Aldo shouldn't be top 10 p4p, I just needed to fill in a blank.

Shogun is 2-2 in his last 4 fights. Shogun got FINISHED by Jones and beat a barely still relevant Forrest (love you Forrest, but your heart isn't in it anymore). The same Forrest who talks about not caring about fighting anymore, and sounds depressed.

Sorry, but there is ZERO argument for Shogun > Aldo in current P4P rankings. If they were the same weight class Aldo would wreck Shogun (current Shogun) all over the place. 2005 Shogun  vs Aldo would be EPIC though.  Stop living in the past. 

Well then we'll just have to agree to disagree. At least I recognize that I am stating my opinion. You actually think you are not stating an opinion but an empircal fact.


ausgepicht - 
LayNprayNINJA - 
ausgepicht - 

The Hammer is timeless. Show some respect you dirty monkey. Shogun didn't just get wrecked by Jones, Jones. Jones just beat Rampage and Shogun just TKOed Forrest. Just because Shogun lost to Jones doesn't mean he doesn't beat everyone else in the division and belongs on a PFP list.


 Translation: There is no way Aldo shouldn't be top 10 p4p, I just needed to fill in a blank.

Shogun is 2-2 in his last 4 fights. Shogun got FINISHED by Jones and beat a barely still relevant Forrest (love you Forrest, but your heart isn't in it anymore). The same Forrest who talks about not caring about fighting anymore, and sounds depressed.

Sorry, but there is ZERO argument for Shogun > Aldo in current P4P rankings. If they were the same weight class Aldo would wreck Shogun (current Shogun) all over the place. 2005 Shogun  vs Aldo would be EPIC though.  Stop living in the past. 

Well then we'll just have to agree to disagree. At least I recognize that I am stating my opinion. You actually think you are not stating an opinion but an empircal fact.


 All p4p is opinions, you are allowed to have yours, even if they are very stupid ones.

I am pointing out that (imo) there is no argument for a 2-2 in his last 4, NON champion to be ranked over a fighter on a huge win streak, who IS a champion, and hasn't lost in YEARS.

Glovegate - 
SinCityHustler -  Completely disagree with most of you.  Florian was wall and stalling him and cosntantly dropping down to a leg.  Aldo did fantastic in defending and still getting his offense off.  The fight was basically shortened by Florian's tactics.  How much do you expect Aldo to do in what was basically a 1/2 of the fight since the stalling used up the other half.  

So what you're saying is Aldo can only be impressive if his opponents let him?

 Aldo was impressive to me last night. Kenny is a beast who had a clear size advantage over Aldo, and did little to actually fight. Aldo handled his grappling by stiffling almost all of his TD attempts, gaining his own TDs and mounting himn more than once. On the feet striking wasn't even close.

It was much like a few of GSP's recent wins. Dominating every aspect, but not finishing. However, is was clear taht Aldo did more to TRY and finish than GSP has in recent fights.

To much hype? Are you fucking serious? Phone Post

Glovegate - 
SinCityHustler -  Completely disagree with most of you.  Florian was wall and stalling him and cosntantly dropping down to a leg.  Aldo did fantastic in defending and still getting his offense off.  The fight was basically shortened by Florian's tactics.  How much do you expect Aldo to do in what was basically a 1/2 of the fight since the stalling used up the other half.  

So what you're saying is Aldo can only be impressive if his opponents let him?
Oh snap. 

For the first time in SCH's life he realizes there are two people in the ring! Taught to him by a 10er no less. 


I think its the weight cut I hope he does better at 55 Phone Post

Fukkin christ you fair weather fucks.

Aldo is awesome. He just had his biggest test and passed as champs do.

Oh, he didnt get the KTFO!!! I hate him, he sucks, he's hype, he's not tapout enough.

This "sport" will never be a real one aslong as we've got the shittiest fans of all.

ausgepicht - 
Glovegate - 
SinCityHustler -  Completely disagree with most of you.  Florian was wall and stalling him and cosntantly dropping down to a leg.  Aldo did fantastic in defending and still getting his offense off.  The fight was basically shortened by Florian's tactics.  How much do you expect Aldo to do in what was basically a 1/2 of the fight since the stalling used up the other half.  

So what you're saying is Aldo can only be impressive if his opponents let him?
Oh snap. 

For the first time in SCH's life he realizes there are two people in the ring! Taught to him by a 10er no less. 


 "oh snap"?

You've seriously gone full teenage mode now.

Aldo was impressive. Just as impressive as GSP's last title defense, and Cruz'. (imo)

Wasa-B - Fukkin christ you fair weather fucks.

Aldo is awesome. He just had his biggest test and passed as champs do.

Oh, he didnt get the KTFO!!! I hate him, he sucks, he's hype, he's not tapout enough.

This "sport" will never be a real one aslong as we've got the shittiest fans of all.


auspdouche has gone so far as to say Shogun and MARK COLEMAN deserve to be top 10 p4p higher than Aldo.


Wasa-B - Fukkin christ you fair weather fucks.

Aldo is awesome. He just had his biggest test and passed as champs do.

Oh, he didnt get the KTFO!!! I hate him, he sucks, he's hype, he's not tapout enough.

This "sport" will never be a real one aslong as we've got the shittiest fans of all.

Quoted for motherfuckin truth Phone Post