Aldo = all hype

hmb - He was tentative because Florian is a GREAT fighter and equally skilled, just not as physical, he fought perfectly.

God forbid we have a great technical and tactical bout in a title fight between 2 of the best in the division that doesnt become sports entertainment enough for the tapout/ed hardy/wwe/nascar/monster truck crowd.



This is beyond ridiculous. You guys dont know shit and act like you know it all.

Only in MMA.

All you tapout fucks want is mismatches so you can see guys just bleed.

Id rather see the highest level of MMA between 2 of the best in a given division.

This sport needs to cleanse itself from you vile maggots.

SinCityHustler -  Completely disagree with most of you.  Florian was wall and stalling him and cosntantly dropping down to a leg.  Aldo did fantastic in defending and still getting his offense off.  The fight was basically shortened by Florian's tactics.  How much do you expect Aldo to do in what was basically a 1/2 of the fight since the stalling used up the other half.  

. Phone Post

ALDO has not impressed me in the UFC...

Glovegate - 
LayNprayNINJA - 
ausgepicht - 
Glovegate - 
SinCityHustler -  Completely disagree with most of you.  Florian was wall and stalling him and cosntantly dropping down to a leg.  Aldo did fantastic in defending and still getting his offense off.  The fight was basically shortened by Florian's tactics.  How much do you expect Aldo to do in what was basically a 1/2 of the fight since the stalling used up the other half.  

So what you're saying is Aldo can only be impressive if his opponents let him?
Oh snap. 

For the first time in SCH's life he realizes there are two people in the ring! Taught to him by a 10er no less. 


 "oh snap"?

You've seriously gone full teenage mode now.

Aldo was impressive. Just as impressive as GSP's last title defense, and Cruz'. (imo)<br type="_moz" />

Dude relax. Aldo JUST fought that's why we're talking about him. There was a lot of criticism directed toward GSP right after Shields, that's how these things tend to go.

Just because everyone on the board is not slobbering all over Aldo after a lack luster fight on the part of BOTH men that doesn't mean he's on the receiving end of anything for which he requires your steadfast defense.

So please stop scrambling to find gifs and respond to everyone and just chill, man.

Glovegate, smacks it out of the ballpark.


"Aldo point fighting and all hype" ?
Kenny stalling" ??
"Aldo beating a welterweight"

WTF are you guys talking about? This entire thread is filled with wrong on both sides. Kenny was NOT stalling against the fence. He was very active in trying to get the takedown... just great takedown D by Aldo. If anything I think that in the last 2 rounds Aldo was killing the clock. When he got top position he did nothing. He just held it. When kenny was on his back and Aldo was standing, Aldo did not back away to let him get up, but he didn't attack either. That's killing the clock.

Aldo was not point fighting. Those were some beautiful shots and they were thrown in combination from kick to punch. Aldo's side step movement and counterpunching was phenomenal. Kenny got some nice shots in, but took more than his share.

Aldo was/is bigger than Kenny. Kenny fought for years above his weight class and noobs pretend that the heavier class that he started in, is his natural class. The fact that Kenflo ever fought at 185 is BJ Penn-esque.

Aldo has gotten a couple of recent decisions over great fighters...Maybe you should look at his record to see the list of KOs and TKOs. Dude's a stud. He's the 2nd best striker in the UFC.

SinCityHustler -  Completely disagree with most of you.  Florian was wall and stalling him and cosntantly dropping down to a leg.  Aldo did fantastic in defending and still getting his offense off.  The fight was basically shortened by Florian's tactics.  How much do you expect Aldo to do in what was basically a 1/2 of the fight since the stalling used up the other half.  

. Phone Post

z00f - ausgepicht is clearly a retard troll
leque - 

Hell yea, ausghpuss was being such a cunt Phone Post


Glovegate - 

Dude relax. Aldo JUST fought that's why we're talking about him. There was a lot of criticism directed toward GSP right after Shields, that's how these things tend to go.

Just because everyone on the board is not slobbering all over Aldo after a lack luster fight on the part of BOTH men that doesn't mean he's on the receiving end of anything for which he requires your steadfast defense.

So please stop scrambling to find gifs and respond to everyone and just chill, man.

 Just expresing my opinions, and also proving lies from ausghiet (sp?) to be wrong.

I don't need to "scramble" to do anything, but when someone lies, I respond with proof. Something you should work on yourself. :-)

Jose "No Combos" Aldo landed a combo in every round of that fight.

Jose "Point Fighter" Aldo threw strikes with the intent to finish Florian.

Just refuting the lies of another poster with irrifutable video evidence. 

This was FAR from Aldo's most destructive win. This was however, one of Aldo toughest and largest opponents so I was impressed that he out grappled and out struck him so soundly. 

ausgepicht - 

Glovegate, smacks it out of the ballpark.


 Funn how you have no response to my post directed at YOU for your lies and hypocrisy, but are so quick to come back in an high five someone else...and post srying pictures when everyone is telling you what a douche you are. 

I accept your apology.


Glovegate - 
SinCityHustler -  Completely disagree with most of you.  Florian was wall and stalling him and cosntantly dropping down to a leg.  Aldo did fantastic in defending and still getting his offense off.  The fight was basically shortened by Florian's tactics.  How much do you expect Aldo to do in what was basically a 1/2 of the fight since the stalling used up the other half.  

So what you're saying is Aldo can only be impressive if his opponents let him?
Well of course, that's common sense.   That goes for everybody.  If our opponent takes you out of your game and does not allow you to impliment yours, you wont be impressive.      Florian's game plan was about the only way he could have a chance at winning and he executed it well.  Credit to Aldo for still winning easily, in spite of the tactics being used by Florian.          


bmd - Aldo is pretty fucking good. He has good takedown defense, but he has never fought a good wrestler.

Which is why I think Mendez can beat him.

 Faber Brown and Brookins are all "good wrestlers" easily.

Not as good as Money, but don't pretend they are not good wrestlers.

ausgepicht - 
Glovegate - 
SinCityHustler -  Completely disagree with most of you.  Florian was wall and stalling him and cosntantly dropping down to a leg.  Aldo did fantastic in defending and still getting his offense off.  The fight was basically shortened by Florian's tactics.  How much do you expect Aldo to do in what was basically a 1/2 of the fight since the stalling used up the other half.  

So what you're saying is Aldo can only be impressive if his opponents let him?
Oh snap. 

For the first time in SCH's life he realizes there are two people in the ring! Taught to him by a 10er no less. 


 Augie please tell me that you're under 17 years of age so that your responses at least make sense.  

 I've been saying Aldo is the most overrated fight in MMA for a while.   He is a good champ, but his division is weak.  P4P top 3?  Please...

mrgoodarmbar - "Aldo point fighting and all hype" ?

Kenny stalling" ??

"Aldo beating a welterweight"

WTF are you guys talking about? This entire thread is filled with wrong on both sides. Kenny was NOT stalling against the fence. He was very active in trying to get the takedown... just great takedown D by Aldo. If anything I think that in the last 2 rounds Aldo was killing the clock. When he got top position he did nothing. He just held it. When kenny was on his back and Aldo was standing, Aldo did not back away to let him get up, but he didn't attack either. That's killing the clock.

Aldo was not point fighting. Those were some beautiful shots and they were thrown in combination from kick to punch. Aldo's side step movement and counterpunching was phenomenal. Kenny got some nice shots in, but took more than his share.

Aldo was/is bigger than Kenny. Kenny fought for years above his weight class and noobs pretend that the heavier class that he started in, is his natural class. The fact that Kenflo ever fought at 185 is BJ Penn-esque.

Aldo has gotten a couple of recent decisions over great fighters...Maybe you should look at his record to see the list of KOs and TKOs. Dude's a stud. He's the 2nd best striker in the UFC.

 Well, there are really 3 categories to "big" or "size"...Height, Reach (wingspan) and weight.

Kenny is factually taller.

Kenny is factually wider (reach/wingspan).

Kenn and Aldo BOTH make massive cuts to 145, at least if we take them both at their words, so there is nothing factual to base weight off that can prove what tehy weighed in the cage, other than they both cut a LOT.

So taht makes Kenny "bigger" in 2/3 categories, and the 3rd a what exactly are you talking about? Or what are you basing your claim of Aldo being "bigger" on??? He didn't even look bigger in the cage. Stockier and more muscular, but shorter with a clear reach disadvantage.

Because 145 is still not that deep of a division. Compare the number of top talent at 145 to the higher weight classes and you'll see this. He won't be UFC champ for that long once the division gets better, and I don't think he'll have that large of an impact on 55 once he moves up.

Freeman Dyson -  I've been saying Aldo is the most overrated fight in MMA for a while.   He is a good champ, but his division is weak.  P4P top 3?  Please...


Hows the Downer been?

ausgepicht - 
z00f - ausgepicht is clearly a retard troll
leque - 

Hell yea, ausghpuss was being such a cunt Phone Post


 Have to agree with Augie on these points.   

 You know another point that hasn't been brought up is the commentary of the fight.  It is entirely possible that the bias slant towards Kenny strongly influenced less knowledgeable fans into thinking that Aldo wasn't doing anything the whole fight.  One person even posted,  that Aldo didn't land a single combo.  The experienced and hardcore fans seem to get it, but can we really expect the less informed/noobs to get it?  I pose this question in good faith so please consider it as a possible reason for the confussion by some.  

 Wow, there's a lot of retard on this thread.

Aldo's the man.  A couple of decision wins means he's garbage?  The UG never ceases to amaze me, lol.

The same was said about Anderson Silva when he got decisions against a few guys, then he's God again when he has a HL reel KO.  Not every single fight is going to be a highlight reel KO or submission....That also doesn't mean the fighter is garbage.