Aldo = all hype

"Calm down and breathe, just breathe steadily. One day, one day MMA will be an established sport with educated fans. ONe day."

LayNprayNINJA - 
mrgoodarmbar - "Aldo point fighting and all hype" ?
Kenny stalling" ??
"Aldo beating a welterweight"

WTF are you guys talking about? This entire thread is filled with wrong on both sides. Kenny was NOT stalling against the fence. He was very active in trying to get the takedown... just great takedown D by Aldo. If anything I think that in the last 2 rounds Aldo was killing the clock. When he got top position he did nothing. He just held it. When kenny was on his back and Aldo was standing, Aldo did not back away to let him get up, but he didn't attack either. That's killing the clock.

Aldo was not point fighting. Those were some beautiful shots and they were thrown in combination from kick to punch. Aldo's side step movement and counterpunching was phenomenal. Kenny got some nice shots in, but took more than his share.

<i><b>Aldo was/is bigger than Kenny. Kenny fought for years above his weight class and noobs pretend that the heavier class that he started in, is his natural class. The fact that Kenflo ever fought at 185 is BJ Penn-esque.</b></i>

Aldo has gotten a couple of recent decisions over great fighters...Maybe you should look at his record to see the list of KOs and TKOs. Dude's a stud. He's the 2nd best striker in the UFC.

 Well, there are really 3 categories to "big" or "size"...Height, Reach (wingspan) and weight.

Kenny is factually taller.
Kenny is factually wider (reach/wingspan).
Kenn and Aldo BOTH make massive cuts to 145, at least if we take them both at their words, so there is nothing factual to base weight off that can prove what tehy weighed in the cage, other than they both cut a LOT.

So taht makes Kenny "bigger" in 2/3 categories, and the 3rd a what exactly are you talking about? Or what are you basing your claim of Aldo being "bigger" on??? He didn't even look bigger in the cage. Stockier and more muscular, but shorter with a clear reach disadvantage.<br type="_moz" />

The meat of this discussion was about stalling, point fighting, aldo all hype vs. aldo beating a natural welterweight (implying that aldo is fighting someone who has a significant natural size diff and belongs in a heavier weight class)... and you want to break this down into a semantic argument on the dimensions and meaning of "size". I think Aldo did look bigger in the cage. And if this is the best counter argument out there, then you're conceding.

Did I just see Coleman on a PFP list above Aldo?

SinCityHustler -  Completely disagree with most of you.  Florian was wall and stalling him and cosntantly dropping down to a leg.  Aldo did fantastic in defending and still getting his offense off.  The fight was basically shortened by Florian's tactics.  How much do you expect Aldo to do in what was basically a 1/2 of the fight since the stalling used up the other half.  

He was doing a good job stuffing take down but remember something, its kenny florian, not exactly feared for his takedowns. Last performance i saw by mo ey mendez would have destroyed the aldo we saw saturday. Then again he wasnt fighting aldo so that might be the difference. Guess we'll see Phone Post

bmd - Kenny nearly landed several takedowns (and actually did get him down a couple times but couldn't keep him down).

If Kenny Florian can do that much, then I have no doubt a wrestler like Mendez could wrestle-fuck Aldo into Bolivia.

Kenny also took down Clay Guida and Joe Stevenson. Lets not pretend he is the same guy from TUF

Sorry so he doesnt destroy his last two opponents and all of a sudden he is trash? Come on? He may not of performed but he still won and is still the champ. Phone Post

TheShogunEra - He is also a cheater, grabs the fence any chance he can get.
Why has this not been addressed. Phone Post

 Probably because of the hundreds of opportunities he had to grab the fence over those 25 minutes he only grabbed it a handful of times, and the Ref never felt it excessive enough to deduct a point? 

Were you as outraged at Hominick, who did it MUCH more, and actually used it to gain a better position more than once????

jct71 - Did I just see Coleman on a PFP list above Aldo?

 Yes, lol.

That killed the whole list, IMO.

The Sultan - 
jct71 - Did I just see Coleman on a PFP list above Aldo?

 Yes, lol.

That killed the whole list, IMO.

 Yeah the guy is just a moronic Aldo hater....

SinCityHustler -  Completely disagree with most of you.  Florian was wall and stalling him and cosntantly dropping down to a leg.  Aldo did fantastic in defending and still getting his offense off.  The fight was basically shortened by Florian's tactics.  How much do you expect Aldo to do in what was basically a 1/2 of the fight since the stalling used up the other half.  


z00f - ausgepicht is clearly a retard troll

Seriously. By far the most annoying poster on this forum with his elitist douchbaggery. These know-it-alls are the most ignorant fair weather "fans." Phone Post

Florian is an excellent grappler and Aldo rolled around him almost as bad as BJ did. His strategy presented a lot of problems and Kenny isn't a bad striker, so I would give Aldo a lot of credit for the win.

But he has been less explosive and aggressive ever since the Faber fight and I would have him absolute highest at 5th in a P4P list. Phone Post

Why is Kenny all of a sudden garbage?

He has been fighting for awhile now and has displayed well rounded game. Aldo won 4-1 and dominated every area. Aldo's main problem was aggressiveness but with the fear of the takedown I can't blame him.

Aldo dominated Hominick even with a bad weight cut and injury. Hominick only one the 5th because Aldo cruised not because Hominick was just better.

People are stupid just criticize great fighters for no reason. He comes to find and has an overall game. Phone Post

Justinmacd - He looked AWFUL

If you "look awful" and still win 4 out of 5 title match rounds... i think you are doing ok my friend.