Aldo out now! LOL this is ridiculous

MMALOGIC -  injuries killing the UFC's business...  who's gonna buy tickets, airfare, hotel rooms if you dont know if the card will be the same or even happen. 

Rashad vs Glover needs to main event.  or Rashad vs Machida.
Dan was also rehabbing his knee and said he could be ready by the 22nd of september... Machida vs Hendo.

Fairly certain hendo said he was targeting a new years return date in an interviewed I seen on mma hour last week. And normally an acl/mcl injury like he sustained takes linger than 2-3 weeks to heal. Phone Post

RJJH - I dont look forward to anything UFC until they are walking out to the cage.

Fuck Dana & the UFC.

better get to work Dana, Matt Riddle can't get a PPV slot without you.


your right fuck dana for injuring aldo and rampage..... -__-
your a fucking moron

TecHNieK - 
RJJH - I dont look forward to anything UFC until they are walking out to the cage.

Fuck Dana & the UFC.

better get to work Dana, Matt Riddle can't get a PPV slot without you.


your right fuck dana for injuring aldo and rampage..... -__-
your a fucking moron

you're the fucking idiot who cannot connect the dots.

LMAO so dana purposely took out his main and co main event in a stacked card for what reason now? wtf does dana have to do with how guys train?

Ando-Belcher!! Phone Post

KrazyZenki -  "Dana and Joe Silva have such an easy job...anybody could do it" typical UGer. I would not want to be either of them today. Well, actually I would but it has to be amazingly heart breaking for them. They are fans as well and they also have a financial stake in making these fights happen.

I have actually been around Joe Silva while he was on the phone putting fights together. He is very calm and it really comes off very simple convo.

"Hey, hows it going, does you fighter wanna fight Fighter X in November?"


"Las Vegas"

"Where will it be on the card?"

"He will be the opening fight of the ppv"

"Sounds good, I will confirm with fighter and send you a text"

"Ok, thanks"

Really was that simple and almost passive.

  What are some examples of matches you heard him put together with such simplicity on the phone?

And tell me how he goes about recruiting new talent. You make it sound pretty easy.


ihitpeople - props to guys that fight with injuries

I don't know, if I'm paying for a PPV, I'd rather see two healthy guys fight than guys who should be in rehab. Atop top 20 guy who is at 95% (no one is ever at 100%) is going to give a better fight than a top 5 guy at 60%.

If its cable it doesn't matter so much, but if you're shelling out cash, I'd rather not waste it on injured fighters. It's like paying for a big name concert where the band has the flu and can't sing, play the guitar, or keep the time on the drums - waste of money.

CindyO - 
KrazyZenki -  "Dana and Joe Silva have such an easy job...anybody could do it" typical UGer. I would not want to be either of them today. Well, actually I would but it has to be amazingly heart breaking for them. They are fans as well and they also have a financial stake in making these fights happen.

I have actually been around Joe Silva while he was on the phone putting fights together. He is very calm and it really comes off very simple convo.

"Hey, hows it going, does you fighter wanna fight Fighter X in November?"


"Las Vegas"

"Where will it be on the card?"

"He will be the opening fight of the ppv"

"Sounds good, I will confirm with fighter and send you a text"

"Ok, thanks"

Really was that simple and almost passive.

  What are some examples of matches you heard him put together with such simplicity on the phone?

And tell me how he goes about recruiting new talent. You make it sound pretty easy.


  TTT for KrazyZenki.


The new norm is for fighters to now consider what is 'ultimately best for their family and career' and to pick and choose opponents more so than in past.

Many aren't prepared to say 'no' to Joe Silva or Dana when offered an opponent that doesn't meet their requirements stylistically or isn't a perceived can, so, they accept the fight then tuck due to a 'training injury'.

We'll call it the 'Jon Jones Syndrome'.  

...or, perhaps the often blamed supplements that many fighters are now taking are causing their bodies to break down more so than in the past.