Whittaker averages less than 1 (.82) takedown per 15 minutes of fighting.
Granted his opponents are a factor in where he wants the fight to take place, I’m just not sure he’s the guy to beat Alex.
Even if Robert gets Alex to the ground, I’m not so sure he can keep him there. And if he does, he’s not going to submit him, so what? GnP or LnP his way to victory?
Whittaker is too small. Israel got him down by clinching first. He was able to clinch in large part due to his size and striking ability. Thinking Whittaker can take Alex down by clinching a much larger guy, while risking getting kneed to hell is crappy MMath.
If people thought Israel looked small in there, Alex would make Whittaker look like a Welterweight.
Yeah idk what you mean. Size isn’t gonna matter much when Rob wraps his hands around Alex’s legs. Has nothing to do with MMA math. I just think Whittaker is that good
Don’t you think it matters once (if?) Robert does get the td? I just think Rob would have a hard time keeping Alex down. Gotta think Alex trains that with Glover, who’s known for his heavy top game.
To think a guy who has no wrestling background, and who will give up significant size can just “grab a leg” against a guy as dangerous as Alex is wishful thinking