Aljo Refuses to Fight TJ Until UFC Offers " Some Type Of Pay Bump "

There will be champions in this sport that will not be HOF material. Boring or not, Tim Duncan is an all-time great. I get your point, but the comparison isn’t equal.


“people of color”

Need to get that bullshit out of your vocabulary.

No. You need to shut up instead of telling others to shut up.

You’re too easily offended

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lol says the person who tries to shut others up because they wrote “people of color.”

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Hes doing you a favor. You brought race into the thread like a clown.

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Here’s another snowflake leftist who doesn’t know to shut his mouth and mind his own business. How about you do me a favor and get on with your day, kiddo.

Picture this guy’s , at your job you are the hardest worker and best guy they have . You produce results every time you clock in . After a while you would want a raise right ??


That’s not how it is in show business. Based on your reasoning, the hardest working fighters should be paid the most. The result you produce in showbiz is your draw. And Aljo, as well as the other clowns who are already overpaid for the 25 minutes they produce every 6 months, aren’t big draws. Miocic very hard working, arguably greatest heavyweight. Chaos very hard worker and happens to be a good draw. Neither are crybabies. It’s fair to ask for a raise as much as it’s fair to deny it. What’s not fair is extorting your boss if you don’t get a raise.


Not if I signed a contract, knowing what I would be making.
Also, at my job, if I said “I’m not clocking in again until I get a pay bump,” I would be fired.


And the few usual suspects who think they’re the only ones allowed to talk about race and who are incapable as to address the issue so address the commenter and/or write their usual boring general nonsense such as above quoted.

Fighter enters the UFC - “I’ll fight anyone, anywhere, any time!”

Fighter gets title belt - “I need more money or I don’t fight.”


Haha perfect

Nah fuck it, he deserves a pay bump after proving the doubters wrong against yan


What if you were an independent contractor and each job you had you had to sign an agreement to perform that task.

I’d fulfill the contract that I agreed to then negotiate a better one next time. That’s how contracts work.

Not how champions contracts work

it’s an SJW term. There’s nothing wrong with saying black or white

I don’t care if he wants more, as long as the fight happens, and on time. Why wouldn’t he negotiate for more?

The UFC has treated him damn well, and well, his two “victories” over Yan are anything but clear as water. But he can ask for more. Just not prevent the bout, as then, have Yan and TJ fight!

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Cejudo is neither black nor white. Therefore, “people of color” is succinct and accurate regardless of your attempt to fight SJW with silly word taboos.