AND today on the UG we have.....

'Pride was never any good'
Which 'race' is best in MMA
Michael Jai White in MMA
Should women be allowed a hijab in MMA (although I admit I kinda like this one)

I would just like to say welcome Sherdog and welcome Foob's one and all. UG you have really out done your self this time.


The UG turns discussion of valid topics into flaming piles of shit, so the threads might as well be about nothing good to begin with.

 I would clean house if allowed.

(That's why I'm not allowed ;-)

 Look up the defination of 'moderate'. Which is in 'moderation'.

There isn't really anything wrong with the threads. Just... lame.

The top threads are voted up and down by blue namers.

If everyone was making great threads or voting shit ones down you wouldn't have anything to complain about.

You can

A) Buy a blue account and vote bad threads or threads you don't like down

B) Start threads of your own

C) Realize this is the way it usually is, and come to terms with the fact that you just might not like reading MMA boards

ZIPPY -  I would clean house if allowed.

(That's why I'm not allowed ;-)

 Same here.

Dean of Lean - The top threads are voted up and down by blue namers.

If everyone was making great threads or voting shit ones down you wouldn't have anything to complain about.

You can

A) Buy a blue account and vote bad threads or threads you don't like down

B) Start threads of your own

C) Realize this is the way it usually is, and come to terms with the fact that you just might not like reading MMA boards

Thanks for the sage advise.... ;)

I have wasted many an hour reading various MMA forums over the years and occasionally posting. Thought I'd take the opportunity to highlight some of the retardation today. Nothing to serious, climb down of the horse, I have a point....

I had a blue account by the way, for the first year the decided I didn't need one....because I can just make a thread like this

Large Fun Bags - And you thought this gem of a thread would somehow help the situation? <img src="/images/phone/post_tag.png" alt="Phone Post" border="0" style="vertical-align:middle;"/>

erm yes? but frankly I couldn't give a shit either way.

I didn't think my Michael Jai White in MMA thread was that bad :(

Lahzerous - I didn't think my Michael Jai White in MMA thread was that bad :(

probably a fair point. I was just moaning. not for me to decide anyway. The race and pride one are defo steaming piles of stupidity though IMO.

Like Dean of Lean said tho, 'to be expected...'

Nice to see that other forum members have noticed the quality & stupidity that`s goes on.Not all are troll threads or posts either.I support the removal.

^^ no worries :)

Haadogei - I think a lot of blue namers, green namers and members of longer than 5 years still say uncountable numbers of dumb things.

Also, the oldest fans basically want to talk about Pride FC until the end of time. its nice to have different opinions to debate at least.

Well they probably earned it, if you don't find Pride to be fights very entertaining then you don't like MMA. It was a golden age. I think older fans would just like to be able to talk about the past without being shot down by people who weren't involved or interested.

The idea of a thread saying Pride was shit is dumb

oh and what Harlem said...haha

 I wish there was two underground mma forums. A General one, and one that is for posters who are 30yrs old or older, and no one younger can view it unless they get 3 invites from 30yr+ members.

Because you young kids are fucking ignorant and so quick to talk about shit you don't know about.

Thank you Harlem.I openly admit that I spend way, way, way too much time on this forum & have probably read literally thousands & thousands of threads.If you end up moving a thread its just as good as deleting it IMHO.I applaud &amp; appreciate your efforts.&nbsp;<br />
<br />
m also talking about posts contained within a thread.

09 was pretty much the last great year...

There are some good 10ers, even less 11ers.

 I too spend way too much time here.