The update to the Android app has been approved and release. It should be available now (or soon depending on region) as an update.
Update 1: Forgot to mention, although it’s public, we are considering this a beta. We really need a bigger audience to test, so please leave feedback on this thread and if you can include your device and OS.
Update 2: We have submitted a new release to Google Play for version 4.0.1 which addresses the back button issue and scrolling issue.
OK, I just updated it. I was happy to see the headlines be the first thing to show up. Time to play around with it to find out what’s new with the update.
This is a problem. It would freeze everything the second you jump to a post. I couldn’t navigate the entire app, let alone flip through a thread. It just freezes. I had to back out of everything just to be able to post this.
Looks like it’s just discourse and you still can’t see who created the post without entering it. This and the retarded reply are the 2 biggest issues with this crap.
Are these 2 absolutely impossible to fix? Because they both affect user experience!
Everyone just hits reply and don’t click the quote bubble so thread are discombobulated with no flow since it’s just random replies with no context.
Replies need to be automatic without the need to click the quote bubble. Unfortunately the yards that run this site seem to be too stupid to program it correctly because the faggot users are too stupid to figure out the bubble!
You can highlight the specific words of the post you are quoting and reply to just that section. Only those words will appear in the reply. But I understand
I’m getting the same thing. I’m on an S7, but it’s not like the OG app is some state of the art app that needs the latest and greatest smartphone. I’ve literally never encountered this with any other app.