i actually have have a set of TOBands from Bodylastics i need to get to freaking USING !!
For Threadstarter....
great STUFF here man from SCRAPPER...i have pick things over the years from his stuff...one of the best sites for free programs you can use on the spot. BAsic yet simple workouts ANYONE can do and to be honest for what he offers you really dont need to "buy" anything if you dont want to... i have gotten PLENTY from his workouts MOD. 1 that will make you cry and never even gotten to MOD.2. there is so many ways to modify the workouts you wouldnt need anything else really.
Wiggy's stuff is just as great...he had a workout or program outline years ago that i used (for free) and just as SCRAPPERS ..it delivers...this is one guy that knows his stuff and willl get in shape...his prices arent enough to even make you blink or think about it because ANYONE can afford it and for what you get for the package is worth 100's more than what you pay for..... SCrapper has things for sale but just as with him...the things you have at your disposal is limitless you wont need to pay for anything unless you want to and his prices as well are mere pennies.
Ross Enamit (sp?)
Never used any of his products but have heard nothing but good praises for his products as well as him as a person overall... great cheapass prices for his training books...NEveR GYMLESS is a good book that refers to workouts one can use at home without equipment
I would have to second the Bodylastic bands. Love them. They also have another site liveexercise.com which they have daily, live workouts, all for free. Once the live show is over, it is archived so you can watch and follow along at anytime.
^^thanks man... its been awhile lol... will checkup on it ^^
supersaiyan...not a problem. Have you had a chance to check it out?
You might want to check into John Hines gym the Monkey Bar gym,, he has lots of free bodyweight workouts. He also is co-founder of the LifeLine USA resistance cables.
Ralph Hinkley - supersaiyan...not a problem. Have you had a chance to check it out?
sup man...
actually i did check it out...i believe it was mon or tues... i had tried to sign up for a memborship on the site but when i did that it would never go through with SN and PW i put in for some reason :(
mongrel 911 - You might want to check into John Hines gym the Monkey Bar gym,, he has lots of free bodyweight workouts. He also is co-founder of the LifeLine USA resistance cables.
oh yea..i have gotten a few things from Lifeline USA by way of MAtt Furey endorsing their products on his website years ago ( 2002/2003 )
i had the chest expander set, power push up and super long cable with the foot hooks (forgot the name of it ) but it was good for squats/burpees :)
They're not fun, but seriously just doing burpees WILL have you sweating and also getting stronger.