TTT for any more green names willing to share.
Good story. Thanks for responding. Seems like Prater has been fighting for ages.
Just saw your record. 4-0 all stoppages? Curious, why did you stop fighting?
Age caught up with me .... so did fear of failure
Another story
FFI ..... down in Biloxi
I am the backstage manager. I am looking down at some paper work and this guy walks up to ask me about some gloves. I am still looking down and say in a short voice "hold on buddy " I look up and it's Dean Lister .... "uh oh " goes through my mind. Then I was kinda star struck.
I love these threads. VU for the OP.
Pornstar -Good story. Thanks for responding. Seems like Prater has been fighting for ages.
Just saw your record. 4-0 all stoppages? Curious, why did you stop fighting?
Age caught up with me .... so did fear of failure
Another story
FFI ..... down in Biloxi
I am the backstage manager. I am looking down at some paper work and this guy walks up to ask me about some gloves. I am still looking down and say in a short voice "hold on buddy " I look up and it's Dean Lister .... "uh oh " goes through my mind. Then I was kinda star struck.
" did fear of failure."
Really candid answer. Thanks. At the end of the day, you did what a lot of people would love to have done. And you were very successful. Deserves a lot of praise.
Ha. Cool Dean story, too. Wonder if he recalls it.
Wonderboysleftlung -obsessis -I can't remember that place either but the address is correct. It was a very shady bar and lots of fights broke out on the regular almost like a roadhouse type bar if u will just way more urban lolrjsvoboda -MyUnclesCreepy - Not a pro fighter at all but i have one story. my buddy was a manger of bar that had and underground cage fighting tourney every other month in Omaha Neb. It's was mostly drunk tough guys but a few trained guys would compete and clean house when they did
He always let me in to watch those when I was in HS i was 17 and one night he came up and asked me if I wanted to fight as one guy dropped out. He fudged my age on the paper work and I signed a waiver and I was the second fight.
No training but I was a very decent wrestler at the time in HS so I wrestled my opponent down and got the RNC and I was in heaven. Then an hour later my next fight came up and it was against this black dude who was huge! He preceded to knock and beat the shit out of me with ease and literally mopped the floor with me in the worst way
Fast forward to a couple years later I see the same dude in the UFC and he KOs the dean of mean in his first fight
Yes I got my ass beat by Houston Alexander before he made it big
What bar in Omaha?
It was at 84th and Center near Mangleson's.....forgot the name. Someone ran someone over and killed them there after fights one time....or a random night. Either way, I never went there and heard lots of stories about shit getting crazy there.
I only did it that night never fought in a cage again and I'm sure I sucked bad I just knew how to wrestle. Houston fought in Iowa mostly at the time and was like 6-1 or 7-1 at that point. I talked to him after and he was a pretty cool dude even apologized for fucking me up so bad lol
The place on 84th was called "Rednecks" and the place in Iowa was called "The Cavern."
TTT one last time for any other green namers willing to share.
UGCTT_UncleCreepy - Some people get pretty annoyed of it, i don't mind pictures or autographs anytime.
No it doesn't annoy me if they do fist pose or put there arm around me for a picture.
i have some pretty creepy fans so ive been asked some weird shit haha i dont care though i love the fans. with my nickname i pretty much asked for the creepy fans to be unleashed though and i enjoy them all :)
How many people a day ask to touch the stache?
DarnSevern -If I remember correctly that bar is only open 3 days a week like one day in the week and fri and satWonderboysleftlung -obsessis -I can't remember that place either but the address is correct. It was a very shady bar and lots of fights broke out on the regular almost like a roadhouse type bar if u will just way more urban lolrjsvoboda -MyUnclesCreepy - Not a pro fighter at all but i have one story. my buddy was a manger of bar that had and underground cage fighting tourney every other month in Omaha Neb. It's was mostly drunk tough guys but a few trained guys would compete and clean house when they did
He always let me in to watch those when I was in HS i was 17 and one night he came up and asked me if I wanted to fight as one guy dropped out. He fudged my age on the paper work and I signed a waiver and I was the second fight.
No training but I was a very decent wrestler at the time in HS so I wrestled my opponent down and got the RNC and I was in heaven. Then an hour later my next fight came up and it was against this black dude who was huge! He preceded to knock and beat the shit out of me with ease and literally mopped the floor with me in the worst way
Fast forward to a couple years later I see the same dude in the UFC and he KOs the dean of mean in his first fight
Yes I got my ass beat by Houston Alexander before he made it big
What bar in Omaha?
It was at 84th and Center near Mangleson's.....forgot the name. Someone ran someone over and killed them there after fights one time....or a random night. Either way, I never went there and heard lots of stories about shit getting crazy there.
I only did it that night never fought in a cage again and I'm sure I sucked bad I just knew how to wrestle. Houston fought in Iowa mostly at the time and was like 6-1 or 7-1 at that point. I talked to him after and he was a pretty cool dude even apologized for fucking me up so bad lolThe place on 84th was called "Rednecks" and the place in Iowa was called "The Cavern."
Wonder if its gotten worse or if they cleaned up the place a bit since I've left Omaha. It wasn't to far from where I graduated from in HS

TTT for any more green names
TTT In case any more green namers want to share.
Breath thread. Big thanks for the green namers for the stories
Great even.damn my fat thumbs
TTT one more time for any greens willing to share
Tom Lawlor -Filthy or not, you're the fuckin man, sir!TheOneDylanThomas - Kind of goes along with the other two fan/fighter threads. What are some interesting experiences you've had? Does it ever get annoying to be constantly asked for pictures or autographs? There has to be days where it's overwhelming especially for the UFC fighters. Does it annoy you if a fan puts his arm around you? How about when they do the fist pose?
Share anything/everything.
Any fighter response would be awesome but a response from Lauzon, Rogan, Dana, Creepy, Lawlor, or another UFC personality would be incredible.
I will answer the questions you asked:
1. I am pretty sure that when we were just in Sweden some guys were trying to pick us up. Me, Chris, and my BJJ coach Tim Burrill were hanging out with them all night before I noticed one of the guys was wearing a "I love Polish Boys" shirt. Luckily, I'm not Polish.
2. No. It is more surprising still to me than anything.
3. I like when fans reach around me.
4. I just imagine it as the rubber fist from Borat and have a laugh.

Thread is awesome TTT
Tom Lawlor -TheOneDylanThomas -Tom Lawlor -TheOneDylanThomas - Kind of goes along with the other two fan/fighter threads. What are some interesting experiences you've had? Does it ever get annoying to be constantly asked for pictures or autographs? There has to be days where it's overwhelming especially for the UFC fighters. Does it annoy you if a fan puts his arm around you? How about when they do the fist pose?
Share anything/everything.
Any fighter response would be awesome but a response from Lauzon, Rogan, Dana, Creepy, Lawlor, or another UFC personality would be incredible.I will answer the questions you asked:
1. I am pretty sure that when we were just in Sweden some guys were trying to pick us up. Me, Chris, and my BJJ coach Tim Burrill were hanging out with them all night before I noticed one of the guys was wearing a "I love Polish Boys" shirt. Luckily, I'm not Polish.
2. No. It is more surprising still to me than anything.
3. I like when fans reach around me.
4. I just imagine it as the rubber fist from Borat and have a laugh.
Thanks for responding, man. Very cool. How often do you get recognized or approached by fans? I can tell your response is genuinely humble. How do you not get tge big head about it all every now and then though?At fight events I get recognized a lot actually. UFC shows, local shows,etc. Doing everyday activities? Rarely. I get a LOT of people asking if I wrestled or do MMA though. Probably 1 day at least if I am out doing something.
It is easy to not get a big head when you realize that you likely can't do most of the jobs that people are out there doing everyday. Throw me into a 9-5 and my head would explode, put me behind the wheels of a bus and I will undoubtedly hit something or miss some stops. It is a job just like most people have, except I am on tv and people think you are a millionaire because of it.
I love watching your fights & the crazy shit you do! Filthy fan for life!