Any Illegal Steroids Legitimately Make Losing Bodyfat Easier

It’s just speed

I use to use ephedrine and clenbuterol back in my 100m days.
I was lean enough back then at 155lbs,
But man what a boost u got from ephedrine.

Before pre workout was a thing,
My pre workout was usually 2 ephedrines a d a double espresso.

Sometimes when it kicked in, It felt like Jason Statham taking his epinephrine/adrenaline (totally different from ephedrine essentially) in his movie crank

I think I mentioned previously in the thread how I passed a piss test while on stanazolol/winstrol, by drinking a whole jar of brown vinegar which then changed the ph/masked the winstrol in me.

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Frag 176-191

What in the fuck😭



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you don’t need anything but the motivation to do it, a good diet with the desire to count your calories/macros, some form of resistance training & sufficient protein intake.

steroids won’t help you from being lazy, but maybe provide the motivation I guess.

SChool me on peptides. ipamorelin CJC1295 and AOD9604 stcakable, doses etc…

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They definitely can work but the results are very mild and there is an enormous amount of fake sources out there. For me trying to wade through that outweighs the benefits but that’s just me

Can just get it prescribed but yes, mild and wil fuck up your blood sugar, having to avoid it around when you eat etc. pain in the ass. I did straight up Ipamorelin by itself, no CJC, compounded from a pharmacy and it did literally nothing.

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Consult a sportsdoctor, which can monitor the meds he subscribes.

Best thing you could do is find a local clinician who will frequently dive deep into your blood

Avoid telehealth docs who just look at total test

I had heart attack just ready this post lol…

You have any heart issues?

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OP might wanna try out Ritalin.

Past 4 months I can feel my heart tightening a bit. Never had that before.
Years of cocaine abuse, and other things.
I’m probably doing an average of 3-5g’s of coke per week again🙈
And it needs to stop… (the heart thing was a my body warning me.
Hopefully I’ll kick the habit sooner rather than later

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Jesus christ doggy…yeah, cut your big pinky nail and stop now…

Carlin had 3 heart attacks from all the coke uae and bad genetics …3rd one got him.

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Fam that’s a lot

Chill out lol

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Bro, like all steroids help with that lol

Best thing is to leave the UK and all the coke people you hang with. I am now ten years not entirely clean and sober, but nowhere near the fiend i was in the UK A few pills every few months is not mental.

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I did that before, when I moved to Australia for two years.

And have been thinking recently about working in the UAE, have some contacts over there.

I see u are in Lombok.
I was there years ago, I stayed in the Sheraton and I think it was the 1st or 2jan there was a big earthquake at about 5am, sounded like a bomb went off

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