What’s turned out your way?.. Everybody you hate is at another site carrying on as usual and you are here talking to yourself about nothing now. Big win for you…
I imagine you guys can’t get away with racist crap nearly as much either.
Sez the OG’s only self-confessed racist! Rich irony there, Grand Dragon. LMAO.
I can still smell you from here.
That’s because you can smell dick from a mile away. Close your mouth though, it’s not close enough to swallow.
Face it, junior. You’re small and you always will be. The fact that you are a sanctimonious fck doesn’t overcome that… enjoy beating off here by yourself.
Yeah… but you spent 10 years with your mouth open in the middle of it. Strange fetish, pardner…
Kid, I’m not racist. Now let’s watch you ignore that like you always do. Your behavior is pathetic.
Oh, that’s right… your racist youth stories were just humble brags and all to make you look like some kind of hero… the racist “Southern” boy who overcame it all - kewl character?!.. lmao. You were an @sshole for pumping yourself up by telling them and deserve the shit you took for it by everyone… pathetic. You seem bitter about it all… lol.
You mean you jerks offs will be gone?
I mean, that whole band re-assembled elsewhere without missing a beat… in other words: YOU’RE GONE.
Lol, what? You’re just making shit up as you go. You must be proud of yourself.
Ok, but that means mixedmartialarts.com is no longer your platform. Go hide in the depths of the internet until your little party dies in a few years. That’s a positive outcome for me. I don’t know why you can’t get that. It must be that vast stupidity of yours. Or maybe you’re spending all your energy coming up with stories about me.
Why are you lying? Your old posts about your school days are on the forum… Why bother?.. No one is reading this but you anyway… lmao
Go hide in the depths of the internet until your little party dies in a few years. That’s a positive outcome for me. I don’t know why you can’t get that.
No, it’s not… lmao.
The OG has been ‘in the depths of the internet’ for a good while now… nice try… lol… In fact, now more people can see the new place… so, technically, you failed then. Anywho, You didn’t come here to ‘cause’ it’s demise (as if you had anything to do with it anyway - ‘hero syndrome’ huh)… you are just like all the dudes you claim you hate… you came here to poke and clearly you became habituated to it… years and years of it… you were never a contributor to the UG way back in the day and you didn’t frequent the non-political threads… lol at pretending otherwise.
Mixedmartialarts.com is in the “depths”? You’re having to twist yourself into knots in order to deliver a comeback. Just give up already. This is getting sad.
I left decent people alone.
Never said I did. You said I hated OGers, so all this seems like the best outcome for someone like me.
You should go away and never come back. That would be devastating to me. It would be the ultimate comeback. You definitely should consider it anyways.
Mixedmartialarts.com is in the “depths”? You’re having to twist yourself into knots in order to deliver a comeback.
You spent the last X years saying this very thing! LMAO… either get your story straight or just admit you’re a troll, junior.
I left decent people alone.
LOL… you are/were every bit as much of a cesspool turd as anyone else here. The fact you think you aren’t only tells us more about you, not about other OG-ers. But tell yourself whatever story you need to hear to feel good.
You should go away and never come back. That would be devastating to me. It would be the ultimate comeback.
As if you can control yourself with me… you know you can’t stop responding… I just hit that little nerve in you… you’re used to punching down here… and it bugs you that you have to get on a step stool to play with me… keep tryin’…
Have a good night! (LOL… as if you aren’t already typing back…)
Lol, no. Someone lied to you and you fell for it. It’s always the last ditch effort used by a few when arguing with me. They think it’s going to work one of these days.
He plays word games… there is an old thread where he talked about being a racist back when he was young in school… technically, didn’t say he was in KKK but made some references to things - and now he tries to brush off the whole thing by only saying he was not KKK, doesn’t admit to saying he was a racist… someone posted a link to the thread a while ago, last year or two - but it was from way back, like 10 years; no idea how to find it… as with many OG episodes, it is embellishment, but based on truth… maybe he can retell the stories - lol… or not…
Saying OGers lie about me being in the KKK is not word games, kid. It’s a fact. Other people lie, but you can’t help yourself and try to twist that as I did something wrong. You’re a fucked up individual. Why aren’t you hanging out with the band instead of being here?
People use the ‘KKK’ tag against you because YOU ADMITTED to being a (reformed?) racist. You not only brought it on… YOU invited it.
But you try to slide by that tag of racism by saying “you guys are liars, I was never in the KKK” diverting from the very origin of the issue - your ADMITTED racism in the past.
What makes it more ironic is the fact that, though now you try to disown it, you actually proudly brought it up as a brag in order to demonstrate your own ‘enlightenment’…
And YOU have called everyone on the OG ‘racists’… BUT that’s OK… cuz YOU’RE special and can say whatever ‘lies’ YOU want to… lmao…
Why are you still hanging out here responding to me?.. oh, that’s clear… to soothe your own ego.
What’s interesting is that even with the culling of the herd, you have not lost any supporters or admirers. Still at zero. At least you maintain.
If the “issue” is so bad that I need to divert from it, then why do they need to make up shit? Because they know “you said you were once like us” doesn’t have the same punch. It’s desperate behavior.
I don’t know why you can’t be honest. Now you’re trying to frame it as I was bragging. Just keep trying different shit until something works?
“You were the KKK!”
“Oh, wait, that’s bullshit? Well…you were bragging!”
How does it feel to lose your home? The home where you apparently value followers and admirers. Does it feel like you got kicked out? Like you’re unwanted here? Do you cope by pretending your new place is so much better?