Any last confessions?

Please, let us know how many OG admirers you have and how valuable that is to you. Is that how you get validation in your life? Would you feel inadequate if you didn’t have enough OG admirers? Have you considered seeing a therapist?

Why do you refer to yourself as “us”?.. talk about needing a therapist… I am the only person you have even posted to here in the past 4 days. You are coming to the OG to see ME, full stop. LMAO… what a fcking clown… you can’t quit me! My lord, son… what a strange fetish… you claim to be happy the ‘bad guys’ are gone… YET, I am the only reason you’re here… WOW. ‘Weird’ lil feller… I think you’re addicted to me… go ahead and post more and pretend you’re not.

I wasnt sure if it was you but yeah it was! You are the former KKK member

You are all a bunch of cunts and I think deep down I have loved this forum and the advice given at times is too real and it has kept me sane. Best wishes everyone and I may see on the other side


Come to the new OG Tahiti and let Dollar Store Orcus stay here and talk to himself.

I’m over there too - same avatar, but no ‘Tahiti’ and full name for the ‘Bo’ part.

Which just confirms to everyone that you have always been a worthless loser.


What can you expect from a former KKK pledge?

:hot_pepper: spicy bro.

Ok, if you want to believe that lie, let’s do it. If I’m a former KKK member and I have consistently claimed the OG is too racist, then what does it say about the OG if it’s too racist for KKK members? Congrats?

Again, fuck the OG and I’m glad the usual suspects have been slapped around.

Being adored by OGers is not the brag you think it is.

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Wonder if this is too similar to something I’ve recently posted…

I read your words just took a minute to recall the name. You claimed the OG is too racist because you know how racists think because you use to be one.

I caimed the OG is too racist because of all the racist comments found on the OG. Keeping spinning.

I’ve been told you made a lot of those racist comments over the years.

Yes, you claimed the OG is too racist and to reinforce your authority on the matter you shared the story about how you grew up running in racist circles.

at least the mods have gotten better.

Is that what you think happened?

So, you believe I’m an authority or was the “you were a KKK member” shit just you throwing a fit? You can’t claim I was a racist and then scoff at the idea that I have experience. Trying to eat your cake and have it too, huh? Desperation does weird things to people.

If you’re going to claim I am a former KKK member, then you’re going to have to admit there is a former KKK member claiming the OG is too racist. This is where we are now, but you don’t want to admit it.

I was there along with many others. And absolutely, the OG is racist. You are the authority on that matter. You lived the life many here express through racism

Saying that is what pissed off a lot of OGers. I’m glad you agree.

And btw, it was a discussion about the number 311 when I told my story. I have no idea how you came to your fantasy about what happened, but the OG is not known for honesty.