Any last confessions?

I do agree.

I think you are one of the main offenders with your self loathing hatred.

And btw, the 311 discussion may have been the first time, but the most recent was during a trump thread when you said what i quoted.

Have you moved over here yet Ptper? Way better.

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Self loathing?! What? I love myself. Itā€™s you guys that I despise. I donā€™t think you really believe there was racism on the OG.

And thatā€™s what you guys call ā€œbeing a former KKK member.ā€ So thereā€™s the proof of how dishonest you guys are.

Also, you guys canā€™t get away with it either. Thatā€™s why you have to hide in places like the OGā€¦well, now you have to hide in even more obscure places.

Uh huh. Sure. What will you change the story to next time?

Heā€™s done this no more than ten times, so Iā€™m told. He will claim he never said anything and then in the next breath clarify what he actually said when attempting to join the KKK. Itā€™s such a stupid distinction each time. ā€œWell I didnā€™t really join, I just told them I wanted to and then they ditched meā€

  1. You brought the entire issue upon yourself. Youā€™re a sanctimonious piece of trash that tried to use his past solely to self-aggrandize and try to put yourself above others here. It back fired completely on youā€¦ and seems to have made your extremely bitter in the process. I look at that as karma; well deserved. Full stop. Fck off.

  2. Get away with what? What ā€˜racismā€™ have I committed here?.. Nice try, pardner.

Thereā€™s never been a positive vibe to come out of you in any way shape or form on any threadā€¦ political or otherwise (not that you ever frequented non-political threads anyway).

Itā€™s been over 15 yrs since the UG was relevantā€¦ and even when it was, you were NEVER really part of it. The ā€˜obscurityā€™ barb is a red herring.

Run along and tell yourself that somehow you ā€˜conqueredā€™ the OG; whatever u wantā€¦ just donā€™t be bitter that people think of you what they do. At the end of the day, whatever you thought you were doing ended up backfiring and you are every bit as much a piece of sht as whatever people you were ā€˜fightingā€™ hereā€¦ sorry, but thatā€™s the truth.

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Actually, I think from the post it is clear he simply didnā€™t have the ā€˜ballsā€™ (not a complement here) to try to join even when he was an admitted racist and was running around spraying 311 on walls every whereā€¦ Not surprising.

This is why the whole thing is so funnyā€¦ and the fact that somehow in his mind he projects his own experience as a racist on to everyone else, regardless of their background, to tell them how they thinkā€¦ others of us who are from the South did not have the same experienceā€¦ in fact my guess is that this guy is from Arkansas or Kentucky or somethingā€¦ not the core of the South, just based on some of the things he has said.

Wellā€¦ Iā€™m new here so I couldnā€™t possibly have that information. :rofl:

Alta will not delete your account. They are defrauding their investors and breaking the law in numerous jurisdictions by holding our accounts and data hostage. Tell all of their affiliates that you will not do business with them as long as they are associated with Alta. Yell it from the rooftops. ALTA IS A BUNCH OF CROOKS

Sort of hard to prove when the people who were ā€œBannedā€ simply had their name changed to ā€œAnonā€ with some random numbers and still continue to post till this very minute.

Thatā€™s a lie. Thereā€™s numerous people who were ā€œbannedā€ that still have their names and posts up despite emailing on numerous occasions requesting their accounts deleted. Alta isnā€™t deleting anything and not anonymizing people who were banned. Theyā€™re juat counting them as users.

You post here daily?!?

Why would you want it shuttered?

Seems strange that youā€™re wishing demise on something you have invested in for years. Youā€™re a strange dude. And Iā€™m glad I live basically the opposite way that you do.

Iā€™m on the right side of life ā€¦ and as long as we have the opposite views. I know im on the right track


Posted by ā€œAnon32361202ā€

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I used to be a man



well i can finally post pics again

I cant