Any last confessions?


It was an echo chamber for shitty beliefs and ideals.

Invested in? I have no idea why you guys invest so much.

That would sting if you actually knew anything about me. Wait…I still wouldn’t care.

That’s a terrible way to determine truth, but no one expects any better from you.

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Welcome Back Robert Byrd

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You’re dismissed.

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I see TB is still hanging around, probably holding out hope that the OG isn’t dead. It’s dead. You guys lost your home you invested so much in. Now go back to your new hole in the wall for the circle jerk you crave.

This is a strange victory lap. If you really just wanted to watch it die, wouldn’t you wipe your feet and move on?

I will victory lap until the losers go away.

It’s not a victory lap. What you see is pure bitterness. Years of it. And he’s got nowhere to move on to…

He’s is a dude who somehow thought he would come here and put everyone in their place… and then… everyone, even the dumbest MAGAtards, took a dump on him… it’s eaten him up for years…

And somehow I became the focus of his ire… because no matter how he tried, he could never get quite high enough to reach my jaw… look at him now… still can’t keep me off his mind. Kind of pathetic.

BTW… I can say that I have never been a racist… which he can’t…

south park cartman GIF


Lol, this has got to be pure projection. One of the reasons you guys are such losers is because of spending all your time here.

I bet flat earthers pat themselves on the back all time for taking dumps on the globers. Those globers must be so bitter. Lol, you’re so transparent. Not being liked on the OG would’ve been a huge blow to your ego, right?

Maybe you should have left me alone instead of butting in when you were never asked or wanted. Maybe you should stop obsessively tagging my post with react emojis? It’s a good start anyways.

Seriously, you responded to a post of mine in a different thread which you weren’t invloved in until you saw that you could reply to me. And I’m sure if I respond to it you’ll run around telling eveyone I’m focused on you. Jesus fucking christ you’re dishonest.

I think you mean “never admit.”

Anyways, what are you doing here if your new home is so great? Still trying to scratch that itch?

^ A kid with a superiority complex who is pissed because he was put in his place.

Can’t help you with that, junior. Sometimes karma comes back as the avatar of the Son of Luke the Drifter.

Work it out with your therapist… as I said above, you were NEVER a part of the UG back in the day when we actually did things that impacted the segment and almost NEVER on any threads but the political ones… you made no connections here and never contributed anything except attempted wise ass remarks and trolls that were consistently shit on. And were in the Top 10 on the sites Ignore List for years… (hint: 90% of the people you thought you were ‘zinging’ didn’t even see your posts, idiot.) That’s a you issue. Not a Bo issue.

I’m fine here. As OGmodsAreLame said, what’s strange is that YOU’RE still here since the political threads are dead… makes more sense for YOU to be running to the ‘new place’ to continue your hypocritical ‘crusade’ there than me…

Still trying to scratch that itch?

Farting in the wind. I have asked you numerous times to post my ‘racism’… you can’t because I ain’t…

Again, you are simply what you are here claiming to ‘fight’ against… a liar.

Weird how bitter you are, given your peacocking about some ‘victory’ here… sorry to piss on your parade, kiddo.

What’s telling is that Bo has you pegged perfectly… yet you tell yourself (but can’t back it up) that I am some ‘racist’ X-phobic MAGAtard, just to make yourself feel better… about yourself. Your entire existence here is a vanity project (which is why you can’t leave even though the political ground is dead)… about YOU and your own issues… Daddy Bo is just a surrogate. I’ve got broad shoulders… :cowboy_hat_face:

Look, if you still cannot understand that I don’t give a shit about of any of that, I think we’re done here. I think you find it hard to relate to anyone who doesn’t value this place like some loser in need of virtual friends. Honestly,
you’re just displaying how pathetic you are.

I get you’re desperate for a comeback, but you keep repeating yourself in hopes that it will have some effect, because it’s the sort of thing that would affect you. That’s not something to be proud of.

Awkward Cricket GIF

And yet you can’t stop yourself from trying to ‘retort’ to my every post, because your ego feels trampled upon.

I think you find it hard to relate to anyone who doesn’t value this place like some loser in need of virtual friends.

What a ridiculous take. You time and again show a complete inability to even read me (as well as an inability to even back up your claims of ‘racism’ etc.)…

A forum of avatars… yeah, ‘virtual friends’… where it is impossible to know what anyone says is true or not… yet again you make my point: YOUR histrionics and takes tell everyone much more about YOU than anyone else. And YOU are every bit as fragile and hypocritical as the ‘avatars’ (read: windmills) you have been tilting at.

Kind of pathetic and certainly nothing to be ‘proud’ of…

We done now, or will you need to shit out more garbage to soothe yourself…

As I have said… it’s all about you, son… I have broad shoulders.


Hmmm…so I guess I now know why you keep responding to me even when unprompted (as if I didn’t know). I thought you had new better home. Why are you still here? Feel free to move on.

So, you do need to keep soothing yourself. Gotcha…

I thought you had new better home.

You know what they say about assumptions. Yet again, another example of you living in your own misguided thoughts. Are you ever correct about anything…

Really strange stuff coming from a guy who has been here for 10+ years, yet hates the place and something something about valuing something or other

I now know why you keep responding to me even when unprompted

Yes, to demonstrate that you are a typical OG-er, nothing more… regardless of what you tell yourself.

‘unprompted’ - funny coming from a twink who in a decade has never made a comment on the OG that was ‘prompted’… yet again, look in the mirror, asshole. LMAO.


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If you have nowhere better to go, then…lmao!

Look in the mirror? Wow, the point went right over your head. I wasn’t talking about just any unprompted post. Just you responding to me unprompted and then trying to claim I’m the obsessed one. Like an OGer, you constantly need your hand held.

I already know, just keep it over there. You’ve been canceled on the OG.

That’s the plan. You should go enjoy your new home and stop coming here.


Don’t you have flat earth homework to do?