Any last confessions?

The point YOU missed, is that everything you just shit out in my direction EQUALLY captures YOU. You are exactly what you claim to be criticizing. Hope this helps.

I claimed you are obsessed because you are. My comment is about YOU, not me - turning it back on me is simply a cop out (saying I am X, does not disprove that YOU are)… not surprising though.

You are absolutely incapable of not responding to me. Prove me wrong, cow girl.

It is interesting to see that the Lefties who were actually able to interact decently have all gone over there - Pundit, Boogerlips, etc… even chooch - while the ‘damaged goods’ - ksacs, liddels_hair, Believeit, etc - are all here. There’s a reason for that.

I hope your cat gets eaten by migrants

LOL… he does seem like a ‘cat lady’…

Hmmm…sounds like someone else I know. But that guy is so bad that he not only can’t stop responding to me and using react emojis on my posts, he can’t even stop responding to other people who are responding to me. At least I’m not him; the bottom of the barrel is below me.

^ So, you couldn’t do it. Got it… so why not drop your bullshit lil ‘rubber/glue’ game then and get back to sharing great stories from your childhood.

LMAO… btw, did this help to soothe your ego, lil man… look at you, reduced to having to write shit like this for your own consumption. What’s that word you love to throw around… yeah… ‘pathetic’…


Keep going. You’re really showing how obsessed I am. Hilarious.


yabba dabba Michael Johnson vs Merab

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Hilarious that in your mind, your infinite ‘unprompted’ responses prove you’re not… LMAO…

Done yet?.. didn’t think so… keep going, junior…

where is everybody?

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What unprompted responses? I’m responding to posts directed specifically towards me. Perhaps you’d like to try again, because this was big ol’ swing and miss, son.

I am the best there is, the best there was, and the best there ever will be.

There was no miss. Clearly you never played baseball and are talking out of your ass again.

As you admitted, you responded to a post of mine to SOMEONE ELSE… lol at your fail there.

The other post I made was a prompt NOT to respond… which you could not bring your self to meet.

So, either way… your choice (or, given your addiction, perhaps no ‘choice’ is involved) was ill conceived, kiddo…

We done yet?.. NO NEED to respond… but you will anyway, lil man…

Feel free to not talk about me if you don’t want me responding to it.

I’ve given you plenty of context clues to figure out what “unprompted” means. You’re just being obtuse at this point.

If you respond to this post, it’s because you’re sexually attracted to me. SO DON’T RESPOND!

Christ, you argue like a child. How long until you’re crying and screaming on the floor?

Or even better, how long until you stop coming here and just enjoy your new home that’s so great?

Didn’t read. But I take it the point of whatever all that is supposed to be was to let everyone know you are not obsessed and really do not care at all…


I don’t know what you posted, I just know you have proved that you’re sexually attracted to me, so much so that you can’t control yourself. I’ve already suspected as much. What a great argument I’ve created here.

That was quick! You must have been waiting for me!

Just give up, I won’t fuck you.

Is The KKKing still going on about his bullshit? It must be empowering to have less people to tell you how fucking dumb you are.