Anyone Dry?

 Got some friends down in Wailua who lost everything but the house.  They live right next to the river and was waist high full of water in the house.  The river that runs out of Kipapa Gulch near Waipahu Depot road was fucked too.  I pulled over and drank about 6 beers watching dumb asses try to cross the thing and get stuck.  What a fucken morning.  Tonight is supposed to be worse so I heard.

valley life = fuck yeah no floods.

good ting i live up high cause if i called the fire dept during 3rd watch guaranz they'd be busy sleeping or fwap fwap fwapping.


My photos and an interview of me was on KGMB 9 News tonight.

Sorry Rabello, KITV wasn't available.


i deliver mail w/ two-thirds of my route being exposed to the elements and was feeling pretty shitty when the boss dumped OT on me BUT i was put in check by DataLifePlus. my thoughts and prayers to you and your neighbors.

Ya after data's pictures I felt like a wuss complaining about getting soaked at 5:30 this morning. kix dog

My place was not flooded, but I just had landscaping done. I hope it doesn't screw that up. There was some puddles, but nothing like that.

wannaberich - i deliver mail w/ two-thirds of my route being exposed to the elements and was feeling pretty shitty when the boss dumped OT on me BUT i was put in check by DataLifePlus. my thoughts and prayers to you and your neighbors.

hmmm, where exactly do you deliver mail? You wouldnt happen to be the same mailman that delivers mail to my house, who left my mailbox wide open the other day and all of my mail was flying down the street, and then left it open again during the crazy rain and all of my mail was soaking wet and destroyed?

Damage report!

The water level shown by dirt on my garage's back door.

The shed floated for a while, then settled back down a little crooked.

Again, the water line can be seen on my backyard fence.

Where the fence finally gave way.

Minivan was stuck in the garage and filled with water up to the steering wheel. Probably not salvageable.

Inside the garage. No more pumping iron for me.

Heavy bag is soaked. Speedbag stayed dry.

A small sample of the debris were dealing with now.

Someone's lunch shack took a ride into this chain link fence.

More debris, including port-a-poti and lunch sign.

A nice sized koi/carp and a tilapia were left flopping around in the backyard after the water subsided. Koi didn't make it, but I think I'm going to keep the tilapia in my fishtank.

Broken links. I'll fix later. Got to shovel the driveway. :(

dam data! that water line is high. how's the inside of your house?

holy fuggin NOLA!

TheAlchemist - dam data! that water line is high. how's the inside of your house?

Put it this way, my door mat was just underwater. Luckily, the house is built up off the ground several feet. The water came within inches of coming into the house. We're really fortunate the inside of the house is okay.

Holy Crap! Thank God the inside of your house did not flood.

Its times like these I'm so happy that my small, overly priced townhouse is on the second floor

jeebuss.....Better jack the house another foot just in case next time

Holy shit, I was stuck in traffic last night on the H1 heading to Waianae. It took me nearly 2 hours to get from Aiea to Kapolei because the new detour lane on the H-1 west bound before Kapolei was flooded! From Aiea to those fucking detour freeway lanes I was going 5mph or less!

Kunia road still closed down by the tunnels before Schofield.

HOly shit.

2:20pm. Pouring in Wahiawa

nuuanu is getting bombed again. hopefully it washes away lower nuuanu.