Anyone going to Thailand May/June?

Hey guys! I'll be going to Chiang Mai, Thailand to train at Lanna in May and June. Will anyone here be there at that time? If so, I look forward to training with you!



I live in BK. Check out my website. Have u ever checked out Muay Chaiya?


Hi Mark! As a matter of fact, I have seen your website several times and I'd seriously considered spending a month training at your school. I really like everything I've read from your on-line posts so I'm sure I'd enjoy myself a lot there.

Alas, I don't really want to spend that much time in Bangkok and I don't have a lot of money to stay in a place like Bangkok.

However, I was planning on dropping by your school before I go to Chiang Mai. I'm arriving into Bangkok on the 3rd of May and flying to Chiang Mai on the 10th, so this'll give me enough time to visit you maybe a couple of times! I'm particularly interested in San Shou! Too bad I won't be there for the workshop :(.

Oh, and I don't know what Muay Chaiya is. Could you tell me about it?

See you soon!


Not going till august, but have a great time!!


I will be back from Rochester on Thursday 22, 2004

Let's hook up before you leave. I will be training hard for my fight this Sunday. If we can hook up to do some drill that would be great

Talk 2 u later

Hey Mong! Yeah, definitely let's get together and train some more. Btw, I really like Ghollar's tape!

I've been doing a lot of yoga lately in order to rehabilitate my back and it's been doing wonders! I'm going to do some light training this week, but when you get back I should (I hope) be able to train fully.

When we drill, I'd like to try some of things from that karate book we have. Can't remember the name, the one where you can grab the gi and strike/throw. I'm going to bring it to Thailand and try and drill it there too.

Hope you had a great fight! Let me know how it went!


Enshin Karate

Sabaki Karate


U are welcome to drop in and train with us. I will hook u up with the Chaiya Boyz as well!

Muay Chaiya is one of the older versions of Muay Thai that uses a centerline guard and emphasizes limb destructions!

Keep in touch...


Mark, sounds really cool! Can't wait to check it out. I'll be there in a couple of weeks. See you!



Dude, bring me some peanut butter. (2 jars) Seriously... You know ,the natural kind that u have to refrigerate after you open. The kind where the oil separates! Crunchy please... (will pay for it)


my MT coach is planning on going to Thailand in mid-May....

Hey Mark, I don't normally buy peanut butter so help me out here. Do you want brand name peanut butter, like Kraft or Jiffy, or the no-name kind you get at the bulk store (which come in clear, plastic yogurt containers)?

Khun Kao: Is that Master K? Where's he going?



No specific brand name. Just NATURAL/OLD FASHIONED PEANTUTBUTTER... It will say, refrigerate after opening/oils separates from... Jiffy and the other popular ones are not the kind I'm looking for...

Thank You


Nah, not K. My other MT coach, Master Danny. Hes a former Thai champ. I don't know if he's decided exactly when he's going yet. He was originally planning to do so in mid-May, but its been pushed back.

Mark, I'll do my best :).

By the way, how much will it cost for the savate seminar on the 9th of May? I've done only a bit of savate through my jkd training, but I fell in love with the foute. I find savate really interesting! Quite different from muay thai, but a potent kickboxing art. Unfortunately, savate isn't widely popular...



The cost of the Savate Seminar, to you, is 2 jars of peanut butter...


LMFAO at these posts!! Have fun!! Enjoy the peanut butter!

Don't forget to take advantage of every minute of training!!

By the way you find this kind of peanut butter (no hydrogenated fat, no sugar) in most health food stores together with other all natural nut butters (almond is my all time favourite). You can also make your own at home using a grinder...


I will postpone the Savate Workshop until July, due to moving to a New Gym! Please drop in for our classes...

I suggest the Tuesday evening San Shou Class
8-9:30PM... Of course u may check out the other classes as well...


Schedule and Directions @