Anyone remember Battlecade?

World Combat Championship (WCC) Renzo wins the 8-man tourney, and steps on a beaten opponents neck after fight is over... (Bart Vale was in the Tourney too)...

i remember Bart Vale beating the shit out of Mike Bitonio.. i wonder whatever happened to Bitonio, he got his ass beat, but i remember thinking he was a tough SOB..

i had the soundtrack, it was pretty good. had the best Internal Bleeding song on it.

^^^he's a master in the art of "HAWAIIAN BONE BREAKING" !!!!


Slapsymaxi - 
pandrews76 - is this the one where Jame Warring held onto Eric Paulson's hair FTW?

No... that was the WCC, World Combat Championships. That's also the one where Renzo steps on Ben Spijkers neck after the win.


I remember both of these occurrences.

Lancifer -  Whatever happened to Igor Zinoviev?  I was sooooo pumped for the Frank vs. Igor fight back in the day, and after that cringe-inducing slam I never heard what happened to him.

Such a badass, that guy was.

Pretty sure he coached a team in the IFL. Won't swear to it, but I think that's right.

my favorite part in the 1st is where they announce sperry as 'with a record of 1029475... and 0' and you can see some guys in the crowd break out laughing.

what adds to the humour is that they announce '...with a reputation for beating his opponents in less than 3 mins'... the crowd probably expecting a brutal tyson KO fest to ensue, but instead he looks very passive and relaxed in all his fights, and loses in the end after more than 15 mins (despite dominating)

the old school event that I REALLY want to see, which I haven't yet, is the IAFC with vovchanchin getting subbed via chin in eye and morais winning. I would love it if someone could let me know where to look...

pierrot lunaire - 

I forgot to mention that Carl was involved with the Dog Brothers early on in their group's existence. I think they credited him with introducing BJJ to the group.

You're right! totally forgot about that.  He was really into Kali/Escrima too.  He was actually the first one to ever show me stickfighting.  Man he had such a passion for martial arts in general.  He would study everything and he loved to teach as well.  He was a personal trainer at Gold's Gym on Kapiolani Blvd by Ala Moana.  I think its a 24hr fitness center now.  Anyway, it really was a tragedy and he really was a true martial artist in every sense of the word.

who is this Carl guy??