Anyone think A. Silva is NOT lb for lb best???

DarrenJG - It's getting pretty hard now to say that Anderson isn't the best pound for pound fighter in the world. Fedor has had reason to slip a bit, GSP is great, but I don't know how Silva isn't CLEARLY the best fighter overall at this point.

Anyone disagree?

LOL. Get back to me when he beats a true top 10 heavy weight. Then that discussion can begin.

Until then, he's a 205 pounder fighting as a middle weight.

The fact that Fedor has NO legitimate losses in 30 career fights; routinely dispatching men much heavier and taller is just too hard to beat; if an until Fedor does actually sustain a legitimate loss he is the P4P best and absolute best MMA Fighter in the world.

Machida is 2nd with Anderson and GSP in the top 4.

 Ok it's a little tough because Silva fought 3 more fighters than Fedor since Oct. 2006 but this is for 6 opponents of both Silva and Fedor. This is using Coleman,Hunt,Lindland,Choi,Sylvia,and Arlovski for Fedor. For Silva I am using Rich twice Lutter,Nate,Hendo,Griffin, for my first numbers.

Fedor opponents w/l before he fought them


After he fought them their records to date


So his opponents went on to win 3 more times and lose 13 more of their 16 next fights.

Anderson's opponents before he fought them


After he fought them their record to date


So they went on to win 14 and lose 12 in their next fights after Silva

 Now that is using Silva's "better" opponents  Not Leites,Cote,or Irvin

Also I must add that Fedor has fought 2 middleweights in this 3 years and a fighter with a 1-0 record in Choi and a fighter with a 5-2 record in Hunt.

Now both of these guys had good records in K1 but not MMA and both ironically got submitted in their fight with Fedor

Now if you put Leites,Irvin,and Cote in and we will take out Rich once and Griffin since it was today and Nate because he has more fights then most of the others you have Anderson at

Records before using Rich,Lutter,Hendo,Irvin,Cote,and Leites is 93-20 after they fought Silva they are 98-28 so they went on to win 5 and lose 8. Overall I would have to say that Silva definetly has the better record in the past 3 years dating back to October of 2006 which should weigh heavily on P4P rankings.

Wow, one of the smartest posts I've seen on the UG in awhile, audiophile.

Please start a thread using these numbers, Lyoto's and GSP's.

 Actually the numbers kinda surprised me as well

audiophile26 -  Ok it's a little tough because Silva fought 3 more fighters than Fedor since Oct. 2006 but this is for 6 opponents of both Silva and Fedor. This is using Coleman,Hunt,Lindland,Choi,Sylvia,and Arlovski for Fedor. For Silva I am using Rich twice Lutter,Nate,Hendo,Griffin, for my first numbers.
Fedor opponents w/l before he fought them
After he fought them their records to date
So his opponents went on to win 3 more times and lose 13 more of their 16 next fights.

Anderson's opponents before he fought them
After he fought them their record to date
So they went on to win 14 and lose 12 in their next fights after Silva
 Now that is using Silva's "better" opponents  Not Leites,Cote,or Irvin
Also I must add that Fedor has fought 2 middleweights in this 3 years and a fighter with a 1-0 record in Choi and a fighter with a 5-2 record in Hunt.
Now both of these guys had good records in K1 but not MMA and both ironically got submitted in their fight with Fedor
Now if you put Leites,Irvin,and Cote in and we will take out Rich once and Griffin since it was today and Nate because he has more fights then most of the others you have Anderson at
Records before using Rich,Lutter,Hendo,Irvin,Cote,and Leites is 93-20 after they fought Silva they are 98-28 so they went on to win 5 and lose 8. Overall I would have to say that Silva definetly has the better record in the past 3 years dating back to October of 2006 which should weigh heavily on P4P rankings.

LOL @ this psuedo science garbage

cherry picking which opponents you use, not to mention the laughable nature of giving relevance to what opponents do AFTER they fight the fighter in question (Fedor and Anderson)

what nonsense

 you tell me whats wrong with that ok tell me what opponents you would use. It's not my fault Fedor only fought 6 times and Anderson 9. I had to pick 6 opponents. Even with his lesser opponents Anderson clearly takes this hands down

audiophile26 -  you tell me whats wrong with that ok tell me what opponents you would use. It's not my fault Fedor only fought 6 times and Anderson 9. I had to pick 6 opponents. Even with his lesser opponents Anderson clearly takes this hands down

Dude, you could've done so much better had you used all 9 of Anderson's opponents and then made up three more for Fedor.


 LMAO at haters denying the facts

audiophile26 -  you tell me whats wrong with that ok tell me what opponents you would use. It's not my fault Fedor only fought 6 times and Anderson 9. I had to pick 6 opponents. Even with his lesser opponents Anderson clearly takes this hands down

it doesnt matter which opponents you "pick" its faulty logic from the start

what a fighter does AFTER he fights the guy in question (Fedor and Anderson in this situation) has NO relevance.


at all


hugojkd - 
slats - when anderson is in true trouble in a fight than i will put him ahead of FEDOR. he has basically controlled his fights in the ufc. don't get me wrong i love anderson but i just think FEDOR has the extra mental aspect that makes a true master. he may not be the greatest technically but he has the clutch it factor

I agree. Did Fedor ever lose via fluke subs against guys like Chonan or Takase? When has he phoned in disinterested performance the way Anderson did against Leites & Cote? He's had more than his share of freak show match ups, but he finished those off within minutes rather dragging them on round after round.

I love Silva, he's one of the greatest, along with Fedor, GSP, Penn, & Torres, but the fact remains that Fedor's never been legitimately beat in MMA & has never shown disinterest or strange mental lapses.

You could make a case that Silva, GSP, Penn, & Torres fight better competition more often than Fedor though...

FEDOR usually takes the easier fights and says fuck it and goes crazy and finishes it as soon as possible leaving no doubt. you can't seriously put forest at arvoloskis level. and fedor may have took his time finding his range but when it was time and he was given it, it was lights out no more fooling around. lol. i luv that lol

Benny Whaler - 

it doesnt matter which opponents you "pick" its faulty logic from the start

what a fighter does AFTER he fights the guy in question (Fedor and Anderson in this situation) has NO relevance.


at all


I dunno, I'd say it kinda does. I think someone can have the warrior spirit beaten out of them. Chuck has not been Chuck since Rampage got him the second time.

DarrenJG - No, but when you clean out a whole division, and then move up in weight and utterly dominate and embarrass a former champion, you have wonder if anyone is better.


Anderson would beat Fedor, I do believe it. I really think a motivated Anderson is the best fighter of all time. He made Forest look like a keyboard warrior tonight.

DWray - 
Benny Whaler - 

it doesnt matter which opponents you "pick" its faulty logic from the start

what a fighter does AFTER he fights the guy in question (Fedor and Anderson in this situation) has NO relevance.


at all


I dunno, I'd say it kinda does. I think someone can have the warrior spirit beaten out of them. Chuck has not been Chuck since Rampage got him the second time.

certainly. but thats not the context he was putting it in

he was attempting to diminish wins by saying that after fighter A beat fighter X, fighter X went on to lose, therefore fighter A's win doesnt mean anyhting

that is faulty logic, very low level thinking

Benny Whaler - 
audiophile26 -  you tell me whats wrong with that ok tell me what opponents you would use. It's not my fault Fedor only fought 6 times and Anderson 9. I had to pick 6 opponents. Even with his lesser opponents Anderson clearly takes this hands down

it doesnt matter which opponents you "pick" its faulty logic from the start

what a fighter does AFTER he fights the guy in question (Fedor and Anderson in this situation) has NO relevance.


at all


 OKm we will use all 9 of Silva's last opponents and Fedor's last 9 opponents dating back to Mid 2005 when Fedor was the motherfukkin man.

Fedor's opponets records w/l WHEN HE FOUGHT THEM!!

125-42 including Kohsaka,Cro-Cop,Zuluzinho,Coleman,Hunt,Lindland,Choi,Sylvia,Arlovski

Silva 's opponents WHEN HE FOUGHT THEM


Using Rich Franklin,Lutter,Nate,Franklin,Hendo,Irvin,Cote,Leites,and Griffin.

NO doubt here Silva is the man.

Jack Carter - 
DarrenJG - It's getting pretty hard now to say that Anderson isn't the best pound for pound fighter in the world. Fedor has had reason to slip a bit, GSP is great, but I don't know how Silva isn't CLEARLY the best fighter overall at this point.

Anyone disagree?

LOL. Get back to me when he beats a true top 10 heavy weight. Then that discussion can begin.

Until then, he's a 205 pounder fighting as a middle weight.

Before the UFC, Anderson fought most of his fights at 170. He also said rather than fight Lyoto at 205, that he would go back to 170.

 I mean I am not here to bash Fedor at all I was just gonna run the numbers and honestly I am pretty astonished at these numbers myself.

Until Fedor loses a fight (legitimately) he is #1 P4P.Anderson lost to has loses to Chonan & DAIJU TAKASE. Until Fedor has a KO/Sub/Decision loss, this is not debatable.

Even if we're talking last 3 years, Silva's only quality wins are over Franklin (x2), Henderson, Marquardt, & now Forrest.

Fedor's quality wins have come against Hunt, Sylvia, Arlovski & Lindland in the same time frame. We could have easily added Barnett's name to this list last weekend, and that would put Fedor's last 3 years over Silva's, IMO.

In fairness, Silva's last 3-4 years have been slightly more impressive, but he does not have the resume Fedor has. Not even close. Why is it, that a fighter that has beaten every big time Heavyweight in MMA history sans Couture, Mir & Lesnar, hasn't lost a fight, isn't #1 P4P. I don't get it?


even if records were the be all end all, which they aren't, that still means jack shit

those numbers dont reflect fighters, each fighter has fought different people at different times in their careers with different relevance depending on the circumstances of that particular point in time.

you can't simply post some numbers and try to pretend like you knew what was going on at a certain point in time, and the state of the various fighters' careers and thier abilities, what kind of threat they posed at that time. You can't see these things in simply viewing a fighter record and trying to compare it to another's.

its weak and flimsy