Anyone With Prison Experiences In Canada

Just curious, of what my future may be like, if I go down this route?

TheHound -

Just curious, of what my future may be like, if I go down this route?

What happened 

On your first day, walk up to the biggest guy there…

and tell him he seems like a nice fella.

TerrySilver -
TheHound -

Just curious, of what my future may be like, if I go down this route?

What happened 

Ain't done nothing yet. 

May happen though, may happen....

Do I get a TV, how's the noise at night? 

Here you go...

My buddy was in prison in Ontario. I don't know which one because I lost contact with him and when he got out I never asked.  Anyways he told me he got fucked up in the shower by a dude because he went in there butt naked and apparently the rule was you had to shower with your boxer shorts on. This might have happened in jail while waiting to be transferred to prison but just the same. Follow the rules of the house.  

muaythai1622 -

Here you go...

I watched some of that it's too old. I did notice one guy had a tv though. 

Also, there's no buttsecks in Canada. I don't believe the Ontario story....

I think i'm gonna have a siesta. 

I'll be back.

Depends where.  Out west sucks, Montreal prison is easy time

they will say please and thank you during rape

Fed system

Milhaven and joyceville

Provincial system



London, sarnia, windsor

Can give u honest answers as a white male who was in trouble consistantly from 15 to 24 in the province of ontario..

no need, this guy's a poser. Poser thread. 

TheHound -
TerrySilver -
TheHound -

Just curious, of what my future may be like, if I go down this route?

What happened 

Ain't done nothing yet. 

May happen though, may happen....

You'll do fookin nuttin 

Dont do it

Just be aware that the word "goof" means something specific.  Don't call anyone that unless you want to go.

Btw, definately dont refer to urself as thehound when down below..

AdamBishop -

Fed system

Milhaven and joyceville

Provincial system



London, sarnia, windsor

Can give u honest answers as a white male who was in trouble consistantly from 15 to 24 in the province of ontario..

I'm out west. 

Do most people get there own cell? 

How's the level of violence?


They will sense your fear like we can here. Don’t act tough. Just fall in line and and obey the law.