Anyone With Prison Experiences In Canada

hizzo - 

no need, this guy's a poser. Poser thread. 

I believe the term is “hoser”

forrestfan -
hizzo - 

no need, this guy's a poser. Poser thread. 

I believe the term is “hoser”

True, ‘poser’ is the skateboard version of ‘horse’. 

DollawayGotFistedByAPillow -

They will sense your fear like we can here. Don’t act tough. Just fall in line and and obey the law.

Oh, shit. I'm shaking in my heels. 

A guy from my high school got beat to death in one. I read today that the government will assign you to a prison based on your gender identity, so you will be safe if you claim to be a chick

The film says that Canada has one of the highest prisoner rate in the world with 129/100,000 population.

Is this still the case? What does US have, it wasn’t mentioned there. A lot higher or a lot lower?


TheHound -
DollawayGotFistedByAPillow -

They will sense your fear like we can here. Don’t act tough. Just fall in line and and obey the law.

Oh, shit. I'm shaking in my heels. 

I’m not trying to talk shit, just advice. But you’re clearly worried about it

This just happened today. The idiot shot him in the head. You might run into him.

If you go to jail here in Montreal, if you do a penitentary AA meeting ,we will probably see each other :slight_smile:

TheHound -
AdamBishop -

Fed system

Milhaven and joyceville

Provincial system



London, sarnia, windsor

Can give u honest answers as a white male who was in trouble consistantly from 15 to 24 in the province of ontario..

I'm out west. 

Do most people get there own cell? 

How's the level of violence?

Out west may be different.. also my knowledge comes from over a decade ago (for example you could smoke/buy tobacco on canteen, not any more, other things very well may be different now)

Fed (2 years or more)

Once you leave reception (reception is there first prison u go to, here you will be classified and assigned a mother institution, your stay in reception is usually 3-4 months)  you will not be celled with anyone when in high medium or maximium, im not sure how low medium and camps are.. 

In the federal system you can have a 13 inch tv (proper cable plus premium channels are free here), video game console upto n64/playstation (no modem capability), and a stereo system in your cell, you can also have "street" clothes sent to you to wear in all classifications..

Violent incidents are few and far between but when it happens it very serious. Typically violence happens over drugs, street or past prison beefs, and gambling debts.. fist fights are rare here, i guess you could say stabbing and pipings are the methods of choice when necessary..

Provincial (2 years or less)

Cellmates are a must unless you are in seg in my experience, dorms also exist here (i have not lived in them before though).

No electronics in cells here, one or two tv might be on the range though.

Violence is common here, mostly due to bordom.. while serious injury and stabbings are not common, getting boot fucked by multiples may happen.. a lot of "what are you looking at" fights when tempers are short due to bordom and everyone here wants to make a name for them selves..

Municipal (pre sentance, possible short sentance [45 days or less/weekends])

Cellmates are 50/50 depending on where you are and how busy the place is.

No electronics but again a tv will most likely be on the range

Violence is the same as the provincial system but even more common in my experience as people with "street" beefs are very common..

They'll say sorry before they blast your cornhole.

I hear the sex is tremendous, you will like.

EMDC in Ontario is a sh*thole.

I get in there monthly.

It looks nice but it's is just f*cking packed full.

3X the occupancy rate than it was built for.

Letibleu -

This just happened today. The idiot shot him in the head. You might run into him.

If you go to jail here in Montreal, if you do a penitentary AA meeting ,we will probably see each other :slight_smile:

Holee fuck!!! So what happened, did he snag a gun away from one of those cops and shoot himself?

I did 2 years less a day in Maplehurst back in the early 90's. It wasn't exactly easy street. My brother just got out of Collins Bay in Kingston last November. He's been to all of them at one time or another. My father, uncles and several family friends and acquaintences have done the prison circuit in Kingston over the years, but all of that is mostly long in the past.

It's a horrible existance man, so if you're about to do something that is going to inevitably send you away, you better make sure as fuck that it's a crime that you can live with as you begin the very slow countown, because if you're just going to do something stupid for the sake of something stupid, don't! Your life won't be easy, and everything you have going on now will seem like a wet dream compared what goes on around you in there. It's a stressful place!

sgotwalks - 

I did 2 years less a day in Maplehurst back in the early 90's. It wasn't exactly easy street. My brother just got out of Collins Bay in Kingston last November. He's been to all of them at one time or another. My father, uncles and several family friends and acquaintences have done the prison circuit in Kingston over the years, but all of that is mostly long in the past.

It's a horrible existance man, so if you're about to do something that is going to inevitably send you away, you better make sure as fuck that it's a crime that you can live with as you begin the very slow countown, because if you're just going to do something stupid for the sake of something stupid, don't! Your life won't be easy, and everything you have going on now will seem like a wet dream compared what goes on around you in there. It's a stressful place!


Listen to this guy.


Even guys doing intermittent at EMDC with the new building for it say it's nothing but sh*t...

I know quite a bit about Canadian prison as I work in law enforcement. 

Lotsa Natives and the bikers run the units. Tons of cameras now everywhere but the system is still back logged as fuck with ongoing complaint investigations. It’s not as rough as it used to be ten years ago. 

All drugs and tobacco is worth roughly 10x the amount in prison. Be polite to the guards as they will choose what they see and ignore within reason. 

Walk up to the first wakeboarder and say how much you think the ocean sucks. From there on I think you should be ok

Out West fucking blows, that's what everyone says that's I've talked to that has done time out East, compared to Alberta. I've done short bids at the Front resort, and a few in and outs at the Edmonton remand, but nothing noteworthy, just enough to get an idea of how stuff runs.

Alberta is fucked though, when it comes to jailing people. They have a crazy amount of federal and provincial institutions, and boast about having the biggest jail in Canada, which they're adding on to of course. I went in for a night and 2 days for fines last year, and I was in the same unit interacting with one guy who was just arrested in a well publicized case for murdering 2 macs store employees. And they have had trouble in the past about throwing people who aren't criminals, who can't afford to pay traffic offenses in to general population. One guy in Calgary a few years ago got beat so bad he got brain damage, a student who could barely speak English with no criminal record, in there for a minor traffic violation. 

Fahqhard -
AdamBishop -

Fed system

Milhaven and joyceville

Provincial system



London, sarnia, windsor

Can give u honest answers as a white male who was in trouble consistantly from 15 to 24 in the province of ontario..

How old are u?