Anyone With Prison Experiences In Canada

Fahqhard -
AdamBishop -
Fahqhard -
AdamBishop -

Fed system

Milhaven and joyceville

Provincial system



London, sarnia, windsor

Can give u honest answers as a white male who was in trouble consistantly from 15 to 24 in the province of ontario..

How old are u?


Sad lemon had to go?  

Spelling error or over my head..

tbd34 - A guy from my high school got beat to death in one. I read today that the government will assign you to a prison based on your gender identity, so you will be safe if you claim to be a chick

Adam kargus?

Fahqhard -
AdamBishop -
Fahqhard -
AdamBishop -
Fahqhard -
AdamBishop -

Fed system

Milhaven and joyceville

Provincial system



London, sarnia, windsor

Can give u honest answers as a white male who was in trouble consistantly from 15 to 24 in the province of ontario..

How old are u?


Sad lemon had to go?  

Spelling error or over my head..

What  the correct speling?

I meant there is a spelling error in you question "sad lemon had to go" or the question went over my head as im not sure who or what lemon is and where it has gone..

Fahqhard -
AdamBishop -
Fahqhard -
AdamBishop -
Fahqhard -
AdamBishop -
Fahqhard -
AdamBishop -

Fed system

Milhaven and joyceville

Provincial system



London, sarnia, windsor

Can give u honest answers as a white male who was in trouble consistantly from 15 to 24 in the province of ontario..

How old are u?


Sad lemon had to go?  

Spelling error or over my head..

What  the correct speling?

I meant there is a spelling error in you question "sad lemon had to go" or the question went over my head as im not sure who or what lemon is and where it has gone..

Ohh hahahah,, thought you were somine else sorry


So who is lemon and where has he gone?

Letibleu -

This just happened today. The idiot shot him in the head. You might run into him.

If you go to jail here in Montreal, if you do a penitentary AA meeting ,we will probably see each other :slight_smile:

WTF? That went on far too long. You ask once, you tell once, then they go hard down.

AdamBishop - 
tbd34 - A guy from my high school got beat to death in one. I read today that the government will assign you to a prison based on your gender identity, so you will be safe if you claim to be a chick

Adam kargus?

That was at EMDC.

It's far too overcrowded.

MountainMedic -
Letibleu -

This just happened today. The idiot shot him in the head. You might run into him.

If you go to jail here in Montreal, if you do a penitentary AA meeting ,we will probably see each other :slight_smile:

WTF? That went on far too long. You ask once, you tell once, then they go hard down.

Kid took the security’s night stick and hit him in the head a few times and the cop shot him aiming for his head point black and missed.  Kid is fine.  Bullet grazzed him.   Whole situation is an embarrassment.  Cant restrain a small french kid and cant even shoot him dead point blank.  Ridiculous 

MountainMedic -
Letibleu -

This just happened today. The idiot shot him in the head. You might run into him.

If you go to jail here in Montreal, if you do a penitentary AA meeting ,we will probably see each other :slight_smile:

WTF? That went on far too long. You ask once, you tell once, then they go hard down.

Kid took the security’s night stick and hit him in the head a few times and the cop shot him aiming for his head point black and missed.  Kid is fine.  Bullet grazzed him.   Whole situation is an embarrassment.  Cant restrain a small french kid and cant even shoot him dead point blank.  Ridiculous 

That entire room was completely out of control and not a single other officer did a thing but watch.


CaptainNemo -
AdamBishop - 
tbd34 - A guy from my high school got beat to death in one. I read today that the government will assign you to a prison based on your gender identity, so you will be safe if you claim to be a chick

Adam kargus?

That was at EMDC.

It's far too overcrowded.

Sad stuff, I grew up with adam and know anthony from around. Adam had been a victim of bullying his entire life (imo the reason he was a drug addict) and anthony will bully anyone who lets him.. sounds like you have experienced it, london is a really bad set up, certainly wasnt the first death,  wasnt the last and wont be.. imo, shut it down and shuttle to sw detention (temp open dorms will be needed to accommodate population increase) untill a new facility can be made, either a new super jail or another bucket, just something new with prisoner safety and visibility in mind.. funded by sales tax from recreational mj sales is also a way to pay for it if privatization isnt available..

AdamBishop - 
CaptainNemo -
AdamBishop - 
tbd34 - A guy from my high school got beat to death in one. I read today that the government will assign you to a prison based on your gender identity, so you will be safe if you claim to be a chick

Adam kargus?

That was at EMDC.

It's far too overcrowded.

Sad stuff, I grew up with adam and know anthony from around. Adam had been a victim of bullying his entire life (imo the reason he was a drug addict) and anthony will bully anyone who lets him.. sounds like you have experienced it, london is a really bad set up, certainly wasnt the first death,  wasnt the last and wont be.. imo, shut it down and shuttle to sw detention (temp open dorms will be needed to accommodate population increase) untill a new facility can be made, either a new super jail or another bucket, just something new with prisoner safety and visibility in mind.. funded by sales tax from recreational mj sales is also a way to pay for it if privatization isnt available..

They built the intermittent new section to try and avoid the people who were smuggling stuff in.

But it doesn't help much.

Sadly when they had the MPP come in for a tour people were mysteriously moved out until after the tour.

It's doable because those people are not there permamently but just waiting for something. So they can send them back to where they should be.

Cells are built for one and housing 3.

Not enough guards so they lock down everything every chance they get.

They need to expand and build or both.

Not saying peole inside ae innocent or it';s the guards fault...I'm sayng it's far too over crowded and something was bound to happen.

No one deserves to die in there.

Thanks for the info. Not something i'd look forward to I think i'd manage ok if I was in federal with an N64 and a tv to watch HNIC. 

I know i'd be a stress case though, so i'd need some serious anti-anxiety meds to be locked up. 

sgotwalks -

I did 2 years less a day in Maplehurst back in the early 90's. It wasn't exactly easy street. My brother just got out of Collins Bay in Kingston last November. He's been to all of them at one time or another. My father, uncles and several family friends and acquaintences have done the prison circuit in Kingston over the years, but all of that is mostly long in the past.

It's a horrible existance man, so if you're about to do something that is going to inevitably send you away, you better make sure as fuck that it's a crime that you can live with as you begin the very slow countown, because if you're just going to do something stupid for the sake of something stupid, don't! Your life won't be easy, and everything you have going on now will seem like a wet dream compared what goes on around you in there. It's a stressful place!

Why didn't you ask your lawyer to push for 2 years plus a day so you could do pen time? Would have been paroled in 8 months or less most likely. 2 years less a day is brutal, did you serve 16 months?

comeonman1 -
sgotwalks -

I did 2 years less a day in Maplehurst back in the early 90's. It wasn't exactly easy street. My brother just got out of Collins Bay in Kingston last November. He's been to all of them at one time or another. My father, uncles and several family friends and acquaintences have done the prison circuit in Kingston over the years, but all of that is mostly long in the past.

It's a horrible existance man, so if you're about to do something that is going to inevitably send you away, you better make sure as fuck that it's a crime that you can live with as you begin the very slow countown, because if you're just going to do something stupid for the sake of something stupid, don't! Your life won't be easy, and everything you have going on now will seem like a wet dream compared what goes on around you in there. It's a stressful place!

Why didn't you ask your lawyer to push for 2 years plus a day so you could do pen time? Would have been paroled in 8 months or less most likely. 2 years less a day is brutal, did you serve 16 months?

I did three and a half months dead time and was paroled after 8 months, so 11 months in total. I had 16 months parole, 3 years probation, 6 months house arrest, 12 sessions with a shrink  and 200 hours of community services. I was hammered by that judge. The most fucked up part of it all was that my house arrest was a probationary condition, so I was allowed to go out on my own accord for the first 16 months while I was on parole, then when my probation kicked in I was on house arrest for 6 months. Even my parole office thought that was insane, but when we went in front of the same judge to change it up he shot me down.

As for your other question, it's a good one. My uncle Bill told me I needed to tell the judge to go fuck himself during sentencing if he gave me provincial time, that would get him to bump my sentence up and I'd end up in federal where I would do easy time and be back out a lot sooner. When my Dad heard what he had said he was pissed. He told me to ignore that shit advice and take the provincial time where i would be right around the corner from them and they could take care of some things.

The fact that another uncle was busted on similar charges 6 months earlier and stood up in front of the same judge didn't help my cause. Outside of an assault charge for a fight when I was 17, this was the first time I had been in trouble at 23. All things considered, my sentence was really harsh by comparison to some of the repeat offenders I was in with. My time was about as easy as it could be due to my family and their connections, but still far too stressful as the ebbs and flaws of range politics are constantly changing, there is no lasting comfort zone in those places.

Never went back, never will! Sorry for the FRAT!

I have nothing of any value to contribute to this thread except for linking this video of a prison fight in Sask.

AdamBishop - 
tbd34 - A guy from my high school got beat to death in one. I read today that the government will assign you to a prison based on your gender identity, so you will be safe if you claim to be a chick

Adam kargus?

Ya, I was in the same year as his brother. It’s a tragedy what happened

CaptainNemo - 

EMDC in Ontario is a sh*thole.

I get in there monthly.

It looks nice but it's is just f*cking packed full.

3X the occupancy rate than it was built for.

Why are you in jail monthly? What kind of life do you lead?

Old school buddy of mine from BC got on the pipeline and got a pipe fitting apprenticeship in Alberta and as many people do got hooked on drugs due to the big paydays. Last year I got a call from his mother, he lost his apprenticeship and hooked up with a meth head hooker, got in a fight with her and pushed her down a stairwell. Went to jail in Edmonton AB and got beat half to death. Was in hospital for months. His mother asked me to give him a job and a place to live so he could show the court he had something to go to when he was released. Used to be a good guy but fuck letting him stay in my house with my family and trust him with my tools at work. I did however pick him up at  this drop off spot that they take released inmates to that have no one to pick them up. His face was fucked up still after I believe about 2-3 month recovering from the beating. Sad shit. Fucking guy is back with the meth head hooker last I heard even though he’s not supposed to be within X amount of KM/miles from her! Probably in jail again.

tbd34 -
AdamBishop - 
tbd34 - A guy from my high school got beat to death in one. I read today that the government will assign you to a prison based on your gender identity, so you will be safe if you claim to be a chick

Adam kargus?

Ya, I was in the same year as his brother. It’s a tragedy what happened

Im the year between shane and adam, went to ncivs for g9-10… small world

HotSteppa - 
CaptainNemo - 

EMDC in Ontario is a sh*thole.

I get in there monthly.

It looks nice but it's is just f*cking packed full.

3X the occupancy rate than it was built for.

Why are you in jail monthly? What kind of life do you lead?

I have professional in and out credentials.

I get to come in and go out when I want. (Within reason)