ANYTHING useful about aikido?

Nah. Yo soy Filipino mi amigos.

He's one of them Asian Sicilians.

More like Asian-Hispanic who listens to good Hilly Billy country music and
who appreciates delicious soul food. Damn! That's all major races
covered. :)

I am thinking that as a primary art, it is useless.

If you use it as a accessory art, then it could be helpful. You'd obviously have to become proficient in it and then mix it in with your normal sparring, but I could see Aikido techniques being extremely useful when the oppurtunity presents itself as opposed to going into a fight actively looking to apply an Aikido technique.

It really depends on what you use it for.

"Ask Roy Harris about wrsit locks i Jits."

He caught me with a couple of "aikido-esque" submissions when we were rolling.

Superior position makes ANYTHING functional.

I just got Jason Delucia's Combat Aikido, volume 4 and 5. I will post a review for them in the next few days.

Well, you could hammer in a nail with a rock if that's all you've got. I'd
just buy a hammer though.

"Superior position makes ANYTHING functional."

I'd use "superior control", but I'd still pretty much agree. Nothing worse than when he wristlocks you.....from UNDER side mount!

cprevost - agreed.

And springy palm - I am a HUGE instructional junkie. I like to put them on in the background while I work. I can't get enough of them.

With that said, I don't think I've EVER had any urge to see that series. Please post a review so that I can find out what I'm missing!!!!!