Apparently I have 1 more year to watch mma

After November of next year, I'll be 35yrs old.


UFC Age Demographic is 18-34.


Do they project that I'll be burnt out or no longer interested by then?



How many 35+yr olds do we have that watch the sport and keep up with it?




Is this something that the more I know and learn about the bad part of the business, I lose intrest?





I see and remember Pride in a much more glorious light as the days go by and I wonder, is the end near?


Yep. I'm 38. I don't watch UFC, MMA, frequent this forum, teach BJJ or anything having to do with the sport any longer.

41 and still addicted

D241 - 

After November of next year, I'll be 35yrs old.


UFC Age Demographic is 18-34.


Do they project that I'll be burnt out or no longer interested by then?



How many 35+yr olds do we have that watch the sport and keep up with it?




Is this something that the more I know and learn about the bad part of the business, I lose intrest?





I see and remember Pride in a much more glorious light as the days go by and I wonder, is the end near?


Pretty soon Arnold Palmer will be your new Dana White, Bob Barker will be your Bruce Buffer, Tim McCarver will be your Joe Rogan, Angie Dickinson will be your new Arianny, and Wilford Brimley will be your go to guy for diabeetus medicine.

35 still watch and occasionally step in the cage for fun. Phone Post

My pops is 62 and loves MMA. He showed me my first Pride event. Phone Post

ranier wolfcastle - 

41 and still addicted




How long you been watching?

Phone Post

I turn 40 later this year. I like cardigans and soft foods. For my combat sports fix I have Roadhouse on VHS. Phone Post

I believe Dana should apply a "senior discount" to PPV's for those above the age demographic.

41 and began watching in 96, still love it

It sucks to know that the sport will continue after you die.

theGunt - I turn 40 later this year. I like cardigans and soft foods. For my combat sports fix I have Roadhouse on VHS. Phone Post

Haha great post Phone Post

Yep, that's aro0und the age I got bored with it and stopped keeping up. I'll be 42 in april. Started watching in 1995. Funny that now you can say something like "Guess what, GSP is going to fight BJ Penn next UFC!" and I'll get all excited while having no idea if they already fought and you're messing with me. And the worst part, I might have even seen it!

36 here. 

The good part:  I can legally sleep with a chick half my age. 

The bad part:  I'm now invisible to those chicks :(

Dam dude I thought you were sick and had a year to live.

  1. It's really the only thing I watch anymore. Phone Post

just turned 40. get off my lawn

My dad has been a sports fan for over forty years. He dropped them all for the one where people beat each other up.