Apparently I have 1 more year to watch mma

I was thinking of this today. How do they know how old someone is from a ppv number? Is it cause that's who's buying all their shirts or something? Phone Post

jason73 - just turned 40. get off my lawn


39 and you're not getting your frisbee back kid!

Already past that bro and u know I'm still into it ;p

Main demographic just means that's the age group that watches the most

Already past that bro and u know I'm still into it ;p

Main demographic just means that's the age group that watches the most

I think that's just the median age, no? Anyhow, I'm 42 and have followed it since it's inception....actually even before since Rickson was discussing it before it started on the seminar trail. I have never stopped following it and never will. Fuck those stats.

35 but I'm still a noob, only been watching for about 7 or 8 years.

Wasa-B - Already past that bro and u know I'm still into it ;p

Main demographic just means that's the age group that watches the most

Its the demographic considered to have the most "disposible money".

Coveted by all.

D241 - 

After November of next year, I'll be 35yrs old.


UFC Age Demographic is 18-34.


Do they project that I'll be burnt out or no longer interested by then?



How many 35+yr olds do we have that watch the sport and keep up with it?




Is this something that the more I know and learn about the bad part of the business, I lose intrest?





I see and remember Pride in a much more glorious light as the days go by and I wonder, is the end near?


You better not leave motherfucker.

My 80 year old grandfather started watching about a year ago and absolutely loves it. Watches ufc, bellator pretty much anything he can find,

37 Phone Post

The 18-34 demographic needs to get a TUE. Some TRT could extend that span another 10 years. Phone Post

I would imagine that demographic to change real soon. A lot of the faces are becoming older and let's face it, most of the true mma fans are older guys. I'm not taking anything away from the younger fans by saying that either, hell, I'm 24 myself. But the bottom line is I think those demographics are solely based on the statistics of the modern, younger generation's interests and tune ins/ppv buys, etc..

I expect this to change, as we are all getting older. Phone Post

beatbum - 

Yep, that's aro0und the age I got bored with it and stopped keeping up. I'll be 42 in april. Started watching in 1995. Funny that now you can say something like "Guess what, GSP is going to fight BJ Penn next UFC!" and I'll get all excited while having no idea if they already fought and you're messing with me. And the worst part, I might have even seen it!

What was your substitute?






To Everyone else-You guys cracked me the fuck up, Vote ups for all you funny old farts!!!


ps-I hate 2 stream pee. never had that problem when I was younger.

Forever12er - 

I was thinking of this today. How do they know how old someone is from a ppv number? Is it cause that's who's buying all their shirts or something? Phone Post

I'm interested in this as well.

D241 - 
Forever12er - 

I was thinking of this today. How do they know how old someone is from a ppv number? Is it cause that's who's buying all their shirts or something? Phone Post

I'm interested in this as well.

Well they've been able to glean a lot of this info from TV demo numbers, but I'm not sure how else they've done it.

XxLiveBaitxX - 
Wasa-B - Already past that bro and u know I'm still into it ;p

Main demographic just means that's the age group that watches the most

Its the demographic considered to have the most "disposible money".

Coveted by all.


I'm 38, watched since 94.

Interest has it's ups and downs but right now I'm following it more closely than ever.

The UFC that is because it fills my MMA need completely.


48, almost 49 and addicted...

39 and I train daily, run camps for big and small fighters and havent turned on anything UFC related since I turned 34 and 1 day.

p.s anyone else watch that ground cat beat that race horse last night on TUF?? Gas is important

43 still watching. Phone Post