Apparently I have 1 more year to watch mma

I'm 31. Fuck all you old dudes!

Jk Phone Post

jason73 - just turned 40. get off my lawn

YES!! Phone Post

we share the same first name donkypunch55

I'm 17..should I stop watching for a year? :( Phone Post

time traveling 12er -

I think you're misunderstanding the idea of demographics.  18-34 males is what everyone targets because they're the ones with the most money to spend.  It doesn't mean you can't like MMA anymore just that they're not going to be trying to cater to you as much.

Really? Phone Post

I'm 43 and still watch. Was a very casual fan from the late 90's until 2009. My son started wrestling then which got me started with bjj. from that point on I became a pretty die hard MMA fan. Phone Post

Wow you're all old. I'm 22 banging a tight 20 year old. Phone Post

I have to take Viagra to watch now, but I still love the spectacle.

Actually Networks and their advertisers go by 18-49 now, so you are good for a few more years.

1_less_name - I'm 78 and love it.

War Diaz! Phone Post

Jesus really 78 and supporting Diaz? Older but not any more wise. Phone Post

46, don't watch other sports and I can't fathom not watching MMA