Askren Not Best Wrestler in MMA

no worries... i am just flabbergasted that dude is making the claims he is... it makes me want to punch a baby right in the face...

it is akin to me making a claim that i am a better wrestler than danny hodge just because i could out wrestle him today... 

and trust me, even with him being 86... barely can walk without assistance... and suffering from dimentia... i still wouldn't risk it... he used me to show a move to a bunch of little kids close to 10 years ago and it was frightening...

but, i digress...

in a wrestling match... today... any style... Askren would make JBJ look silly regardless of size... 

in a wrestling match... today... folk... Askren would make yoel look silly regardless of size...

in a wrestling match... today... any style... DC would beat Askren because of size, but, Askren would not look silly...

Khabib is Askren's size... 

Sit N Smile -
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Sit N Smile - 

khabib fucking wrecks him in wrestling even after fatigued. there's levels to this shit. fuck u if u disagree

Ben is a more accomplished wrestler than Khabib.

It’s possible Khabib outwrestles Ben. But it’s not likely. Ben’s credentials as a wrestlers are far better.

credentials are out the window tbh, this became painfully clear when saki got ko’d by rountree (even when crocop got ko’d by randleman)

fedor also easily outstruck cc for an entire fight

on papaer, based on credentials, shouldnt have ever hapened in a million years... but mma is crazy

it's all about excecution, and at the moment, khabib in incomparable. more explosive than askren, against much tougher quality competition, and under much more intense pressure. im sure askren will do very well in the ufc, but he'll look average at 170... not champion material that ive seen but def a very tough contender.

name 1 top wrestler Khabib took down and who says credentials out the window ( you )

I provided you 2 of the greatest examples in history (plus take a look at overeem vs ANYONE who has KO'd him on the feet... or how about jbj outwrestling DC in their first fight... ETC ETC ETC)

credentials dont mean SHIT anymore in today's MMA. odds are created due to MOMENTUM and feats, not credentials. askren has not performed more incredible feats than khabib, to suggest he has is utter nonsense. 

khabib's grappling based on who has has wrecked on his warpath is a clear cut above asken's. khabib has made all his opponents look like children - whereass askren looks awkward, lazy, sloppy with his grappling. im not the only who thinks this neither. askren is pure technique - khabib may not be the most technical grappler ever but he's explosive, gritty, and puts on a show when he smothers ppl. you simply cannot say the same about askren YET. for this reason, khabib would definitely be a HEAVY favorite to beating askren... in any area of the fight game.

Credentials absolutely mean something. If you ran a statistical analysis of MMA wrestling stats measured against NCAA accomplishments, the results would be a remarkable correlation.

Credentials also don’t guarantee anything.

if JBJ (who quite honestly, in pure wrestling rankings, doesn’t even crack top 20 AL TIME, while cormier clearly does) can outperform dc in grappling in a fight, this will forever prove comparing credentials going into an MMA FIGHT is a waste of time. 

khabib may not be at an olympic level of wrestling like askren may be, but when it comes to utilizing his MMA grappling, in an MMA FIGHT, khabib is several levels beyond askren for sure. just watch their highlight side by side and tell me askren is on the same level.... he is not as of today.

DC does not crack the top 20 all time, not close. 

buggin out bro. dc is certainly a top 20 all time goat in wrrestling. please find me 20 men that have existed throughout time that can outgrapple dc p4p/openweight.

some how i missed this...

DC was a great wrestler... 2X olympian... but he doesnt crack top 100 all time in US... i would hazard to guess closer to not cracking top 200...

international included?

all time?

he is a total after thought in his weight class alone...


i dont want to even try and guess, but, it aint pretty...

and this is no disrepsect to DC at all... not even a little disrespect... less than any... but the reality is what it is...

Sit N Smile -
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Sit N Smile - 
Winston Wolf -
Sit N Smile -
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Sit N Smile - 

khabib fucking wrecks him in wrestling even after fatigued. there's levels to this shit. fuck u if u disagree

Ben is a more accomplished wrestler than Khabib.

It’s possible Khabib outwrestles Ben. But it’s not likely. Ben’s credentials as a wrestlers are far better.

credentials are out the window tbh, this became painfully clear when saki got ko’d by rountree (even when crocop got ko’d by randleman)

fedor also easily outstruck cc for an entire fight

on papaer, based on credentials, shouldnt have ever hapened in a million years... but mma is crazy

it's all about excecution, and at the moment, khabib in incomparable. more explosive than askren, against much tougher quality competition, and under much more intense pressure. im sure askren will do very well in the ufc, but he'll look average at 170... not champion material that ive seen but def a very tough contender.

name 1 top wrestler Khabib took down and who says credentials out the window ( you )

I provided you 2 of the greatest examples in history (plus take a look at overeem vs ANYONE who has KO'd him on the feet... or how about jbj outwrestling DC in their first fight... ETC ETC ETC)

credentials dont mean SHIT anymore in today's MMA. odds are created due to MOMENTUM and feats, not credentials. askren has not performed more incredible feats than khabib, to suggest he has is utter nonsense. 

khabib's grappling based on who has has wrecked on his warpath is a clear cut above asken's. khabib has made all his opponents look like children - whereass askren looks awkward, lazy, sloppy with his grappling. im not the only who thinks this neither. askren is pure technique - khabib may not be the most technical grappler ever but he's explosive, gritty, and puts on a show when he smothers ppl. you simply cannot say the same about askren YET. for this reason, khabib would definitely be a HEAVY favorite to beating askren... in any area of the fight game.

Credentials absolutely mean something. If you ran a statistical analysis of MMA wrestling stats measured against NCAA accomplishments, the results would be a remarkable correlation.

Credentials also don’t guarantee anything.

if JBJ (who quite honestly, in pure wrestling rankings, doesn’t even crack top 20 AL TIME, while cormier clearly does) can outperform dc in grappling in a fight, this will forever prove comparing credentials going into an MMA FIGHT is a waste of time. 

khabib may not be at an olympic level of wrestling like askren may be, but when it comes to utilizing his MMA grappling, in an MMA FIGHT, khabib is several levels beyond askren for sure. just watch their highlight side by side and tell me askren is on the same level.... he is not as of today.

DC does not crack the top 20 all time, not close. 

buggin out bro. dc is certainly a top 20 all time goat in wrrestling. please find me 20 men that have existed throughout time that can outgrapple dc p4p/openweight.

He didn't win NCAAs or place top three at the Olympics. We just had Dake, Taylor and Cox win worlds last week plus they are all NCAA champions as well. I don't think you follow wrestling. 

No, clearly he doesn’t...

Sit N Smile -
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Sit N Smile -
fan4000 -
Sit N Smile -
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Sit N Smile - 
Winston Wolf -
Sit N Smile -
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Sit N Smile - 

khabib fucking wrecks him in wrestling even after fatigued. there's levels to this shit. fuck u if u disagree

Ben is a more accomplished wrestler than Khabib.

It’s possible Khabib outwrestles Ben. But it’s not likely. Ben’s credentials as a wrestlers are far better.

credentials are out the window tbh, this became painfully clear when saki got ko’d by rountree (even when crocop got ko’d by randleman)

fedor also easily outstruck cc for an entire fight

on papaer, based on credentials, shouldnt have ever hapened in a million years... but mma is crazy

it's all about excecution, and at the moment, khabib in incomparable. more explosive than askren, against much tougher quality competition, and under much more intense pressure. im sure askren will do very well in the ufc, but he'll look average at 170... not champion material that ive seen but def a very tough contender.

name 1 top wrestler Khabib took down and who says credentials out the window ( you )

I provided you 2 of the greatest examples in history (plus take a look at overeem vs ANYONE who has KO'd him on the feet... or how about jbj outwrestling DC in their first fight... ETC ETC ETC)

credentials dont mean SHIT anymore in today's MMA. odds are created due to MOMENTUM and feats, not credentials. askren has not performed more incredible feats than khabib, to suggest he has is utter nonsense. 

khabib's grappling based on who has has wrecked on his warpath is a clear cut above asken's. khabib has made all his opponents look like children - whereass askren looks awkward, lazy, sloppy with his grappling. im not the only who thinks this neither. askren is pure technique - khabib may not be the most technical grappler ever but he's explosive, gritty, and puts on a show when he smothers ppl. you simply cannot say the same about askren YET. for this reason, khabib would definitely be a HEAVY favorite to beating askren... in any area of the fight game.

Credentials absolutely mean something. If you ran a statistical analysis of MMA wrestling stats measured against NCAA accomplishments, the results would be a remarkable correlation.

Credentials also don’t guarantee anything.

if JBJ (who quite honestly, in pure wrestling rankings, doesn’t even crack top 20 AL TIME, while cormier clearly does) can outperform dc in grappling in a fight, this will forever prove comparing credentials going into an MMA FIGHT is a waste of time. 

khabib may not be at an olympic level of wrestling like askren may be, but when it comes to utilizing his MMA grappling, in an MMA FIGHT, khabib is several levels beyond askren for sure. just watch their highlight side by side and tell me askren is on the same level.... he is not as of today.

DC does not crack the top 20 all time, not close. 

buggin out bro. dc is certainly a top 20 all time goat in wrrestling. please find me 20 men that have existed throughout time that can outgrapple dc p4p/openweight.

He didn't win NCAAs or place top three at the Olympics. We just had Dake, Taylor and Cox win worlds last week plus they are all NCAA champions as well. I don't think you follow wrestling. 

please name me 20 ppl ever who can outwrestle HW DC in a pure wrestling match. and dont give me that weight class bullshit excuse neither. name me who would would outwrestle DC


You realize if you google "feat" that "accomplishment" comes up as a synonym right? You keep babbling about accomplishments vs feats and it comes off really ridiculous. I'm not sure if I'm biting on a troll post or not. 

Either way, I'm not compiling a list right now (I'll try tomorrow) but off the cuff: J'Den Cox, Cael Sanderson, Kyle Snyder, Cole Conrad, Bruce Bumgartner, Jake Varner, Kurt Angle, Kevin Jackson, Adam Coon, Steve Moco, Tommy Rollands, and Nick Gwiazdowski.

This is based on the criteria of who in the US would beat him straight up, not a pound of pound debate. He still won't be top 20 all time on that either, but he wil be closer than if it was pound for pound. I don't think you realize that the United States puts out some bad ass fucking wrestlers man. 

Sit N Smile -
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Sit N Smile -
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Sit N Smile - 
Winston Wolf -
Sit N Smile -
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Sit N Smile - 

khabib fucking wrecks him in wrestling even after fatigued. there's levels to this shit. fuck u if u disagree

Ben is a more accomplished wrestler than Khabib.

It’s possible Khabib outwrestles Ben. But it’s not likely. Ben’s credentials as a wrestlers are far better.

credentials are out the window tbh, this became painfully clear when saki got ko’d by rountree (even when crocop got ko’d by randleman)

fedor also easily outstruck cc for an entire fight

on papaer, based on credentials, shouldnt have ever hapened in a million years... but mma is crazy

it's all about excecution, and at the moment, khabib in incomparable. more explosive than askren, against much tougher quality competition, and under much more intense pressure. im sure askren will do very well in the ufc, but he'll look average at 170... not champion material that ive seen but def a very tough contender.

name 1 top wrestler Khabib took down and who says credentials out the window ( you )

I provided you 2 of the greatest examples in history (plus take a look at overeem vs ANYONE who has KO'd him on the feet... or how about jbj outwrestling DC in their first fight... ETC ETC ETC)

credentials dont mean SHIT anymore in today's MMA. odds are created due to MOMENTUM and feats, not credentials. askren has not performed more incredible feats than khabib, to suggest he has is utter nonsense. 

khabib's grappling based on who has has wrecked on his warpath is a clear cut above asken's. khabib has made all his opponents look like children - whereass askren looks awkward, lazy, sloppy with his grappling. im not the only who thinks this neither. askren is pure technique - khabib may not be the most technical grappler ever but he's explosive, gritty, and puts on a show when he smothers ppl. you simply cannot say the same about askren YET. for this reason, khabib would definitely be a HEAVY favorite to beating askren... in any area of the fight game.

Credentials absolutely mean something. If you ran a statistical analysis of MMA wrestling stats measured against NCAA accomplishments, the results would be a remarkable correlation.

Credentials also don’t guarantee anything.

if JBJ (who quite honestly, in pure wrestling rankings, doesn’t even crack top 20 AL TIME, while cormier clearly does) can outperform dc in grappling in a fight, this will forever prove comparing credentials going into an MMA FIGHT is a waste of time. 

khabib may not be at an olympic level of wrestling like askren may be, but when it comes to utilizing his MMA grappling, in an MMA FIGHT, khabib is several levels beyond askren for sure. just watch their highlight side by side and tell me askren is on the same level.... he is not as of today.

DC does not crack the top 20 all time, not close. 

buggin out bro. dc is certainly a top 20 all time goat in wrrestling. please find me 20 men that have existed throughout time that can outgrapple dc p4p/openweight.

He didn't win NCAAs or place top three at the Olympics. We just had Dake, Taylor and Cox win worlds last week plus they are all NCAA champions as well. I don't think you follow wrestling. 

please name me 20 ppl ever who can outwrestle HW DC in a pure wrestling match. and dont give me that weight class bullshit excuse neither. name me who would would outwrestle DC


He lost to 5 in his 2 years at D1... 6x to Cael... 4th in olympics 2004... didn’t medal at worlds in 03, 05, and 06... took bronze in 08...

how many times did gatsolov beat him?

he is never beating Sadulaev, Snyder, odikaze...

mahkov, akgul, petradhvili, gwiz...

boltukaev at his most roided...

anyone think he is beating cox?

i think Taylor right now gives him fits at both their best... yazdhani as well...

and these are all current guys...

all time?

fuk... it’s not even a thing...

DC was a great wrestler but is not even an afterthought in the pantheon...

Shit... I didn’t even think about coon

Sit’n’Spin... you should really learn something about actual wrestling and not just listening to hyperbole spouted out during the UFC broadcast

You asked and got a ridiculous number of answers right off the top of a couple of people’s heads... you don’t know wrestling... you have watched UFC for a few years and have been brain washed by the media machine...

it is not a crime to be ignorant...

but, FFS try to learn a little bit before you go all happy jack

Sit N Smile -

Sit’n’Spin... you should really learn something about actual wrestling and not just listening to hyperbole spouted out during the UFC broadcast

you have no argument to anything im saying. askren is not the best wrestler in MMA, not by a long shot. he never was and never will be. 

You don’t know wrestling... just stop

He’s trolling or is a teenager. Everyone should disengage.

Sit N Smile - 
Sit N Smile -

Sit’n’Spin... you should really learn something about actual wrestling and not just listening to hyperbole spouted out during the UFC broadcast

you have no argument to anything im saying. askren is not the best wrestler in MMA, not by a long shot. he never was and never will be. 

You don’t know wrestling... just stop

a non-argument. you have no argument. you are unable to come up with a proper response that address let alone rebutes any of my points.

please post a khabib highlight and an askren highlight and watch them either side by side or one after the other. khabib has been far more dominant then askren has - AGAINST TOUGHER COMPETITION. 

address this or log off. both of you.

hes come up with responce after responce and obviously knows more than u

Sit N Smile - 

what in the actual fuk?

derrick lewis would smash cejudo in a wrestling match because he is over twice his size... 

lewis is a better wrestler than cejudo?


this is your argument?

>derrick lewis would smash cejudo in a wrestling match because he is over twice his size... 

says the fuck who?

cain velasquez was a skilled wrestler who even though he was shorter and smaller than brock lesnar (who had good wreslting background himself), neutralized brock's grappling completely. even took him down iirc. 

also, kurt angle, one of the greatest ever, was also shorter and weighed less than brock, and wrecked him in a pure grappling match as well. 

lewis has absolutely no offensive grappling prowess whatsoever, nor any significant cardio. i would ABSOLUTELY favor olympian henry cejudo over lewis in pure grappling, without a doubt. lewis is much less skilled than brock in wrestling so he would absolutely get worked. by any olympic caliber grappler regardless of size.

i cant believe i just read this post on the ug, and it wasnt from the immortal one

lewis is 2x Cejudos size and would smash him in wrestling .Im 175 and think id give Cejudo trouble because im way bigger.Lewis would crush me

I know it never happens but I can see Tyron stuffing tds from Ben.

Also, Sit n Smile, quit being retarded.

Sit N Smile - 

Sit’n’Spin... you should really learn something about actual wrestling and not just listening to hyperbole spouted out during the UFC broadcast

you have no argument to anything im saying. askren is not the best wrestler in MMA, not by a long shot. he never was and never will be. 


Sit N Smile - 
Winston Wolf -
Sit N Smile - 

what in the actual fuk?

derrick lewis would smash cejudo in a wrestling match because he is over twice his size... 

lewis is a better wrestler than cejudo?


this is your argument?

>derrick lewis would smash cejudo in a wrestling match because he is over twice his size... 

says the fuck who?

cain velasquez was a skilled wrestler who even though he was shorter and smaller than brock lesnar (who had good wreslting background himself), neutralized brock's grappling completely. even took him down iirc. 

also, kurt angle, one of the greatest ever, was also shorter and weighed less than brock, and wrecked him in a pure grappling match as well. 

lewis has absolutely no offensive grappling prowess whatsoever, nor any significant cardio. i would ABSOLUTELY favor olympian henry cejudo over lewis in pure grappling, without a doubt. lewis is much less skilled than brock in wrestling so he would absolutely get worked. by any olympic caliber grappler regardless of size.

i cant believe i just read this post on the ug, and it wasnt from the immortal one

lewis is 2x Cejudos size and would smash him in wrestling .Im 175 and think id give Cejudo trouble because im way bigger.Lewis would crush me

yea and 7 foot struve is the world’s greatest fighter, never been out grappled nor outstruck, totally undefeated since he’s never fought anyone bigger in the ufc and size is really matters.

lewis’ mma game is swang & bang with mild TDD. to suggest lewis can outwrestle cejudo in pure wrestling is like suggesting any 6’0 265 average joe could outwrestle cejudo. derrick is literally an average joe in grappling, stating by the man himself. 

it's like fuckin clown world today, what the fuck is going on?? wtf

i bet ur 130 and think u can beat a 260 pounder.Lewis is 265 more than 2x Cejudos weight he would crush him in wrestling .Strive was out wrestled by HEAVYWEIGHTS not flyweights

Sit N Smile - 
Winston Wolf -
Sit N Smile - 
Sit N Smile -

Sit’n’Spin... you should really learn something about actual wrestling and not just listening to hyperbole spouted out during the UFC broadcast

you have no argument to anything im saying. askren is not the best wrestler in MMA, not by a long shot. he never was and never will be. 

You don’t know wrestling... just stop

a non-argument. you have no argument. you are unable to come up with a proper response that address let alone rebutes any of my points.

please post a khabib highlight and an askren highlight and watch them either side by side or one after the other. khabib has been far more dominant then askren has - AGAINST TOUGHER COMPETITION. 

address this or log off. both of you.

hes come up with responce after responce and obviously knows more than u

""" responses """"

yeaaaaa, non-arguments and commentary. no rebuttals. none of you are addressing any of my main points. 

ur points have been adressed 100x.Askren is undefeated with a highly decorated wrestling career

Yeah we all bit hard on this troll. I’m out, good luck to those who continue the good fight.