ATT is disrespecting the sport

Great fighters, great camp..

But consistently missing weight is absolutely terrible for this sport. Never has a team disregarded the professionalism involved in making weight so often. Every big event, someone is missing their target.

I'm so tired of seeing it. It's such a tarnish on such a bright trophy. Literally, the best camp in the world and they can't put together a cut/weight program for their guys that works.

It's seriously too bad. For the team and for the sport.

With that being said - LETS GO GAMEBRED!!!!!!!!

 Did some miss weight for UFN?


 I never saw more guys missing from there than anywhere else? Every show ever forever one or more people miss, and ATT as dominant as they are, do not have someone in every show ever forever :-)

Kirik -  I never saw more guys missing from there than anywhere else? Every show ever forever one or more people miss, and ATT as dominant as they are, do not have someone in every show ever forever :-)

ATT misses weight more than any camp by a long shot. I don't care enough to put together a spread sheet, but it's kind of staggering how common/often this happens.

I love ATT. Great camp, great team, great instructors. But its' bad for the sport to miss weight and miss it consistently.

BlackJesus -  Did some miss weight for UFN?

I'm referring to Masvidal - but Tibau missed weight for the UFN as well.

Jeff W -

ATT misses weight more than any camp by a long shot. I don't care enough to put together a spread sheet, but it's kind of staggering how common/often this happens.

 So you care enough to start a thread bad-mouthing them, but don't care enough to actually see if the data supports your conclusion?

ATT also has more fighters fighting every weekend than nearly ANY other camp in the world. 

I would actually guess that they have one of the highest overall percentages of making weight for that fact alone.

The simplicity of your arguement is laughable.  You remember Alves and Tibau missing weight, but you have no idea how many total fights they've made weight for this year or last year.  The number is probably staggering.

I agree with Jeff W

Yeah, it is fucking ridiculous. They had one of the best strength and conditioning coaches around in Benkei and left the camp as well. It must be frustrating for a guy like that to not be listened to when it comes to weight cutting.

 ttt for some solid statistics.

and Kirik, buy a pro membership already, Geez.


ATT guys likes to eat except for the Millers

Tibau was a 1/2 pound over while Stevens was 2 pounds over. Both guys had an hour to cut which is allowed by the athletic commission. Jeremy cut 1 pound in 20 minutes and then both parties agreed to the catch weight. Tibau could have dropped his shorts and been on target. Wasn't a big deal to either fighter.

Masvidal weighed in 1/4 pound over but then easily made weight.

Fighters are not allowed on the scales prior to the weigh ins so its hard to gauge if they are on target or just a little off as was the case with Jorge.

I'm speaking from first hand knowledge as I was there for both weigh-ins.

Primo - ATT

Kirik -  I never saw more guys missing from there than anywhere else? Every show ever forever one or more people miss, and ATT as dominant as they are, do not have someone in every show ever forever :-)

nicely done Kirik

ATT fields more fighters than most any other team so the incidence of someone not making weight should be higher just for that fact.

I'll venture a bet that ATT's fighters that make weight versus the ones who don't is similar to other camps.

Mad Xyientist - 
Jeff W -

ATT misses weight more than any camp by a long shot. I don't care enough to put together a spread sheet, but it's kind of staggering how common/often this happens.

 So you care enough to start a thread bad-mouthing them, but don't care enough to actually see if the data supports your conclusion?

ATT also has more fighters fighting every weekend than nearly ANY other camp in the world. 

I would actually guess that they have one of the highest overall percentages of making weight for that fact alone.

The simplicity of your arguement is laughable.  You remember Alves and Tibau missing weight, but you have no idea how many total fights they've made weight for this year or last year.  The number is probably staggering.

Blatant nut huggery.

ATT misses weight FAR more than any other camp. And I'm not "bad mouthing" them Mr. Exagerator. I'm saying it's bad for a professional sport and it's bad for their camps reputation.

Fucking 13 year old kids can make weight all year for their junior high wrestling team but these grown men who are professionals can't make weight.

Ponyboy - ATT fields more fighters than most any other team so the incidence of someone not making weight should be higher just for that fact.

I'll venture a bet that ATT's fighters that make weight versus the ones who don't is similar to other camps.

Name one camp BESIDES ATT who has a reputation for missing weight.

One camp.

Jeff W - 
Ponyboy - ATT fields more fighters than most any other team so the incidence of someone not making weight should be higher just for that fact.

I'll venture a bet that ATT's fighters that make weight versus the ones who don't is similar to other camps.

Name one camp BESIDES ATT who has a reputation for missing weight.

One camp.

Fat camp?

NarlyPersianDude - 
Jeff W - 
Ponyboy - ATT fields more fighters than most any other team so the incidence of someone not making weight should be higher just for that fact.

I'll venture a bet that ATT's fighters that make weight versus the ones who don't is similar to other camps.

Name one camp BESIDES ATT who has a reputation for missing weight.

One camp.

Do you realize what you are doing. If you are going to make a shit about this, you actaully have to back it up with stats. You saying you dont to caue you dont feel like is one of the most asinine things I have heard. Your like a lawyer who walks in court says someone is guilty but cant be bothered to provide proof. Naming a handful of guys aint shit. They have I think the most fighters. You have to look at the percentage.

Do you realize what a fucking retard you are?

Thiago Alves - twice (three if you count the diuretic)
Jorge Masvidal
Gleason Tibau
Luigi Fivoranti
Wilson Gouieva
Thiago Tavares
Simon Coulter

Shall I keep going? I can..

If you read the thread, I've said about 300 times that I think ATT is one of the best camps in the world. Probably THE best. They have the best coaches, toughest fighters and an awesome team/family vibe. It's just sad they can't make weight, especially for big fights..

I can add more names if that will help you sleep at night you douche. I wasn't trying to bring names into this - I'm talking about them as a camp and how it is bad for the professionalism of the sport to miss weight.

Stats lol, what stats do you need? When someone misses weight at a UFC, the first thing I wonder is if they are from ATT now and I actually like the team.

Any club that misses weight that much should address the issue. Instead of acting like their team is bigger then the sport and rules.

Missing weight and then calling for a title shot was a sad moment for me as a ATT fan.

Hessian - Stats lol, what stats do you need? When someone misses weight at a UFC, the first thing I wonder is if they are from ATT now and I actually like the team.

Any club that misses weight that much should address the issue. Instead of acting like their team is bigger then the sport and rules.

Missing weight and then calling for a title shot was a sad moment for me as a ATT fan.

Exactly. This isn't about "stats" or calling out XYZ fighter. This is about a camp and a team with a great reputation failing to make weight time and time again.