ATT is disrespecting the sport

Jeff W - 
NarlyPersianDude - 
Jeff W - 
Ponyboy - ATT fields more fighters than most any other team so the incidence of someone not making weight should be higher just for that fact.

I'll venture a bet that ATT's fighters that make weight versus the ones who don't is similar to other camps.

Name one camp BESIDES ATT who has a reputation for missing weight.

One camp.

Do you realize what you are doing. If you are going to make a shit about this, you actaully have to back it up with stats. You saying you dont to caue you dont feel like is one of the most asinine things I have heard. Your like a lawyer who walks in court says someone is guilty but cant be bothered to provide proof. Naming a handful of guys aint shit. They have I think the most fighters. You have to look at the percentage.

Do you realize what a fucking retard you are?

Thiago Alves - twice (three if you count the diuretic)

Jorge Masvidal

Gleason Tibau

Luigi Fivoranti

Wilson Gouieva

Thiago Tavares

Simon Coulter

Shall I keep going? I can..

If you read the thread, I've said about 300 times that I think ATT is one of the best camps in the world. Probably THE best. They have the best coaches, toughest fighters and an awesome team/family vibe. It's just sad they can't make weight, especially for big fights..

I can add more names if that will help you sleep at night you douche. I wasn't trying to bring names into this - I'm talking about them as a camp and how it is bad for the professionalism of the sport to miss weight.

 Great, so the numerator is 7. 

once again, what's the denominator?  And where does that rank to other camps percentage of missed weight?

This is like arguing that you are more likely to get spoiled food at McDonald's than at Fred's Fish House because you have read in the paper twice about people getting spoiled food at McDonald's.

I really think that ATT's great strength and condition is probably a factor in them missing weight, a lot of their guys are really pushing the limits on how much size they can bring into the weight class and it certainly has helped them more than hurt them but missing weight is really going to hurt Thiago eventually. I could see him trying to come in too big vs GSP and it not being a title fight, which is really embarassing if he loses and really disappointing (for him and his fans) if he wins. I love watching Thiago fight and their camp is just loaded but I agree with Jeff.

agreed with the thread starter. ATT misses weight a lot. they also arguably have the fighters who cut the most weight for a fight.

Jeff W-

guys miss weight all the time. you just don't hear about it. I think we as a team fought over 120 times last year and close to it the year before. No excuses for the guys who don't make weight but it seems like you are trying to say we are the only camp or team that misses which is just not true. We fought on a show locally and 2 guys we fought were 5 and 7 pounds over the limit respectively. Not bitching, we just fought them at the higher weight.
It happens.

Not justifying the guys who miss weight, just don't smear our whole team when the great majority of our fighters never miss weight.

Since we were established in 2003, we have a pretty good track record.

inf0 - lol @ needing stats to notice this trend

they should get Kalib Starnes back and run some fucking laps once in awhile...


It's all these fucking arm chair warriors with 90k posts asking for "Stats" as though they haven't been MMA fans the past 5 years and witnessed the trend of ONE camp consitently missing weight for big fights..

I love ATT.

I just wish they would start making weight for EVERY fight so we don't have to see the asterisk next to their fighters names.

We're trying to go professional and mainstream with this sport.

primofl - Jeff W-

guys miss weight all the time. you just don't hear about it. I think we as a team fought over 120 times last year and close to it the year before. No excuses for the guys who don't make weight but it seems like you are trying to say we are the only camp or team that misses which is just not true. We fought on a show locally and 2 guys we fought were 5 and 7 pounds over the limit respectively. Not bitching, we just fought them at the higher weight.
It happens.

Not justifying the guys who miss weight, just don't smear our whole team when the great majority of our fighters never miss weight.

Since we were established in 2003, we have a pretty good track record.

I appreciate your post a lot. You are 100% correct in the fact that you guys fight a lot. And the more your guys fight, the more often the potential to miss weight. But to be fair - I can't name one other camp that has ANY kind of reputation for missing weight. Couture, Jackson, AKA, MMAA, ACS, etc all have a lot of fighters that are active and they don't have a reputation of missing weight. You are right - you have a very active team and a fucking GREAT team at that. But making weight hurts this sport in my opinion.

As always, opinions are like assholes and mine stinks like everyone's. I'm not trying to "bring down" ATT - actually quite the opposite. I'm trying to open peoples eyes and say "hey - these guys are great but they need to make the weight in order for them to gain respect as professional athletes".

mrmetoo - 
inf0 - lol @ needing stats to notice this trend

they should get Kalib Starnes back and run some fucking laps once in awhile...

lmao, so if they had 100 fights and everybody made weight except 5 who were on big shows that means they're bad at making weight. All I need is some evidence that proves either or.

No, what you WANT is for people to start dropping names and make this some big drama fest shit storm like most UG threads turn out to be. This isn't about a certain fighter. It's about a team and it's about making this sport on the same level as professional athletes everywhere. If we want this to be accepted around the world - we need to hold ourselves to higher standards.

Travis Lutter Jiu-Jitsu has a lower percentage of making weight than ATT.  Rough House probably has a lower percentage too, Paul Daley has missed weight twice recently.  Not sure about Xtreme Couture, Gina has missed 3-4 times I think, but they probably have half or less as many pro fights as ATT, so she alone may tip XC past ATT's 7 that you counted.  And that's 3 camps, off the top of my head, that you would need to look at the numbers to determine whether ATT misses at a higher frequency than.

So your claim that ATT misses weight more than anyone else is horseshit unless you can back it up.

Jweinberg -  look, this shit happens a lot, no need to create a thread about it.  you're annoying.  LIke one of those people that has to tell their friend about the zit on their face.  You're friend knows it's there, and is insecure about it, but you have to get your little fuckin dig in.  shut up

Nice troll job douche.

It's pretty shitty, but to say it's bad for the sport is one massive ridiculous exaggeration. I am sure events all over the world just lost ticket sales because Masvidal didn't make weight. As a matter of fact I just heard like 3 people are never going to watch MMA again.

In other words, for your Weekly World News headline and story you just got VTFD.

Ausgepicht - It's pretty shitty, but to say it's bad for the sport is one massive ridiculous exaggeration. I am sure events all of the world just lost ticket sales because Masvidal didn't make weight. As a matter of fact I just heard like 3 people are never going to watch MMA again.In other words, for your Weekly World News headline and story you just got VTFD.

I'm simply saying that if we want to make these people into PROFESSIONAL ATHLETES that are respected and more importantly PAID like professional athletes - this part of the game needs to be eliminated.

Thiago Alves missing weight with an ankle sprain is understandable. But just blatant weight misses time after time are bad for the legitimacy of the sport.

And LOL @ World Weekly News. I made a fucking thread on the UG to discuss - I didn't e mail it CNN. I think you're taking this a bit seriuos broseidon.

Don't lie, you mailed it to CNN. As for taking it serious, re-read the thread title and your first post and look at random pics of ironing boards.

You are not "simply saying" anything but "it's bad for the sport". Don't you have a BJJ class at the YMCA to go to?

When a fighter misses weight and his purse is cut are management, trainers, etc paid their percentage on the original purse or the penalized one?

"once again, what's the denominator? And where does that rank to other camps percentage of missed weight?"

Well, as he pointed out, Miletich for example has never had a fighter miss weight that I know of, and their profile used to be as high or higher than ATT's is now. Off the top of my head I can't think of a Chute Boxe, BTT/Black House, Jackson, or AKA fighter missing weight either, although it's certainly possible.

Every one of us can easily name half a dozen high profile fighters from ATT who have missed weight, often by large margins (Alves's four pounds, Luigi missed by like 9 pounds, didn't he?).

Stats? The guy is not the commissioner and he's not banning them from the sport. This isn't a trial. He's pointing out something that is obvious to everyone who isn't being disingenuous.

"Literally, the best camp in the world and they can't put together a cut/weight program for their guys that works."

I imagine they know exactly what they're doing.

Ausgepicht - Don't lie, you mailed it to CNN. As for taking it serious, re-read the thread title and your first post and look at random pics of ironing boards.You are not "simply saying" anything but "it's bad for the sport". Don't you have a BJJ class at the YMCA to go to?

LOL. Aren't you from Minneapolis too? If so, we can meet at the YMCA and roll..

As a matter of fact I live off of South 9th street you sunnofabitch!

JimmersonzGlove -  Could also be a numbers game...since ATT is more likely to have fighters on every big card, they're more likely to miss weight.

Which is a good theory until you start talking about the other big camps with active rosters and you see they never/rarely miss weight.

Jacksons, Couture, Millitech, ACS, MMAA, Chute Box, BTT, Nova Unaio, etc.

Tibau took the fight on short notice

Why is everyone asking for stats...It happens alot with ATT thats all this thread is about...not stats ...sure they usually make weight but sometimes they miss weight it just seems like it happens more with them than other big camps

When we think of high profile -- i.e., "name" fighters fighting on the major shows -- who are the ones that have missed weight?

I can think of Diaz and Riggs -- Diaz has said he can no longer make that weight and won't be fighting in that division anymore, and it was Riggs' second fight ever at that weight; Lutter, whom most of us would agree does not act like a professional, given his statement that he doesn't even really train; Sakurai, who likewise has moved up; and that's all that comes to mind for me -- other than the numerous ATT fighters named on the first page, none of whom have moved up in weight.