att sd121

Today I did a routine you talked about in another thread. I did deadlift at 80% bodywieght 15 reps then 15 pushups for 7 times. I didnt pound them out, but I didnt take my sweet time with it either. I honestly rested about 1 minute between deadlift/pushup sets, then progressing to 4 minutes because of the intensity. I warmed up with a little bagwork, 20 jump squats without wieght, jump rope 200 times and 10 chinups. I did the deadlifts at 190. It was one of the hardest routines I have ever done, and I am going to take deadlifts out of back day and devote one day to just this. Thanks man, Im looking foward to seeing what happens to my body in 2 months.


Check. Great work. Take it easy, work your way up to it. Movements that require your entire body to move in concert IOT move weight will have an effect on you that must be respected. DL's is one of them.

Don't know if you have access to a rower, but alternating a push movement (pushups, benchpress, handstand PU's) in w/ 500's will metabolicly turn you into a shell of a man. Try this:

5 rounds for time;
Row 500m
Benchpress 135x15

Get some, let me know of any questions and progress.

Thanks again.

this forum is buggy. Again, thanks man. In a week and a half I stop trying to bulk up and work on leaning out and all around conditioning. Im going to start CEE, Sesathin, Nox2, and fish oil supliments and drop my carbs. My workout routine is going to change from 5 sets of 5 for power to using your ideas for the majority of my workouts. I like how you superset your workouts so that its a bodywieght/cardio type with a freewieght. Would squats at 175 x 12 and chinups to failure 5 rounds for time be an example? Overhead press and jumprope? Thanks again for your time.

