Attention BJJ Police! Another fake BJJ black belt?


Gotcha. Thanks!

I live reasonably close to the area in nearby St Catharines and I have never heard of the dude at all. I have been training Bjj in this area for like 4 years.

Somethings fishy.

TalkShowOnMute - What's " Canadian Contemporary Jiu-jitsu", you hosers.




I'm no expert but I think those guys must be truckers from Michigan and not true Canadian CCJJ practitioners. Canadians would have different shaped mullets.

Ohhh sh*& someone is being exposed my experience with legit martial artist is that they always praise their instructor and are not afraid to mention their name.

I love all this Inspector Clouseau shit. Someone issue a dojo challenge already!

Jeff Joslin should pay him a visit. He is very close to that area...

I think Ze Mario Esfiha is around there also.

^^^spoiler, imo.
We always know the plots of the movies we go to see, but still don't want to hear the endings.


If this were the movies, we would be the bad dojo...

I say Dojo storm this mutha F#$ker

it's so sad that so many of these idiots are popping up...

or getting their arm poped.

you guys are elitist pricks.

can't blame a guy for trying to make a dollar. a canadian dollar. shit, that's a lot of money where i'm from... america... fucking gasoline is ridiculous right now and these canadians are loving that the dollar is plummeting... let this man make his money... gas is expensive and people are dumb.

I know I´m just a lowly brown belt, but I´ll bet my students and wife know where I got it from. yes, I just asked my wife and she knew. . .

I'm pretty sure anytime that BJJ is referred to as "Brazilian Style" JJ it's BS.


Hmmm, I know where my instructor got his belt from, because Ive met and trained with his instructor, haha. Anyone who can't advertise where they got thier belt is shady to say the least. Someone needs to pull out the white belt and go roll at this school, screw up every technique, until it comes time to roll w dude....haha

Has anyone checked this guy out yet


You are wrong, this totally takes away from those of us who train hard and play by the rules. It has taking me 7 1/2 years of hard training and deadication just to earn my brown belt. When I get my black I will be able to say that I earned it without question and I don't want somebody who has not lying and saying that they had. Its just plane wrong and disrepects the art. 9-10 years of my life to earn my black should not be shit on be some fraud.

Faust,nice post,me,1 1/2 white,2 1/2 blue,3 purple,3 brown,8 now as black,maybe pass this info on to him.Earn it the write way.