Attention BJJ Police! Another fake BJJ black belt?

couldnt agree with you guys more


Martial Arts Classes at MMA Niagara


Recently, a local competitor of MMA Niagara has incited a slanderous campaign on the internet designed to discredit me & ‘disprove’ my credentials as both a Black Belt Instructor and a Medical Doctor.   

Those who are propagating this offensive material are doing so anonymously, which I find cowardly, pathetic, completely against the spirit of Martial Arts, and unethical.  Make no mistake, the intention is to harm me, my professional reputation, my employees, my students & my business - and I will not stand for it. 

I welcome & encourage all those who have concerns or questions regarding my Martial Arts training & qualifications to come to 251 King Street in Port Colborne to speak to me face-to-face.  Repeated badgering from blocked callers via the telephone will not be tolerated or acknowledged. 

For those doubting my educational background & medical degree from Queen’s University, please visit the waiting room in my medical office at 250 Killaly St. West, Port Colborne to view my three University diplomas.

plot thickens

Rhymenoceros - Yes, it's a spoiler, but what always happens is the people involved eventually find their way to these threads. When they do I want them to see that their moves were entirely predictable. I want them to see that they weren't nearly as clever as they believed themselves to be.

Hopefully this realization will lead to some soul searching, or maybe even some suicides.

See, it was a spoiler!!! I like that he wants people to view his medical degrees, but there is no mention of his bjj black belt, which is really in question.

Confusing the issue?

What a fag everyone just wants to know where he got his black belt from thats it but he has no answer he avoids the question like the plague if you are a legit Black belt you should have no problem saying who you got it from

Just started reading into this plot, but am very eager to see what happens..

I'm actually having trouble finding info on him even being a doctor...


Actually, this thread was started by my student not any of Dr. Proulx's business competitors.

I own Buffalo BJJ Academy in Buffalo, NY. One of Dr. Proulx's students stopped in to train at my academy a couple weeks ago and gave us a few business cards with MMA Niagara's website address.

His student was very nice and polite & I have nothing against him. He rolled like an average whitebelt.

After seeing Dr. Proulx's website I was suspicious as was my student because there were no credentials listed.

Since then they have updated the site a few times as this threas has reported but still no definative lineage being posted.

His latest website update saying if anyone has any questions about his credentials they can ask him face to face just raises more suspicion in my opinion. Seems like it would have just been easier to post your exact lineage than to basically say nothing.

I'm not a business rival of MMA Niagara. I'm just someone who has devoted the last 8 years to training & studying BJJ and I am still not a blackbelt (brown for 2+ years now).

I never get offended when someone enquires about my lineage and am always proud to say who I train under.

If Dr. Proulx is really a BJJ black belt then he should be able and willing to prove it.

Chuck Anzalone
Buffalo BJJ Academy



We need Dan moroney and my teacher on that site sylvain moroney !!!! great teacher. And this guy does sound like he is BSing how has noone stopped in to the gym yet!!!!

whats just as sad as this color blt witchunt going on is systematic 8yr. bjj mlm milking scheme swindle for a blackbelt when it should be 3-4 yr. avg like JUDO/TKD Olympic sports fyi FACT: EVOLVE OR DIE!

ooa - whats just as sad as this color blt witchunt going on is systematic 8yr. bjj mlm milking scheme swindle for a blackbelt when it should be 3-4 yr. avg like JUDO/TKD Olympic sports fyi FACT: EVOLVE OR DIE!

Can anybody translate this post?


ooa - whats just as sad as this color blt witchunt going on is systematic 8yr. bjj mlm milking scheme swindle for a blackbelt when it should be 3-4 yr. avg like JUDO/TKD Olympic sports fyi FACT: EVOLVE OR DIE!

Sit down and shut up. Comparing BJJ to TKD belt times LOL. Yeah let's give everyone a BB in BJJ after 3 to 4 years and kill the quality / level just like TKD.

If that's evolution, we want none of it here...

Seriously, I'm so glad that you guys do this. This is one of the best things about the internet.


Faust - Empire

You are wrong, this totally takes away from those of us who train hard and play by the rules. It has taking me 7 1/2 years of hard training and deadication just to earn my brown belt. When I get my black I will be able to say that I earned it without question and I don't want somebody who has not lying and saying that they had. Its just plane wrong and disrepects the art. 9-10 years of my life to earn my black should not be shit on be some fraud.

Faust, relax man... i've been doing this bjj thang for 8+ years... sarcasm, i guess, is not easily deciphered w/ posts.

"Comparing BJJ to TKD belt times LOL."

LOL at ur cultish obession with 8yr program for bjj if u cant see thru the mlm i really feel sorry because bjj in nothing special its judo w/o ippon & newaza focus in other words it should be about 4yrs. and the gi cult has got to go i guess royce gracie who started it all was just a subgrappler cuz he wasnt fighting jacket rasslers

 Got this email from Dr. Proulx yesterday.

Chuck: I'm not sure what you guys are about, taking up an issue with me anonymously in a computer chat room, trying to induce the mob effect. That's a puss way to deal with a man. These guys have made up shit and railroaded me in a fashion worthy of a high-school girl. I can't answer them because it will just make them go at it worse. I tried calling you today, no answer. I will try again, and I ask that you stay off the chat room until then. I received my faixa preta grade before you even started training, and I am sure that I started training in BJJ before you even heard of it. Martial arts are a life-long pursuit for me. Whether you doubt my instructor's credentials or not, I deserve some respect. My instructor used to say that he felt that BJJ has been cheapened by all these black belts who get their belts by correspondance. They fly down and see their instructor a couple times a year and ten years later they are black belts, once they have paid the required fees. How anyone could learn any system as complex as BJJ by seeing their instructor a couple of times a year is beyond me. I personally know a couple of these guys.

By the way, my student who was down to your place a couple of weeks ago won all five of his fights by submission in the no-gi division at the Ascencion tournament in Toronto in Feb this year. He had only been training for eight months at the time. He's hardly average. 

Hope to speak with you soon.

Christian Proulx