Attention BJJ Police! Another fake BJJ black belt?

 My reply;



Sorry I missed your call, please feel free to call again anytime. In response to your email;


I'm not sure what you guys are about, taking up an issue with me anonymously in a computer chat room, trying to induce the mob effect. That's a puss way to deal with a man


Thats not just any internet chat room, it is called the UnderGround or UG. It's the biggest MMA & BJJ forum on the internet and frequented by people all over the world, including professional UFC fighters. It includes many sub forums and is a tremendous resource for the BJJ community in terms of exchanging information and resources. It is also a place where credentials can be verified. Even Royce Gracie posts there.


As I stated on the thread, my student made the post after reading your website and I posted there leaving my name and website info. Hardly anonymous and neither of us are attacking you. The thread was created to see if anyone had ever heard of you. The BJJ Community is still small and it is so easy to verify who is legit and who isnt.


These guys have made up shit and railroaded me in a fashion worthy of a high-school girl. I can't answer them because it will just make them go at it worse


What guys are you referring to? Railroaded you how? You need to answer them and it would be alot easier than all of this email and website changing. Just list your training background in detail and I guarantee if you are indeed a legit BJJ black belt everybody will apologize including me.


I received my faixa preta grade before you even started training, and I am sure that I started training in BJJ before you even heard of it.


Perhaps. When and where did you start training? With whom did you train? When, where, and from who did you receive your blue, purple, brown, and black belts? Do you have pictures or diplomas to prove any of your promotions? Who were some of your training partners that could vouch for you?


Whether you doubt my instructor's credentials or not, I deserve some respect.


Only if you are a legit BJJ black belt as you claim. Who did your instructor train under? Not Professor Moreira either, a first AND last name. What lineage is he from? Any BJJ black belt can easily trace his lineage back to the Gracie family. I'll use myself for example; Me>>Carlson Gracie Sr.>>Carlos Gracie Sr.>>Mitsuyo Maeda>>Jigoro Kano.


My instructor used to say that he felt that BJJ has been cheapened by all these black belts who get their belts by correspondance. They fly down and see their instructor a couple times a year and ten years later they are black belts, once they have paid the required fees.


What does that have to do with you being a verifiable BJJ black belt? Many people claim to be BJJ black belts not knowing how easy it is to disprove them.


How anyone could learn any system as complex as BJJ by seeing their instructor a couple of times a year is beyond me


I agree that BJJ is a complex system to learn. You must have trained with many people over the years it took you to earn your black belt and accumulated alot of pictures, videos, and awards that can prove your claims.


By the way, my student who was down to your place a couple of weeks ago won all five of his fights by submission in the no-gi division at the Ascencion tournament in Toronto in Feb this year. He had only been training for eight months at the time. He's hardly average. 


Congrats to Mike. He seems like a very nice guy and I meant him no disrespect. It's not like I said he sucked or anything. He rolled like an average white belt to me. Even if all of your students were World Champions, it still doesn't prove that you are a BJJ black belt. Just provide some evidence of your claims and this entire situation can be avoided. As long as you continue to refuse to provide the information that anyone who is legit is willing to supply then you will be viewed as a fraud. You are the one who claims to be a BJJ black belt so the onus is on you to prove it.



Chuck Anzalone

Buffalo BJJ Academy

Team de la Riva



This SHOULD BE a pretty simple thing to answer.

I received my Black Belt from __________________________ (insert name here). This obvious info is missing from the reply!

I still say we should dojo storm this fag

If he proves he is a legit bb then I will apologize also

if not then close shop and leave town and try your scam somewhere else

ooa - "Comparing BJJ to TKD belt times LOL."

LOL at ur cultish obession with 8yr program for bjj if u cant see thru the mlm i really feel sorry because bjj in nothing special its judo w/o ippon & newaza focus in other words it should be about 4yrs. and the gi cult has got to go i guess royce gracie who started it all was just a subgrappler cuz he wasnt fighting jacket rasslers

MLM BJJ??? Does your MLM theory apply even if I've been training for FREE for 9yrs?

You are obviously a troll / idiot or quite possibly both with regards to BJJ and it's details.

Relax guys...

Christian Prolux IS a Medical Doctor.

I should know, I gave him his M.D.

As for who gave him a BJJ Black Belt, I have no idea.


Dr. Manolo Shen
President, Founder & Professor,
Queens University School of Medicine
12 Chicken Beak Road, (Bungalows 1&2)
Basseterre, Saint Kitts
East Caribbean

shen - Relax guys...

Christian Prolux IS a Medical Doctor.

I should know, I gave him his M.D.

As for who gave him a BJJ Black Belt, I have no idea.


Dr. Manolo Shen
President, Founder & Professor,
Queens University School of Medicine
12 Chicken Beak Road, (Bungalows 1&2)
Basseterre, Saint Kitts
East Caribbean

Good for him but we dont give a fuck if he is a real doctor but that doesnt make him a legit BJJ black belt

"LOL @ you and your ignorance, AND you grammar."

me sorry mr. IPUpoo but im a ma historian and u took da gloves off,tho i respect ur blackblt in grammer

FACT: if wasnt for royces UFC blitz 99.9% yall would be in some jkd/ninja fusion forum talkn bot stuff like whos best fighter eva bruce lee or,suspious bb kanadian certified chiball instructors,iron palm should be olympic sport and i dont care if zombie rolles & carlos sr. vs. rickson & helio in a mundial deth match was going on u be talkn bot world long distance hurricane jumpkik contest



I just got off the phone with him,I told him that I was a black belt under Joe Moreira and been training under him since 90 and that Joe wanted to know who he was by useing his name (profeser Moreira on his web page)he explain that he belong to a small circle ,jiu jitsu club and that he started back in 89 and can't find the guy that used to teach him,he said that the guy is living somewhere in Minnasota and that he thinks his friend was taught by Moreira,but not sure,he was reeling the whole time,duz not remember alot of details.I really think now that he is very on easy about his tall story,only time will tell.

BenBJJ - 
shen - Relax guys...

Christian Prolux IS a Medical Doctor.

I should know, I gave him his M.D.

As for who gave him a BJJ Black Belt, I have no idea.


Dr. Manolo Shen
President, Founder & Professor,
Queens University School of Medicine
12 Chicken Beak Road, (Bungalows 1&2)
Basseterre, Saint Kitts
East Caribbean

Good for him but we dont give a fuck if he is a real doctor but that doesnt make him a legit BJJ black belt

A word of warning, mind your tone when addressing Grand Wizard Shen.

Oh, and GWS, congrats on the School of Medicine! Looks like you found a nice location! Are still sending out the MD's in the mail?

dont worry I wasnt talking about Shen just this Jack Ass who openes a school and has no credentials and then wants to talk about how other people got their BB like he is a master of some sorts

Everyone should know where and who their teacher got promoted from in fact its the first thing you should ask when joining a school

Randy you are my hero.

BenBJJ - 
shen - Relax guys...

Christian Prolux IS a Medical Doctor.

I should know, I gave him his M.D.

As for who gave him a BJJ Black Belt, I have no idea.


Dr. Manolo Shen
President, Founder & Professor,
Queens University School of Medicine
12 Chicken Beak Road, (Bungalows 1&2)
Basseterre, Saint Kitts
East Caribbean

Good for him but we dont give a fuck if he is a real doctor but that doesnt make him a legit BJJ black belt

A word of warning, mind your tone when addressing Grand Wizard Shen.

Oh, and GWS, congrats on the School of Medicine! Looks like you found a nice location! Are still sending out the MD's in the mail?

Certainly NOT!

The "Doctor of Medicine" Degree is hard-earned as part of an innovative educational partnership between Queens University School of Medicine & Sandals Beach Resort.

It is completed over several weeks of moderately-intensive study right here on the beautiful Island of St. Kitts in the Caribbean!

For students who are unable to travel, such as Dr. Prolux, the entire course of study can be completed on-line with special permission.

Hope that clears up any lingering doubt as to Dr. Prolux's credentials.

Kind Regards,

Dr. Manolo Shen
Queens University School Of Medicine
St. Kitts

So did you call him on it? Tell him it didn't sound like he was a real blackbelt?


Randy Bloom - I just got off the phone with him,I told him that I was a black belt under Joe Moreira and been training under him since 90 and that Joe wanted to know who he was by useing his name (profeser Moreira on his web page)he explain that he belong to a small circle ,jiu jitsu club and that he started back in 89 and can't find the guy that used to teach him,he said that the guy is living somewhere in Minnasota and that he thinks his friend was taught by Moreira,but not sure,he was reeling the whole time,duz not remember alot of details.I really think now that he is very on easy about his tall story,only time will tell.

Randy Bloom a legit Moreira BB For the WIN!

so what do i say when some on asks what bjjers are doing these days? vale tudo challenges? spreading word on grappling arts? NOPE juvenille harrasment,boarderline slander, libelous activity! seriously leave the lineages crap to praying mantis gurus. just when gracie academy propganda machine stopped 'all belts not from helio/rorion are fake' now out of some battered wife syndrom u fools are making bjj look ridiculous instead of spreading jits to all facets of personal defense/physical culture which seems what this poor canuk is just trying to do

ooa - so what do i say when some on asks what bjjers are doing these days? vale tudo challenges? spreading word on grappling arts? NOPE juvenille harrasment,boarderline slander, libelous activity! seriously leave the lineages crap to praying mantis gurus. just when gracie academy propganda machine stopped 'all belts not from helio/rorion are fake' now out of some battered wife syndrom u fools are making bjj look ridiculous instead of spreading jits to all facets of personal defense/physical culture which seems what this poor canuk is just trying to do

Shut the fuck up

you are right about one thing Jiu Jitsu should be shared but when someone has created a school and charging people money and they are not qualified to do so.

no one here is trying to ruin a legit school we just want to know if he is really a BJJ BB

Sounds like the dude has a point! I don't do jiu-jitsu, but I know enough about it to wonder how a black belt can be produced when his instructor doesn't even live in the same state. Sounds like yet another Gracie money-grab to me! I feel bad for the poor schmucks that train under one of these "black belts" who got their belt from some guy they've only ever trained with twenty times.


you don't know what you're talking about. i've rolled w/ the guy and he's legit. nuff said.