Attention BJJ Police! Another fake BJJ black belt?

Empire,what don't I know what Im talking about ?

ttt not letting this guy off the hook

 Guy Castonguay is a black belt under Art Vandelay who is a black belt under Mauricio Sakata.

"ttt not letting this guy off the hook"

lol yah the worlds a safer place imagine if judokas did this to helio and carlos u idle whiners would be being doing tae bo

ooa - so what do i say when some on asks what bjjers are doing these days? vale tudo challenges? spreading word on grappling arts? NOPE juvenille harrasment,boarderline slander, libelous activity! seriously leave the lineages crap to praying mantis gurus. just when gracie academy propganda machine stopped 'all belts not from helio/rorion are fake' now out of some battered wife syndrom u fools are making bjj look ridiculous instead of spreading jits to all facets of personal defense/physical culture which seems what this poor canuk is just trying to do

ooa are you that sub 101 guy???

"ooa are you that sub 101 guy???"

no r u?!?!

im just a sophistacted enuff 2 no if i see guy wit tattered 8th bjj bb,every gracie logo, fake mundail meds, and luxe pitbull gi i dont care,its a waste of time 2 care,plus i got better thing 2 do,if anything the imposter is spreading grapple gospel. but i suspect some would hassle a guy in a white speedo on beach for tryin 2 steeel hixzonn grazzies honor best faux port accent

now go trane jits!

just trolling, Randy Bloom.

it's kosta from the other site.

that said, you are always bound to have someone back another's lineage or belt by saying, "I rolled w/ him and he's legit, period".

"im just a sophistacted enuff 2 no if i see guy wit"

oh fuck that is funny. ooa is the new bob s but without the humor or wit.


I have lost all respect for BJJ. It turns out that a BJJ black belt can be earned on-line. What a joke. The "select students" who are allowed to do this are the one's who can pay the Gracies the required fee! You suckers can't even see how much of a money grab that is. If some clown told me that he learned martial arts from a computer, I'd laugh in his face. How many of you bitches are learning BJJ from one of these clowns?
I think I'll stick to kick-boxing!

What's up Kosta?

Hats off to Chuck and Randy for calling out this douche.  My sister lives in that town, but I'm not going to be down that way for a while and it's killing me...Guy Castonguay....RIDICULOUS!   I can almost guarantee that no one in Canada was doing BJJ in 1989.

Mike Sweeney - What's up Kosta?

hey mike. how's canada?

i'll be up in the 'berg next weekend for a wedding... i can't wait to fill my country music quota for a year and fill my quota for Genessee light beer.


Mike Sweeney: you're one of those "mail order" BJJ black belts aren't you? How did you "learn" BJJ from someone who lives far away? Just you and your computer on the mat? Any of your students ever call you on that? I'm embarrassed that you claim to have Muay Thai credentials too. Learn that on-line, too?

watch u moth call me troll, and ive not txt on dis fourm rarely visit here. im 2oyrs in ma game but since its pointless 2 argue w. cultish witchunters(those who publicly threaten other m.artists) im just trying to help those who need to mind there biz,get a life,and above all b cool

"ive not txt on dis fourm rarely visit here. im 2oyrs in ma game but since its pointless 2 argue w. cultish witchunters(those who publicly threaten other m.artists)"

two years in MMA game . . . guess he got hit in the head two much to spell or write anymore . . .

he cuold txt 2 mkae his pt. butt wahts the piont!

Thai_guy - Mike Sweeney: you're one of those "mail order" BJJ black belts aren't you? How did you "learn" BJJ from someone who lives far away? Just you and your computer on the mat? Any of your students ever call you on that? I'm embarrassed that you claim to have Muay Thai credentials too. Learn that on-line, too?

Yes, I learned both BJJ and Muay Thai online. Check out Submission 101 if you would like to do the same:)

"ooa" and "Thai_guy",

Simply put, you two are an embarrassment to the art & science of Trolling.

Mark my words: It's careless amateurs like you that will lead to government regulation of Trolling in the future.

Prof. Shen,
Associate Dean,
Department of Troll Studies,
Center for the Internets in the Public Interest