Attention BJJ Police! Another fake BJJ black belt?

I'm the Associate Dean,
Department of Troll Studies,
Center for the Internets in the Public Interest.


lol at shen trollite yah im just stating what outside world of mma sees, u guyz live in a bubble, even maestro orion gracie sez "mundials is boosheet" maybe the only thing i agree w/him on & his 'new rules' capture suave arte essence much better as does naga,adcc,kosen. also lol at pot calling kettle blak yall talkn smack 2 canada man while mos yall blacks aint got no mma,nogi,h2h,ninja skills that means u got /5 of bjj down which makes u blacks blu

I agree with ooa! I'm an outsider looking in, and y'all are a bunch of losers. One guy - PinkUni - I'm sure he earned that name in prison on his knees, has made almost 13000 posts since becoming a member in Feb 07. Do the math: that's 26 posts a day. Loser! If you spent the time training instead of chatting on the internet, you'd all be black belts. Not that that's much of accomplishment in BJJ. I was at a website where you can buy your black belt with a home-study course from Rorion Gracie for $5-6K. You start by getting your blue belt for $500 when he sends you a booklet with some techniques. Where I come from you learn martial arts in the gym from a qualified instructor and practice practice practice. No wonder all BJJ bbs after 1996 are not considered to be legit.
Get a life, boys!

 Amazing how all the trolls on this thread joined at the end of June and only have a handful of posts. Looks like Christian and his cronies are feeling the heat. At least if you bought a black belt from Rorian you would be able to say who you got it from. I guess you saved yourself 5k and just made up a story off the top of your head. 

I invite any and everybody from MMA Viagara to come to Buffalo BJJ and see what real jiu-jitsu is.

Thai-guy,after 16 years of BJJ my frienship with Joe Moreira has come to a sad end,Ive swicth over to Rorion Gracie studys and which I should recieve my red belt by the end of 2010,I'll keep you posted,see ya at cuves.

Thai Guy trollbag chimes in with another post for the loss...

o i git its reverse trolling dis iz sum monte pithon humor where villagers call every1 a witch. and maybe yall should read the bjj forum home page it sez 'go do 500 situps' i tink dis iz beta than learning latest greatest stalling gi grip game from judo-lite championship...errr i mean mundials
also itll give u abs so u can have confidence 4 half-naked jits. i am wrong to think any of u thread trash talkers would change but continue ur 'mundial rules gi' till it looks like free style wrestling w/gi chokes adn becomes completely irrelvant than u join da nogi-less/mma revolution welcome to 98


will one of you canadian fuckers just choke the shit outta this cat in his school already and post pics/story?

Wi$consin fool!

anunaki - will one of you canadian fuckers just choke the shit outta this cat in his school already and post pics/story?

Wi$consin fool!

great idea

anunaki - will one of you canadian fuckers just choke the shit outta this cat in his school already and post pics/story?

Wi$consin fool!

great idea

Beyond great, in fact! I can help out too. Now I am an American but I married a Canadian so I can speak their language. I'll translate NECKCRANK808's suggestion for our Canadian friends:

cluck tluck cluck Christian Proulx cluck tluck Port Colborne tlock cluck

They should respond as soon as hockey's over.

You're welcome.

mods delete this troll orgy thread if u trolls r really that delusional about some colored belt,use of word 'brasil',trademark than call canada bbb or lawyer, but ill save u time u will be laughed off the phone because u have no case, oh ya karma is a bish u losers who talk about choke(assaulting) some dude wait till an mma cage warrior beats u down cuz u say bjj-gi is good in reality def./mma

wurd 2 ur motha

 A couple of my students went up there to train with him. One of them will be posting about it soon. Stay tuned.


Alright, here's the deal. Me and another blue belt went up there Wednesday night. We told him that we were looking for a new place to train because our purple belt instructor had moved to Vegas to pursue an MMA career. We didn't tell him we were from Buffalo BJJ because we figured we wouldn't make it past the front door.

The gym was decent, had a cage, some mats and some heavy bags. When we got there Chris was standing right there as soon as we walked in with a couple other guys who looked like they were just training standup. Chris asked where we were from and we told him Buffalo and they right away assumed we were from Buffalo BJJ. From there we had to convince him were were rogue grapplers looking for a place to train. Eventually he accepted our story and let us in. Then we met his girlfriend who was going to sign us in. After surviving her 3rd degree she finally bought our story and told us why they were suspicious of us to which we acted completely ignorant of. Most of the rest of the night guys kept asking us if we were from Buffalo BJJ and there to spy on them. One guy even took the time to tell me to follow him as he led me to Chris's two certificates that were supposed to prove he is a legitimate BB. To be honest I couldn't tell what they were, but I didn't see any signatures or BJJ association information that I recognized. I also didn't study them because I was pretending to know nothing of this situation and acted like I didn't even know why he was showing me them.

Anyway, the class was 1 hour long and gi optional, which I found weird. I could tell Chris was uneasy about us being there. There were about 5 guys, all white belts I believe, training besides for us and Chris. BTW, Chris was wearing a BJJ type BB with one stripe on it. There were no warmups or stretching that you would find in a typical BJJ class. We just kinda started. It took me about 10 seconds to know for sure this guy is definitely not a BJJ BB. We started off with triangles from when the guy decides to put one of his arms in-between your legs. Chris' triangle was very sloppy and his instruction on how to throw it and finish it was poor. He had his leg going down the guys back, as opposed to horizontally on his neck and was showing to finish from there. He barely could get his ankles crossed let alone under the knee where it should be. He got no angle on the guy and didn't control his posture. Personally I think Ari shows it better.

Then we went on to some triangles from when the guy is turtled up. He shows to put one leg in, do a forward roll and magically end up in a triangle from the back. There were no details as to how to make this work and it was probably the sloppiest, low-percentage thing I have ever seen. Not saying this is not a legitimate technique, because I've never seen it before, but it definitely wouldn't work the way I saw it showed.

Finally, we worked some X-guard sweep. His set-up was a bit awkward and he had again very little detailed explanation as to how to execute the sweep. I made a point to ask a question about an important detail he was missing, and he had no answer.

Everything he showed was showed quickly, without detail and always had a few options. In other words he would say "Okay you can triangle your legs like this, or if that doesn't work, triangle them like this, or you can grab your own pant leg here, or you can grab his gi here. Okay now go try it." Then you would do each variation 1 or 2 times and your partner would do it 1 or 2 times and we would move onto something else. Retaining any of this was nearly impossible

I personally don't believe anyone that has studied BJJ up to the level of BB would run a class like this. I mean there was no emphasis on the details, there was no chance to do repetition, there was no valid answers to questions and there was no resemblance of a structured teaching plan. Just random techniques. And aside from the basic triangle, everything he showed was definitely not meant for white belts to be learning. He also used Japanese terminology while teaching (Obi, Randori, Uke, etc.) and was referred to as "Sensei".

Anyway, with 15 minutes left, we finally were going to spar. As soon as sparring started Chris got off the mat. He later told me he doesn't spar anymore because he is too old (42) and injured, so now he just teaches. Between the 2 of us we rolled with a total of 3 different guys. We were able to easily control/submit 2 of them. I should also mention one of the kids had a refuse to tap attitude and I let him out of a keylock because it was about to break and my friend put him out for a second because he didn't want to tap to the choke. I note this because that is not an attitude usually fostered in a legitimate BJJ school.

The only thing that threw us off was this guy named Mike. He was the guy that submitted 5 guys on his way to 1st place (beginners) at Asencion's tournament in February. Both of us stalemated with him and it wasn't until he was gassed out that the match ended. He was a bit bigger/stronger than both of us, but had decent technique too. The reason it threw me off so much is because although he seemed like a wrestler, he had good sub/sweep defense. I started by pulling guard. I got him 1 arm in 1 arm out and threw the triangle. He immediately postured and eventually got out. I trapped an arm for the armbar and he right away recognized it and defended well. I tried to cross choke him, but he was able to posture and break my grips. I tried to scissors sweep and he right away got up on the foot I was going to undercut. He stood up, I put in a deep DLR hook and he right away defended it. He passed to half guard and I finally was able to sweep him from there. Once I passed his guard I established side control and then went knee-on-belly to which he pushed my knee and snaked out regaining guard. That's when he called it quits because he was tired. He also knew how to underhook the farside arm and apply shoulder pressure when trying to pass the half guard.

Point is, he moved pretty well and recognized what I was doing the whole time. I find it hard to believe that he learned those things from Christian based on what I saw from Christian and his other students.

I do want to apologize to the guys there and Christians girlfriend for lying to you guys. I have no issues with any of you and would love to roll with you again sometime. Even Chris seemed like a decent guy and by the end of the night we were sharing laughs. So for our deception, we are sorry. We only felt justified because our intentions were good.

I can tell you without a doubt that Christian is not a BJJ blackbelt. I do find it hard to understand why he would knowingly con people because he is a Doctor and assumedly doesn't need the money. Part of me thinks that he trained under a guy who misled him and part of me thinks he is just flat-out a phony. My suggestion to him is to stop calling himself a BJJ Blackbelt until he can prove his lineage to us and to himself. Change his class to "submission grappling" and be honest about his background to current and potential students. The gym has a lot to offer and his students should be able to get what they pay for. As of right now, they definitely are not.

I know you are reading this Chris, so if you are in fact a legitimate BB and you believe that, please do yourself, your students and us a favor and specifically explain to us your BJJ history. Lineages in BJJ are not hard to follow and everyone that studies this art will know there's. So what is yours? Give us a timeline for your training, under who, what years, where it took place, etc. Clear your name if you are innocent of fraud.

Sorry for the FRAT post.

InvisiblePinkUni - ^^^
Alright, finally a first hand account!
I hope it is fair an balanced.

For me, I don't really care how good or not the training is, it is whether or not he is lying about his BJJ blackbelt.

Well that's what we are trying to figure out. Unfortunately without a solid history of his training and lineage, all we can go on is his abilities to grapple and/or teach grappling.

Nice work Mike,when I talk with him he kept reeling from everything I ask him also,time for him to fes up.

My instructor doesn't grapple anymore because he is in his fifties and has had many injuries from Sambo and Judo but he is a great instructor. I don't believe my instructor is hiding anything.

ianbulldog,how long have you been training ? have you ever train with a TRUE black belt ? or are you growing some strong shit up there ?

ianbulldog; Are you a student of Christian's or somewhere else? I couldn't tell by your post.

If you are a student of Christian's and he has nothing to hide, why not tell us how he came about his BB? Why not clear things up?