Attention BJJ Police! Another fake BJJ black belt?

this is a great thread and all I have to say is post who and where you got your BB and we will all apologize case closed if not this will continue and you will be outed

ianbulldog I hope he is a legit BB for your sake because if he isnt he has been scamming you and all your teammates so you should be asking him also to prove it.

every instructor ive trained with proudly tell you who and where they got promoted from

i hope dis trend of claiming bjj or gjj bb continues cuz it only makes sense i mean what rock r u living under to have not influenced by groundfighting in general and since AGAIN royce started it all who happens to be brasilo so i guess yall need to change ur logos 2 '100% mundialer sport jj" or ur just lying

Who doesn't brag about when, when and how they got their belts. I brag about black, blue, purple and brown . . .
in that order . . . (lol)

The bullshido is strong with this school.

Christian's Students;

What's the deal guys? You think I'm the bad guy? Speak up, I know some of you are following this thread.

Christian is most likely lying/misleading you guys. Doesn't that bother you? I don't know the rules in Canada, but here in America that would be called "false advertising" and is illegal. I took my time to come up there to help protect guys who just want legitimate instruction, but don't know the difference. My goal was to either validate Chris' claims and help him clear his name or to prove he is a fraud and give you guys the opportunity to make an informed decision.

I spent my first year of grappling thinking my instructor was the shit. He learned from tapes and had more ways to make me tap than I could shake a stick at. Then we went and competed. He got submitted twice. I was confused until my current instructor came into his studio one day and tapped him with ease. He was a Carlson Gracie purple belt at the time. That's when I realized I didn't know shit about grappling and neither did my current instructor. But, at least that guy will flat out tell you he learned from tapes. Christian is purporting to be a BJJ BB! That is a lifelong commitment and would take him longer to earn than his right to add MD to the end of his name. You guys don't care?!?

Mike, you came and rolled with us one day and told me you thought Chuck was a nice guy and a great teacher, yet you haven't been back since Chuck "attacked" your teacher. What gives? Me and Chuck are just trying to protect our sport and the people who love it. You think you are in better hands with Christian who refuses to even attempt to validate his claims. You have good potential and deserve to train under a worthy instructor. All you guys do. I came up there to prove that to you guys. After realizing that he wasn't legitimate I was hoping to roll with Christian and show you guys what I'm talking about. But, that didn't happen.

Christian; Why don't you come on here and answer our questions? Why not validate your claims if you are the victim here? This is not a witch hunt. I would have rather have been able to come on here and report that you did appear to be legitimate. What gives?

If any of you guys prefer to discuss this privately you can PM me, email me at or call me at 716.572.3218.

-Mike "Dub" Dauenhauer

There's NOTHING for him to fess up to - he has been exposed as all phonies eventually are in this sport.

You can try and wear whatever belt you want, but the mat doesn't lie in this sport.

Even if he doesn't roll because of injury as claimed - the instruction from a LEGIT black or brown would be there. Not shit techniques with shit explanations.

And Christian, if you are reading this thread: it must suck to wake up everyday and try to live a lie, truely a SAD existence as a man. You know deep down that what you are passing off is not legit so why continue the lie?

The truth shall set you free...

wow the logical fallacy is strong on this thread im sure canuck dude could tap helio does that make helio and other old ranking belts suck NO its means there not using modern attribute moves to crush opponent since they 90 yrz. oh and mario sperry dissed royces jj saying its outdated so whats the standard? sperrys topteam juicer jj,carlson jr. rip ur head off power jj, royces pure waters, the only exposed folkz here are the haters so pleaze stop training in bjj ur bad for the sport

And you remain the most anonymous and random of all posters. I don't care if I could tap him or not. Even if I rolled with him and he crushed me I would still question his BJJ BB claim. My point was that his techniques and movements, from what I saw, were sloppy and nothing like that of a BJJ BB. As I white belt I was able to positionally dominate a Renzo Gracie brown belt. Does that mean he wasn't a legit brown belt. Well based on the fact that Renzo gave him the belt and he was like 70 years old, I won't hold his performance on the mat against him. Besides, Helio could at least tell you his lineage...

ooa = Christian's student...

Rhymenoceros - The sad thing is that the more this guy is attacked, the more he will stick to his story. We've seen it time and time again.

But what endgame exists that he would otherwise choose? It's not as if there is a BJJ confessional where he could go quietly admit his sins, seek absolution, and be clean to the world.

Yes there is, it's this thread!

thread ended.

Very interesting thread.

The problem is, even if his current students leave (because of this thread), new students will come in and the process will start all over again. It is pretty sad.

if hes got no lineage, I dont care who the fuck he is, hes not a bb. you cannot make urself a bb in bjj. SOMEONE (on record) has to GIVE IT TO YOU AFTER YOU EARN IT!!!

shut your fucking cock-holster ooa! facts are facts, and your boy the doctor has none on his side!

wrong forum anunaki this isnt idiotboyground now go have a stroke over. but it looks like thread is over since no one can refute my stoic logic and trolls r resorting to crybaby namecalling over a canadian using the word brazillian

good thread folks.

i still think you're being too hard on him.

karma... it gets you every time.

ooa is right. You don't need to train brazilian jiu-jitsu in order to announce that you are a brazilian jiu-jitsu black belt. It might be a coincidence, not cashing in and trying to affiliate oneself with something that sounds better than what you actually do.

On a related note, I have a PhD in Nuclear Physics.

By PhD I mean that I am good at it, but never went to school for it.

And by Nuclear Physics, I mean that I like to look at small stuff, which is basically the same thing.

Clearly, you guys are just haters.


finally went to the site heres all u need 2 no

"Q: Is MMA Niagara affiliated with any associations?
A: No, we are not affiliated & do not belong to an association."

fyi he said brazil jiujitsu also note: there are 500+ japan-jujitsu bjj is no different now if he claimed to be part of "pitbulls in gi's roidrager barra" that would be different so just admit ur own self-pwng and do a bunch a crunches like the atamabjj forum recs and remeber kidz if it feels good do it so call urself a 12th degree grandmaster ninja gracie pankration warrior its all good u got 1 life 2 live

To call yourself a Certified Doctor, you have to be able to prove it. It sounds like he proudly hangs his Medical Certificates in his Doctors Office for all to see. But it amazes me that he does not understand the importance to “Prove” you are a “Certified” Brazilian Black Belt if someone asks.
For him to make such bold claims like he started in 1991, and was given his Black Belt in 1999, and not expect others to call him on it, shows how clueless he really is. Nice try Doc, but it is a big deal when you make bold claims that you can’t back up.

anyone who wants to find out if he's a real doctor can look on the college of physician and surgeons of ontario website. i'm too lazy to look him up.