Attention BJJ Police! Another fake BJJ black belt?

It's not his fault.

1) He's Canadian
2) He's a doctor under SOCIALIZED MEDICINE (i.e. a welfare recipient)
3) He believes every article ever to appear in Black Belt magazine

The man just wants his bread. You people are savages. You're not going to stop until he rolls with Roger Gracie and wins, are you?

Very well, I accept the challenge on Dr. Proulx's behalf. Send Roger over to Christian's dojo and let's settle this once and for all!

$20 says Christian cons Roger into buying a 3 yr membership and a framed certificate of black belt rank signed by (illegible).

awesome thread....making my morning fly by! just read from page one to here...I love it!

Now I just need you guys to do the same thing to Paul Rhodes of Clay, Alabama...who claims to a BB under "Professor Terry Noussolia"...(who doesn't exist by the way)

I called you last week and ask you to please take professor Moreiras name off your web page,YOU are not under him,please do this.


 TTT for the doctor!!!

"He later told me he doesn't spar anymore because he is too old (42) and injured, so now he just teaches"

LOL I am or will be 42 in Sept I still roll everytime I get the chance however if someone came in today they may think me fishy because I screwed my knee up on vacation last week and am not rolling at this time until I can get it checked out.

Normally I roll with every new person that comes to class, depending on the vibe I get from them during drills etc will determine if I roll with them first or let one of my blue belts roll with them. I.E. if they seem like they are not sandbagging (saying they have never trained but moving like a pro) or they dont seem to be to aggressive I will let one of my blues roll with them if I dont trust them then I will roll with them first, as I would rather have them go crazy with me then one of my students.

^^ My instructor is I think about 45 and just tore his groin and has had the typical injuries over the years and he still trains.

I love this thread!

I think that if you're going to give yourself a fake BB you may as well invent your own style and make yourself 10th degree BB instead of a mere single stripe.

wonder if wordpress is free cuz im going to make a website for my garage school that says im a 4th dan under helio gracie why? other than to get drama queens panties in bundle da gracie basics were first intro to groundfighting and its been bot 15yrs. since so under non-mlm bjj blt schemes thats about a bbelt every 3 yrs. also according r.gracies sub essentials book my ground game is superior helios ground moves and i like 'pussnmitts' idea i wonder why carlos gracie didnt promote himself to 10th degree.

 Hey Christian, I mean "ooa"......go fuck yourself.

faixa FTW!

Faixa Rua just kickfucked Ooa off the forum...

I was never really a fan of faixa, but in one single post he changed my opinion. Thread over due to verbal clock choke. Faxia 1, Ooa, -3984.

faixa you are too valuable to the forum...don't leave. That Ooa dumbfuck is on the other fake BB thread now being a douche there too.

So, um, did anything ever get resolved with this guy? Is he still making his claims, teaching, anything?

seems like the website is just dedicated to selling stuff now, am I missing something?

He went out of business. Most of his guys are now training with a legit BJJ black belt in the same town.

shen - Relax guys...

Christian Prolux IS a Medical Doctor.

I should know, I gave him his M.D.

As for who gave him a BJJ Black Belt, I have no idea.


Dr. Manolo Shen
President, Founder & Professor,
Queens University School of Medicine
12 Chicken Beak Road, (Bungalows 1&2)
Basseterre, Saint Kitts
East Caribbean

Good for him but we dont give a fuck if he is a real doctor but that doesnt make him a legit BJJ black belt

Tell me you got this, NC?

LOL 1911 you gotta try and fuel the fire fuck him

Master shen is a wise man

Whew! It was well played, very funny clues were left tho.