ATTN: Cardamone

 You artwork is fucking terrible. Am I really the one that has to come out and say it? I think the only people who might enjoy your "art'" are cum guzling nurgle demons who watch DAC's movies while listening to horrible house music.

And me and Pillbottle gave Cindy Holt the double stuff.

I actually like DAC's movies and House music....hum... Phone Post

PimpLimp makes a valid point here. Phone Post

Mahoney is jealous of David's artistic talents, martial arts talents, and ability to run tens of thousands of miles!!!

ElCid -  I actually like DAC's movies and House music....hum... Phone Post

 Then you're probably a cum guzzling nurgle demon. But hey, at least you didn't go to the Citadel.

OKMike - Mahoney is jealous of David's ability to all.

 True story.

well, white trashy hick. <br />
While you suck cock for Meth, and when that Meth supply is gone because you suck out all the cum dry from the dealer, you go to the dealers toilet (which is stopped up, of course) to eat his shit, hoping there's meth in it.

You don't really listen to music, or have any musical tastes, because, you are not an intellectual. You have no soul, and therefore do not like music.. but you might like some Bonehead Oi music, just because they scream about Nazism and hating blacks and jews.

You have never read a book. You can't read a big boy book. You cannot because you are not an intellectual. You refuse to. Because your brain is not strong enough, or big enough, to read a book. You have cheated your way to a GED in high school.

The martial arts world has changed. It used to be a sport of intellectuals. Now that MMA has taken over, it's a sport of white trashies and Boneheads. People who actually think that wrapping your legs around another man is Fighting and Not Rape. I'd feel so silly attacking a man on the street by wrapping my legs aroudn him like a whore instead of striking him the traditional way with a kick.

Soon, in a decade or two, people will tire of MMA and see it as gay. Then striking will come back into as the True Manly Way and there will be "Purists" who see "MMA as Gay Cheating" and see it as so faggotry. There will also be more shootboxing as takedowns with striking seems more manly than getting on the ground and rape each other like fags..

but it's really a Fruedian Slip. (You know what that is, right? ) Deep in the subconcious Ego the MMA guys are truly gay in their closets and they are doing their Man Rapes as they wrassle in MMA. Somwhere in the future, Men will Rape each other using MMA and there will be huge MMA Rape gangs, MMA Rape Orgies, etc.

Now, what I suggest to you is to suck lots of cock for Meth, and smoke it as much as possible because that suits you for what you are. Hick.

PussyGaloreFightTeam -

You don't really listen to music.

 Do I really have to point out what is funny about this?

PussyGaloreFightTeam - 

You have never read a book. You can't read a big boy book. You cannot because you are not an intellectual. You refuse to. Because your brain is not strong enough, or big enough, to read a book. You have cheated your way to a GED in high school.

 Actually David, I was an honors grad from Odessa High, 2002. Also, when I graduated from OHS, I had earned 12 hours of criminal justice from Odessa College. Furthermore, I am on the Dean's list at my current university in business management, a REAL major, not some faggy fingerpaint bullshit. You have failed as an artist just as you have failed as a martial fartist and a human being in general. Go back to a real school, earn a real degree, and stop shoving your Wal-mart water colors up your ass while dreaming of Picasso, who was a fucking hack.

And people who graduate high school don't get a GED, its called a diploma. But you're retarded, so you wouldn't know the difference either way. You're like the kids in the Steven Hawking wheelchairs that can't even wipe their own ass but still get to roll their happy ass across the stage. Go back to making finger paints that Gloria puts on her fridge to make you feel good about yourself, like all good parent do when their kids are fucking 6 years old!

PimpLimp -
PussyGaloreFightTeam - 

You have never read a book. You can't read a big boy book. You cannot because you are not an intellectual. You refuse to. Because your brain is not strong enough, or big enough, to read a book. You have cheated your way to a GED in high school.

 Actually David, I was an honors grad from Odessa High, 2002. Also, when I graduated from OHS, I had earned 12 hours of criminal justice from Odessa College. Furthermore, I am on the Dean's list at my current university in business management, a REAL major, not some faggy fingerpaint bullshit. You have failed as an artist just as you have failed as a martial fartist and a human being in general. Go back to a real school, earn a real degree, and stop shoving your Wal-mart water colors up your ass while dreaming of Picasso, who was a fucking hack.

And people who graduate high school don't get a GED, its called a diploma. But you're retarded, so you wouldn't know the difference either way. You're like the kids in the Steven Hawking wheelchairs that can't even wipe their own ass but still get to roll their happy ass across the stage. Go back to making finger paints that Gloria puts on her fridge to make you feel good about yourself, like all good parent do when their kids are fucking 6 years old!

I like daves art. But that was a pretty good post! Phone Post

 Great, yet another Cardamone bashing thread.

Seriously, we need to get some new people in here. This shit is old as hell already.

Mepaqehe -  Great, yet another Cardamone bashing thread.

Seriously, we need to get some new people in here. This shit is old as hell already.


Mepaqehe -  Great, yet another Cardamone bashing thread.

Seriously, we need to get some new people in here. This shit is old as hell already.

Agreed. I think his LSD influenced art is interesting Phone Post

(rolls eyes) I can do 100 windmill kicks SOBER. In fact, I can do 1,000 of them SOBER RIGHT NOW. I do about 50-100 per day as practice and sometimes more if I feel like it or have the time.

ON LSD I did Windmill kicks on an RIM of an EMPTY WATER FOUNTAIN. I did this in two counter-clockwise circles around the fountain on the rim. The Rim is about 1 foot wide or less and was made of cement.

I was lying on the ground, giggling, laughing, and seeing shapes in the sky, then stood up, saw the fountain, and did those kicks..

but too soon after, I went inside the art museum, and drank too much coffee, and well, according to the Erowid Guide to Psychedelic Safety

(the following drinks/foods could cause a dangerous reaction with psychedelics and cause a bad trip)
Yeast Extract
Pickled Herring
Soy Sauce
Avocados (especially overripe)
Bananas (especially overripe) White Wine
Nutmeg - large doses
Oil of Dill - large doses
Oil of Parsley - large doses
Figs & Raisins

PussyGaloreFightTeam - (rolls eyes) I can do 100 windmill kicks SOBER. In fact, I can do 1,000 of them SOBER RIGHT NOW.

 Prove it.

I never did any painting when I went to art school. I only had two weeks of professional painting instruction from Watercolorist Janet Fish at the Colorado Marie Walsh Art Sharpe Foundation.
Iv'e pretty much taught myself painting.

In art school I did photo/video/new media with Tandy Computers 93-2000. It was not awesome.

Big Mistake doing Video Art instead of Painting in school. Then my paintings would be better.

ok next week when I work out I will set up my video camera and videotape me doing 1,000 windmill kicks. But it's hard to do them all on cement so some will be on cement and some will be on grass.

 No, you said you could do 1,000 RIGHT NOW.

I ordered Kung Fu shoes at Apollos and paid for them and Jameie never gave them to me. Turns out she's just a peice of shit white trash.

I need new shoes to work out on cement. The ones I use have holes in them and I reinforce them with Leather in the soles but I hope they can hold out for 1,000 Windmill kicks.

 You're starting to sound like Larry Srock with the excuses.