ATTN: ClintK9 aka TherewasaGlitchintheMatrix

Hey all, I wanted to stop in while had a chance and thank everyone for the support and thoughts. It really meant so much to hear some of my UG brotheren were concerned about me. didnt feel like anyone in the world cared.

quick update, as D421 posted, been goin thru rough time still. was lucky to get the car in mid july, but it was a few months too late. by then I was so sick from cig smoke and other chemicals that it didnt make much difference. I seem to be able to manage things invloving smells a bit better after 10 months of this, but my parents smkoing is still killin me and keepin me hiding in my room, with a mask on, in a depressed, somewhat suicidal state. I try to go to the park or open areas to rest & breathe, but its gettin cold out and I just sit there for a bit and back to the cig smoke. I have no other place to go/live and they will NOT quit or smoke outside. they say too bad, its thier house. even as Im throwing up and shitting myself daily (organ failure). they actually get mad slam doors and treat me bad because I get sick from the smoke. I was able to go and rest/sleep in a make shift hobo set up in the woods by my house, but its got cold again and cant do it anymore. not sure what else to do, so thats where Im at with all that.

D421 & sparkuri have been very supportive and caring thru all this. cant thank them enough. as well as everyones kind comments. Illumination: your last post really help me feel not so bad about the way I feel. I've been pretty embarrassed about it all. used to have the Renzo "never tap" attitude, then find myself ready to tap out in life. not sure how to feel about myself thru all this.

anyway, thanks again all. Ima try to interact a bit more when I can. tryin to look foward to next sat (ufc205). good fights tonite too.

peace out all :)

Hey Glitch, glad you're ok man. Fights were great tonight, and yes, UFC205 cannot come any sooner, cant wait! Phone Post 3.0

Glad to hear from you mate, would camping in thermal gear help??

Take care mate, have a good one. Phone Post 3.0

Glad things are getting a little bit better dude. Sometime people on this forum can be total dicks, but if you are feeling down or just need someone to talk to then there are loads of us here - even complete strangers- who you can talk to. Phone Post 3.0

Jimmy Recard - Glad to hear from you mate, would camping in thermal gear help??

Take care mate, have a good one. Phone Post 3.0

thanks guys!

not really, its more breathing the cold air. I get sick very easy these days, esp sinus infections.

Jimmy Recard - Glad to hear from you mate, would camping in thermal gear help??

Take care mate, have a good one. Phone Post 3.0

thanks guys!

not really, its more breathing the cold air. I get sick very easy these days, esp sinus infections.
If you get a heater like a pot belly for the air immediately around you to take the chill out the air, would that help mate??

IMO if the people around aren't making an effort you gotta do something fren, don't let this shit situation beat you.

There's gotta be something that'll work Phone Post 3.0

Jimmy Recard - 
Jimmy Recard - Glad to hear from you mate, would camping in thermal gear help??

Take care mate, have a good one. Phone Post 3.0

thanks guys!

not really, its more breathing the cold air. I get sick very easy these days, esp sinus infections.
If you get a heater like a pot belly for the air immediately around you to take the chill out the air, would that help mate??

IMO if the people around aren't making an effort you gotta do something fren, don't let this shit situation beat you.

There's gotta be something that'll work Phone Post 3.0

I've been lookin online and found this, but dont have $750 to try it. too bad, looks like it might help.

Hey all, im so f'n sorry, but im kinda needin some help here. Im sufferin REALLY bad still due to the cig smoke issue. I cry and beg god every night and Im not goin to be able to do this much longer. windows had to be closed in the house (cold weather) so constant smoke and 24 hr headches and nausea, adjusmtents wont hold due to shaking, etc.

I put a link up for a smoke machine on previous post. its $800 w/tax/shipping. after begging, my church said they would pitch in half and after arguing my family said they'd pitch in $200. so I just need $200 more. If ANYONE could possibly be able to help out PLEASE PLEASE let me know.

This machine has 100% money back guarantee, so Im either going to get relief and be able to breathe again and you guys will hear good news or it goes back and evereyone gets the money back. I'll post who helped and post reciept and keep everyone up to date on it.

but I would like to try. I dont have anyone else to ask or I would and it'd been done already.

PLEASE PLEASE brotha's, help me maybe have a chance and fight back a little.

Please guys! I am beggin you with my life. PLEASE!

dhughes - I'll put in $100. Lemme know where. Phone Post 3.0

oh man, thank you sooooo much. almost there.

paypal is

vtfu dhughes, that's why we love the ug 


Wish I could help more but things are tight with Christmas coming up 

Was able to send you $30

Just sent $20, so it looks like you only need another $50 now. Keep your head up, mate.

Hey Clint, as a quadriplegic who is completely understand the burden feeling. It makes it WAAAY worse when the people who are supposed to love you and help you make you feel like a burden.

I struggle with this shit every day of my life, man. Just try to always remember that there are good people who truly love you and would do anything for you, even if that's not the people you want/need it to be.

I've contemplated ending it all more times than I can count. A lot of times, I feel like life would be easier for everyone if I wasn't around. But, then I remember all the people who truly care, and would be devastated if I did.

If you ever need to talk to someone in a similar situation, I'd welcome it with open arms. Either pm me or get my number from D. I look forward to hearing from you, bro. Phone Post 3.0

^^^ Who is completely dependant on others for help. Phone Post 3.0

dhughes - I'll put in $100. Lemme know where. Phone Post 3.0

oh man, thank you sooooo much. almost there.

paypal is
I'm throwing you $100, as well, mi amigo. It'll be in your pp today. Phone Post 3.0

Rejoice! Phone Post 3.0

I wish you good fortune Glitch. Phone Post 3.0

MMAQuadfather - Hey Clint, as a quadriplegic who is completely understand the burden feeling. It makes it WAAAY worse when the people who are supposed to love you and help you make you feel like a burden.

I struggle with this shit every day of my life, man. Just try to always remember that there are good people who truly love you and would do anything for you, even if that's not the people you want/need it to be.

I've contemplated ending it all more times than I can count. A lot of times, I feel like life would be easier for everyone if I wasn't around. But, then I remember all the people who truly care, and would be devastated if I did.

If you ever need to talk to someone in a similar situation, I'd welcome it with open arms. Either pm me or get my number from D. I look forward to hearing from you, bro. Phone Post 3.0

voted up

Also... just nice to see the camaraderie.

holy cow! you guys are the best! thank you SOOOO Much. just got out here to see I got the help. oh man, thanks guys!

another small request. Everyone PLEASE PLEASE pray this machine works for me. dont know what else to do if it dont. if even if you dont beleive, please pay anyway, lol.

I couldnt even come out of my room all night. weekends are worst. they watch tv all night and smoke non stop. they go to bed about midnight. so it usually takes til about 3-4 am for some smoke to clear for me and I can come out of my room. then sunday is the Bears (football) so they smoke all day on sunday. REALLY hate weekends. but hopefully this will change.

gettin the cash to Bishop tommorrow, and he's ordering. hope this thing arrives fast. ill keep ya'll informed.

Thnks again guys. I cant tell you enough how much this means.

thanks for all kind words and support. OP has been talkin with me on the phone whenever I need to call, even middle of the night. and helped me out with a few other things I was havin issues with. thanks so much brotha! thanks you also D421 as well.

Is there anything else or any other products you could use to help your situation?

Ocean6 - Is there anything else or any other products you could use to help your situation?
VU Phone Post 3.0