Would you please call Joe Lauzon "Creepy Joe" about 50 times in each of the next 3 PPV's so that the nickname will stick and we will no longer have to discuss this issue on the interweb?

BTW, if a similar thread already exists, please disregard.

But seriously, call him "CREEPY JOE"

Uh, I guess



If Joe Rogan says it, it WILL stick.



Buffer's take on that would be awesome!

and while we have your attention Joe, check out to get your facts straight before you make an idiot of yourself with your facts mixed up. as we know you put no effort into researching the facts correctly like a good colour commentator would. about time you start.

I think you mean "color" commentator.

seems like a dumb thread from where i stand.

TTT for Rogan calling him Creepy. I'd like to see that post fight interview.

WC17, you're an idiot. Rogan does an excellent job which is why he's doing it and not you. That is all.

mmaark, if it's sso ddumb, then ddon't ppost on it.


"I think you mean "color" commentator"

No I mean "colour" commentator. not the incorrect American spelling of the word, the proper spelling of the word.

"Retard Strength!!!!"

That was it for me!

"WC17, you're an idiot"

and Phil Baroni is a role model in your world. enough said.

In that case don't you mean "the proper spelling of the 'wourd'"

"and Phil Baroni is a role model in your world. enough said."


WC17, you seem to have some pent up anger.

no, the Brtish/Canadian dictionary long invented before America wanted to put their touches on things spells the "word" just as is, "word". it spells "colour" "colour". please dont try and argue in favour of a country that calls "french fries", "freedom fries". You will find that most of the world does not do things your way. Keep your way, your own.