ATTN Kirik, Chris, Mods, UKTT & Uggers

There's a dick posting on here pretending to be UKTT, he's had multiple accounts banned and is a serial troller, spammer and trouble maker.

I'm pretty sure it's i33p33t.

He's using the name (kinda my name). N?g? bear

Can a mod please check his IP addy to the names which have been banned invent last few weeks, some of them are i33t33pUKTT, godsavethequeen (stolen in mid name change) and his latest one.

He's even trolled up a thread for a suck 8yr old kid.

 Yep what he did on the thread about the sick kid was bullshit, get him out of here.

 Personally I think it's hilarious someone is trolling the UKTT.

Trolling a thread about a sick child is uncool though.

If you are going to make threads like this complaining about a poster then please provide links as most of us MODs won't act without evidence.

I bet there's an army of mods running this down for you right now. Way to rally the troops 'bro.

edit = P.S.> If he did dump on a sick child thread he should be out of here asap.

I'm a witness....

Muzalini - 
N?G? bear - Dear OP,
This is in the WFA. Also, not martial arts so misleading title.
Sincerely UKTT

 Voted Down! 

Thoughts and prayers your way OP

 I wouldn`t worry about it NoGi...     if some loser is sad enough to take the time to creat a fake acount just to imitate us then the joke is on him...

I created the thread about the child with heart problems.  Here is the thread.

Here is what this piece of shit is posting:

N?G? bear - 

RapedByDiazOnTheDaley - 
YuckFou - 
N?G? bear - Dear OP,

This is in the WFA. Also, not martial arts so misleading title.

Sincerely UKTT


Go fuck yourself.


Every decent human being


ps When did Tae Kwon Do stop being a martial art?

i lold but that guy should have a little more class then that

i hope the kid makes it

Dear Faggot, 

Did Tae Kwon Do kill this moron? No? Then my point still stands.

Sincerely UKTT

PS This message approved by the Queen and GSTQ

Thanks Dreamer.

Lol forget you gtsq. Mods can check my ip and find that this the only account I've ever made. I'm glad I'm on your mind though :) Phone Post

PickledSoylentQueen - There's also a guy named "Nubinatub" who is illegally using the UKTT avatar and his posting style is similar to this N?g? guy. Probably the same person.
yeah..    Nubinatub,133p33??..   etc..

somebody has a hardon for the UKTT apparently..      its a shame they don`t have a very good sense of humour :(

pathetic..       he follows us around like a fart in a spacesuit :(


 Lol, sick kid aside it's hilarious that all their schtick is starting to backfire!

Archer0545 -  Lol, sick kid aside it's hilarious that all their schtick is starting to backfire!


 some people are easily amused..    

Archer you going for the 2011 double of your award? I think you'll have to up your game with the new breed of wankers coming through the ranks mate :) plus you've been pretty sound lately so you may not even get nominated Phone Post

Haha I've never noticed it said troll team before

Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos

Nubinatub -  Lol forget you gtsq. Mods can check my ip and find that this the only account I've ever made. I'm glad I'm on your mind though :) Phone Post

 lol..      Youre glad youre on HIS mind?

Arent you the guy whos based your whole persona on being a fake UKTTer?

All impostors aside, you guys are on a bit of a streak aren't you?

England takes it in Diaz

OveREEMed A New Butthole - You UKTT guys obviously don't fit here, you always stick out, have problems with other members, and most importantly snitch, which is a big no, no on the UG.

You've created your own little gang here and cause problems, you fucking UK hooligans!
...and your point is?????