Hey Quik,

supercan started a thread about how he wanted to fight once. Dreamer430, who also has a dream to fight once in his life stepped up to fight him... Since then 3-4 other potential UG matches have arisen... none out of spite or hate... All in good spirit to test ourselves and fullfill a dream.

This could potentially go down in August at ICE in Cincinnati.  We are looking for Kirik's input as well as he should want to publicize it as an event.



I'll fight anyone, anytime, anywhere any weight about 185

Let me know

Pummelgear: I could probably use some shorts.

Drop me an email at and I'll send your the information you need and we can discuss payment.

Quik: Well, Supercan started a thread called "I have a dream to fight....once!" stating that he'd like to try at least one fight but not against some monster that'd destroy him.

I told him I'd volunteer to be his first opponent if he's willing to fly to Cincinnati, OH.

So I started the thread "Official UG Challenge" to let the UG know what's going on and we started getting several people who liked the idea and wanted to get in on the fights, I jokingly called in the 2007 UG Grand Prix and that's what it became.

Soon into the thread Vengence jumped in and told us we could probably do it at the ICE show in Cincinnati at the Metropolis nightclub.

He said he's talked to the promoters already and they liked the idea but we have yet to set a date.

It looks like it'll be in August but again, not totally sure yet.

Along with all this Icedog has offered to give all the participants in this UG Grand Prix free mouth guards to support the event, only charging them for the guards if they don't show up to the fight.

Now we have pummelgear offering discounted gear for us.

This whole thing has exploded far beyond what I expected but it's given me a whole new love for the UG.

That's that in a nutshell.

nice dreamer... this should be a great experience for all. you have a website?

Dreamer - e-mail coming.

Thrill - website launches later this week.

I'll be there for the GP as well if it goes off.

Hey pummel... same here.. Give me a list of what you have and the pricing. I need a bunch of stuff asap!

Email is:

pummelgear...I'm at I need to buy everything except a mouth guard.

Sorry, Dreamer. I have to take credit for calling it the UG Amateur Grand Prix. Now you really want to kick my ass for showing you up, huh!

From: supercan
Date: 04/24/07 04:33 PM
Member Since: 02/11/2005
1992 Total Posts Ignore User

Damn! I just got out of a meeting at work and can't believe we're up to 3 pages already.

I'll post a pic or two later. I'm the one always taking pics of my wife and kids so I'm in very few.

This could be epic! The first annual UG Amateur Grand Prix!

Hm, maybe you did, doesn't matter though.

I'm going to kick your ass for eating my jerky.


Granted this is a few months away so I am storing all the emails I have recieved in my gmail.

And it will be something I intend to work on.
I think this could be fun, bring new fans to the fight game, bring some new users to, and overall be something to give Amateur MMA an attention boost

Kirik...I thought you said Sunday. We'd still love to hear from you on this and how we can be of service in promoting our favorite MMA website.

As this sport grows and larger media outlets start paying attention, the competition for MMA websites will get more fierce. We want to help make sure that stays at the forefront with fans and fighters alike!

Have patience, Kirik is clearly having a strategic meeting at the headquarters in Shanghai discussing the enormous repercussions if Dana were to pick this up and run with it.


shit, only a 4?

Here is the card so far:

UG Amateur Grand Prix: Date TBD IN CINCINNATI, OH (Likely August)

-Dreamer420 vs. supercan - Fight at 190lbs.
-JackFurious vs. Dwray - Fight at 135lbs.
-Moose Knuckle vs. Xepra - Fight at 125lbs.
-Bellylikechuck vs. ShotToThePills - Fight at 205lbs.
-vengence vs. TBA
-PiousDevil vs. TBA

Super Heavyweight Match:
-RoundTwo (#1 Super Heavyweight in the World)* vs. TBA

If you guys need a promoter to take this show on I know one that will put on an all UG show film it and put it on television. The show is broadcast nationally on mavtv and locally in the mountain west on mynetwork. You can also purchase unedited videos of your fights the night of the event. The only hard part is everyone would have to make it to salt lake city.


thats a pretty long flight for most people to go and fight for free haha