ATTN: Magnum TA

Either Way we need to make this happen sooner than later...Now all we have to do is see how MagnumTA response is...hopefully we he won't say 6 months this time...

 I tried to make it happen last week and I am done discussing it until the time comes when it does happen.

Ok now bye bye then. Phone Post

Magnum TA -  I tried to make it happen last week and I am done discussing it until the time comes when it does happen.

Sgt. Slaphead -



i have not yet read the entire thread, because unlike Turdle i actually have a life, but i would like to officially make a wager here.

I bet this match never takes place due to turdle fheggotry, and will give odds on him leaving island just short of 6 months. Or 7....whatever the fuck it is.

How much? Do I get money for the match happening and not leaving within a certain time frame or just one flat payment?

Not that I would ever "bet" or "gamble" on a match being the posters that post here and their "job titles," I would be willing to donate to the better grappler, to help with the cost of training and such, in the amount of 50 pesos, hypothetically of course.

 calls baret

*prepares to be slapped and choked out Phone Post

Magnum TA - How much? Do I get money for the match happening and not leaving within a certain time frame or just one flat payment?

i'll throw in $5 for you to take Meat's match now. I'll pay you $20 if you left our state never to return!

The latter of the two works best for everyone imo.

I said free stickers too!!! 6 months wait,fuck that shit. Come on Todd do it in 6 days!!!

Quit being a fag and man up TA. Phone Post

Plate lunch for the winner of this match....who else willing to donate??? But not if it is 6 months... I will donate if it happens within the next 2 weeks....TA you in??? I know MR is...

I will.

 MR was not even honest with us about his confrontation with DC (and even tried to hide it). We cannot be sure of anything he says IMO.

FEAR IS A GOOD THING TURD,keeps you from getting hurt and or choked unconcious. MR will dominate.

B_RYCE - FEAR IS A GOOD THING TURD,keeps you from getting hurt and or choked unconcious. MR will dominate.

 That's certainly possible.

WHy do you like to piss people off so much? Just tell em that your semi retarded and all is good,then I can except that you are a "special" person. Damn I hope this shit goes down.

Fuck it I give up. Its beyond my thought process.

Magnum TA -  MR was not even honest with us about his confrontation with DC (and even tried to hide it). We cannot be sure of anything he says IMO.

What reason do I have to bring it up? Nothing happened.

Why don't you go run to your friend, have him come here and tell the story?

You're such a fucking punk bitch. Phone Post