Attn: Ricco Rodriquez

good, I like a woman who knows her place.

More funnys, I love it.

I'm going home and going to bed. Goodnight demoness, you can dream about me.

demoness you get sexier all the time.....

I think this thread is very amusing.

One question, how did Scary get his name? It just doesn't seem to fit the mug.

I only read the first post so I am not sure if anyone covered this but it may have felt like a girl becuase it was a slap not a punch.

demoness, put that thing down before someone gets hurt.

unless your using it to have your way with me.

Good job helping Vitor train for Randy, Jerry, looks like you and Paul Herrea and the rest of the band wagon jumpers, worked with him on his wrestling very well. To bad you guys were no help to him and you have to get on a new bandwagon since Team Belfort thinks your camp was SHIT! How did that Bitch slap feel? Ricco will submit you in a matter of seconds and maybe end your vibrant career! If you make it past your KOTC fight!!! Everyone who Ricco fights usually has cardio on there side against!! NOT YOU, Jerry=gased 1 round! Just long enough for that dreaded armbar! Good Luck, youll need it!!!! Ricco has plenty time to help Tito, unlike all his former training partners like you who jumped ship after he lost, to the next champ Vitor(short lived) now you guys are back to square 1! Sorry Randy Couture has no where for you guys in his camp!

demoness, make me regret it I dare you

uh oh, this thread just got stepped up!!


Who does Ricco fight this weekend?

He fought in Mexico.

Ain't this some funny shit.
Hey Shrek, it was a bitch slap, not a punch. The fact that you thought it was a punch just tells us all how hard you take a pimp slap.

And yes, Ricco did win this weekend.

Ricco by armbar